
  • 网络the gulf of thailand;G.of Thailand
  1. 我在一艘自河边小镇贡布(Kampot)出发,摇摇晃晃前往泰国湾(GulfofThailand)的橙色小船上,踮着脚尖走过一块块的木制船板。

    I tiptoed across the wood planks of a wobbly orange boat heading from the riverside town Kampot to the Gulf of Thailand .

  2. 北部湾海防附近的最大变差可达6m以上,而赤道附近、越南顺化、泰国湾中部变差最小,只有1m左右。

    Gulfs . ( 3 ) The largest variational range of tide exceeds 6m near Haiphong in the Beibu Bay and reduces to about 1m in the regions near the equator , Hue , and in the central part of the Gulf of Thailand .

  3. 美国Unocal公司在泰国湾的钻井技术

    Drilling technology applied by American Unocal company in Siam Bay

  4. UNOCAL公司在泰国湾埃拉温气田采用先进的配套钻井和管理模式技术进行钻井作业,具有当代国际上一流的钻井水平,值得我们学习和参考。

    The advanced drill technology and management mode adopted by UNOCAL Corp in Gulf of Tailand is of the first class level in the world and is worth for us to learn and refer to .

  5. 美国海军(U.S.Navy)第七舰队的发言人表示,正在对以下两个海域进行搜寻:马六甲海峡北部长120海里、宽120海里海域;泰国湾长100海里、宽100海里海域。

    A spokesman for the U.S. Navy 's Seventh Fleet -- which has ships , helicopters and one surveillance plane taking part in the search -- said it was homing in on two areas : a 120-by-120 square-nautical-mile area in the northern part of Malacca Strait and a 100-by-100 square nautical mile area in the Gulf of Thailand .

  6. 他表示,美国海军的一艘P-3C猎户星座海上巡逻机一直在马来西亚西边的马六甲海峡北部进行搜索,同时基德号(USSKidd)和平克尼号(USSPinckney)驱逐舰在东边的泰国湾调遣直升机。

    A U.S. Navy P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft has been searching the northern Strait of Malacca , west of Malaysia , he said , while destroyers USS Kidd and USS Pinckney have been deploying helicopters in the Gulf of Thailand to the east .

  7. 根据第七舰队的介绍,USSKidd上备有两架直升机,目前正在泰国湾西南部搜救区执行直升机搜救任务;USSPinckney目前正在搜救海域东北部执行搜救任务。

    The USS Kidd , which carries two helicopters , is conducting helicopter searches in the southwest section of the Gulf of Thailand search area , while the USS Pinckney is conducting searches in the northeast portion of the search area , according to the Seventh Fleet .

  8. 泰国湾先进钻井技术介绍

    Introduction to the Advanced Drilling Technology in Gulf of Thailand

  9. 层序地层学在泰国湾盆地柬埔寨海域D区块的应用

    Application of sequence stratigraphy in block D of Cambodia Sea in Gulf of Thailand

  10. 泰国湾第四纪层序建造与河流演化特征

    Characteristics of the quaternary sequence construction and river evolution in the gulf of Thailand

  11. 南中国海及泰国湾渔业资源过度利用现状及保护对策

    Countermeasures against the Overexploitation of Fishery Resources in South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand

  12. 榴莲已经降级为热带风暴,正穿过泰国湾向西移动。

    Durian has been downgraded to a tropical storm and is heading west across the Gulf of Thailand .

  13. 虽然南中国海及泰国湾周边国家过去都实施了相应的海洋环境保护行动计划,然而缺乏区域协调措施大大降低了这些行动的有效性。

    Although those countries have implemented corresponding marine environmental protection plans , the lack of regional coordination measures significantly reduced the effectiveness of the actions .

  14. 这个位于泰国湾东岸的国际大都市是追求刺激、快乐及冒险的好地方。

    Pattaya , on the eastern coast of the Gulf of Thailand , is a cosmopolitan city dedicated to the pursuit of excitement , pleasure and adventure .

  15. 该总理周四宣布,政府将打开曼谷的水闸门,让来自北部的洪水通过曼谷的运河流到泰国湾。

    The prime minister announced on Thursday that the government would open Bangkok 's sluice gates to allow the deluge from the North to drain through canals in Bangkok into the Gulf of Thailand .

  16. 但是,过度捕捞已经造成股市般陷入衰退几乎无处不在,不仅在一次充满水域的大银行,而且在温暖如泰国湾。

    But overfishing has caused stocks to fall into decline pretty much everywhere , not just in the once-teeming waters of the Grand Banks but also in warmer climes such as the Gulf of Thailand .

  17. 据航空分析师罗伯特所说,幸运的是泰国湾最深水域250英尺(约76米),所以马航的搜寻时间要少很多。

    Fortunately , the Gulf of Thailand is just 250 feet deep at its deepest point , according to airline analyst Robert W. Mann , Jr. , so the search should be much shorter than the Air France one .

  18. 泰国湾有一个被称为死亡之地的Samaesan洞。Samaesan洞坐落在附近的渔村,它是泰国湾最深的潜水地点,最深达到85米。

    The Gulf of Thailand contains a deep point described as a " black silty hole of death . " Named for a nearby fishing village , the Samaesan Hole is the deepest diving site in the Gulf of Thailand , dropping down to 85 meters ( 280 ft ) .

  19. 以下是一名中国游客前不久在泰国皮皮岛的玛雅湾旅游时拍摄的三幅照片。

    Below are three photos taken recently by a Chinese visitor touring Maya Bay on Phi Phi Island in Thailand .

  20. 澳大利亚的托尔控股公司负责位于东部由法国人当年铺设的铁路线,这条陈旧的铁路从首都金边一直延伸到泰国边境和南部的西哈努克港,那是暹罗湾(又称泰国湾)最大的港口之一。

    Australia 's Toll Holdings takes control of old French-built lines in the east , which run from the capital to the Thai border and south to Sihanoukville , home to one of the largest ports in the Gulf of Siam .

  21. 泰国位于东南亚,东部与老挝、柬埔寨交界,南接泰国湾和马来西亚,西临安达曼海和缅甸。

    The kingdom of Thailand is a country in Southeast Asia , bordering Laos and Cambodia to the East , the Gulf of Thailand and Malaysia to the south , and the Andaman Sea and Myanmar to the West .