
  • 网络the Taylor Rule
  1. 需要证据的话,请看一下泰勒规则(taylorrule)美联储据以制作模型、以确定合适的联邦基金目标利率的经济公式。

    As evidence , consider the Taylor rule , an economic formula that the Federal Reserve uses to model the appropriate fed funds target interest rate .

  2. 引入利率平滑机制后的前瞻性泰勒规则比原始CGG模型中的规则要好,拟合优度大幅度提高。

    Forward-looking Taylor Rule with interest rate smoothing mechanism is better than original CGG model and R2 increases a lot .

  3. 这也等于是说美联储承诺其政策不会受到所谓的泰勒规则(Taylorrules)的影响。

    It also amounts to a promise from the Fed that its policy will ignore so-called Taylor rules .

  4. 基于扩展的泰勒规则,使用广义矩估计(GMM估计)分别对扩展的Phillips曲线、加入了资产价格的IS曲线以及利率反应模型进行了实证分析。

    We respectively empirically analyzed the extension of Phillips curve , the IS curve contained the asset prices and the interest reaction model , by using GMM estimation , based on the extended Taylor rule .

  5. 真实利率主要参与构成第二个成分,它的影响方向与Frankel模型预测不符,本文采用泰勒规则下的理性预期进行解释。

    The real interest rate consist the second component but has different sign from what the Frankel model forecasts . We explain it from the rational expectations under Taylor Rules .

  6. 泰勒规则在中国的实证检验及拓展

    Empirical Test for Taylor 's Rule in China and its Extension

  7. 其中想必也包括泰勒规则。

    Including , presumably , the use of that Taylor rule .

  8. 非线性泰勒规则在我国货币政策操作中的实证研究

    The Empirical Study on Nonlinear Taylor Rule in China 's Monetary Policy operation

  9. 前瞻性泰勒规则能提高中国货币政策的透明度。

    E the anticipatory Taylor 's rule could enhance the transparency of monetary policy .

  10. 泰勒规则在中国的协整检验

    Cointegration Test of Taylor Rule in China

  11. 泰勒规则及其在中国的适应性分析

    Taylor Rule and Its Applicability in China

  12. 结论认为泰勒规则能够为中国运用利率调控经济提供一个基准。

    The conclusion demonstrated that Taylor Rule could provide a benchmark for interest rate adjustment to macroeconomic .

  13. 第三部分主要是泰勒规则在中国适用性检验。

    The third part of this dissertation was the positive research of The Taylor Rule in China .

  14. 接下来讨论了泰勒规则有关变量的选择问题,为之后的实证检验做准备。

    Secondly , we discuss the choices of variables in Taylor Rule for the following empirical test .

  15. 第二部分主要是对泰勒规则在中国的适用性评述。

    Then , the second part was comments , mainly for the applicability of The Taylor Rules in China .

  16. 第三章运用泰勒规则的扩展模型,检验了运用货币供应量的泰勒规则在我国货币政策实践中的适用性。

    Chapter three applied Taylor Rule 's expansion model , test the money growth rule 's applicability in our country .

  17. 根据泰勒规则,预测通货膨胀率对政策制定者和私人部门已经变得非常重要。

    According to the Taylor rule , inflation forecasts became more and more important to policy-makers and the private sectors .

  18. 结果认为,泰勒规则抓住了货币政策的本质意图,可以作为货币政策操作的理论依据和参考基准。

    The Taylor rule captures the essential factors affecting the monetary policy and can become the theoretical basis and referenced measure .

  19. 利率对汇率变化反应了吗?&基于开放经济下泰勒规则的分位数回归

    Does Interest Rate React to the Change of Exchange Rate ? Evidence from Quantile Regression on Taylor Rule in Open Economy

  20. 货币政策规则;目标规则;工具规则;相机抉择;通货膨胀目标制;泰勒规则;货币政策框架;

    Monetary Policy Rules ; Targeting Rule ; Instrument Rule ; Discretion ; Inflation Targeting ; Taylor rules ; Monetary Policy Framework ;

  21. 进行格兰杰因果检验,来探究将股市泡沫加入泰勒规则是否合理。

    Then this part uses granger causality test to explore whether joining the stock market bubble to the Taylor rule is reasonable .

  22. 譬如,在2003至2005年期间,美联储一直把利率维持在低水平,明显与泰勒规则相悖。

    Between 2003 and 2005 , for example , the Fed kept interest rates low , apparently in defiance of that Taylor rule .

  23. 作为补救措施,她认为宽松货币政策保持的时间应该比1999年版泰勒规则所要求的更长。

    In compensation for this , she argues that monetary policy should be kept easier for longer than the 1999 Taylor rule implies .

  24. 论文的第三部分还介绍了货币政策规则的相关理论,重点介绍了泰勒规则的由来和基本模型。

    Section 3 describes the theory of monetary policy rules , mainly focusing on the origin of the Taylor Rule and its basic model .

  25. 货币政策规则包括工具规则和目标规则,工具规则包括传统的货币数量规则、泰勒规则、麦克勒姆规则。

    Monetary policy rules include instrument rules and targeting rules . Instrument rules include the traditional quantity rule , Taylor rule , McCallum rule .

  26. 同时,泰勒规则值分析表明通货膨胀目标制使中央银行对产出和通货膨胀的反应发生了改变。

    The analysis made by Taylor rules indicates that inflation targeting makes the central bank to change in the reaction of output and inflation .

  27. 然后阐述了几种重要的利率规则,尤其是泰勒规则,对货币政策操作实践具有很强的指导意义。

    Then discusses several important interest rate rules , especially the Taylor rule , which is of great importance to the practice of monetary policy .

  28. 考虑到当前的失业和通胀水平,泰勒规则认为利率应为-1.65%,而这是不切实际的。

    Given the current levels of unemployment and inflation , the Taylor rule says the rate should be negative 1.65 per cent , which is not practical .

  29. 以我国的货币政策数据对泰勒规则及其扩展模型进行实证检验和验证泰勒规则在我国的适用性。

    This paper employs the historical analysis and the reaction method to conduct an empirical analysis of China 's monetary policy in the framework of Taylor rule .

  30. 第二章主要介绍了中国改革开放以来的货币政策,及其所面临的政策困境,并分析了泰勒规则在中国的适用性。

    From Chapter two we began to analysis monetary policy in our country from reform and opening-up , obstacles facing and applicability of Taylor Rule in our country .