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fǎ lǜ shǐ xué
  • science of legal history;science of history of law
  1. 中国现代法律史学是在传统法律史学和外来法律史学的双重基础上建立起来的。

    The science of Chinese modern law history is based on both the traditional science of legal history and exotic science of legal history .

  2. 他的唯物史观为考察法律现象提供了新的视角,开辟了研治中国近代法律史学的新路径。

    His theory and thought were considered to have significance in Chinese modern science of legal history .

  3. 比较法制史:中国法律史学研究的新视角

    Comparative Legal History : New Horizon in Chinese Legal History Research

  4. 法律史学研究方法问题商榷

    Some Problems on the Approaches of Law History Studies

  5. 我国的法律史学目前正在走入困境,研究现状令人担忧。

    Nowadays , law history studies in China have come to a dead end .

  6. 法律史学以法律制度史和法律思想史为研究对象。

    The study object of China legal history is China legal history of system and China legal history of ideology .

  7. 本文第一章从法律史学角度简单介绍了美国反倾销的发展历史。

    The first chapter introduces the development of the antidumping law of the United States ( theUS ) in a historical perspective .

  8. 21世纪的中国法律史学研究面临新的问题和极富时代性的挑战。

    The scientific research of legal history in China of the 21 st century faces new problems and challenges of the new era .

  9. 本论文选题可归属于教育史学与法律史学的交叉学科研究范畴,并兼有法理学的零星思考。

    The thesis belongs to the research category of crossover study of education history and legal history ; moreover , it owns a sporadic thinking of jurisprudence .

  10. 近代意义的中国法律史学科萌生以来,“法制史”、“法律发达史”、“法律史”经历了一个演变的过程。

    Since the emergence of the science of Chinese law history , history of legal system , history of law development and history of law have undergone a series of change .

  11. 作者指出:法律史学研究应当侧重从法的角度入手,而发掘史料、考证史实则应最大限度地借助史学界的研究成果。

    The author points out that the study of law history should rest on the ground of law , taking advantage of whatever information , historical evidences and academic achievements from the history circle .

  12. 隋唐禁止私修国史政策的确立,从法律上划定了史学活动的禁区。

    In the sui and Tang dynasties , private records of state history was prohibited , thus in law the sphere of historical research was limited .

  13. 历代法律史学家建构的法律史学科体系,向我们展示了法律史学研究的真谛。

    China legal history subject and system constructed by many legal historians has shown the true essence of China legal history studies .

  14. 从法律的角度出发,明朝廷限制宗藩权利的一系列律令制度都显现了现代法律的特点,一定程度上具有现代法律的意义,从法律角度对其进行探讨为丰富法律史学研究有积极意义。

    From a legal point of view , a series of laws restricting rights demonstrate the characteristics of modern law , and have the meaning of modern law . From a legal point of view to discuss it can enrich the study of legal history .