
ní jīn
  • golden paint;coating material made of powdered gold or other metals
泥金 [ní jīn]
  • [coating material made of glue and powdered gold or other metals;golden paint] 用金粉或金属粉制成的金色涂料,用来装饰笺纸或调和在油漆中涂饰器物

  1. 另外,此处的“金经”不是用泥金书写的。

    Moreover , it is not written in Nijin .

  2. 北京大学发现12世纪日本的重要历史人物平清盛的珍贵文物&泥金写本《阿弥陀经》。

    A precious relics attributable to Taira Kiyomori an important figure of the 12th century Japan was found recently in Beijing University .