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liú yù
  • stay abroad
流寓 [liú yù]
  • [stay abroad] 在异乡日久而定居

  • 南北流寓之士,各许还其旧国。--《周书.庾信传》

  • 长年流寓东南亚

  1. 主客之间:明代两湖地区土著与流寓的矛盾与冲突

    The Conflict between Native and Refugees of Hunan & Hubei during the Ming Dynasty

  2. 他们所扮演的是中国与新加坡文学中介者的角色,表现出流寓文学的特色。

    They are playing intermediary role between China and Singapore literature , exhibit refugees literary characteristics .

  3. 原因主要是南京的文化大族流寓多于土著以及有关南京的文献留存数量不多。

    Because cultural lineages in Nanjing were more immigration than indigenous and the retained amount is not much related literature .

  4. 每个部分都以细读流寓文人作品为基础,详细论述了六大意象群的构成元素。

    Discussion are given in detail the elements of the six images in the way of " close reading " each part .

  5. 本文拟就杜甫在重庆的流寓生活和诗歌创作两个方面作一简述,以期大家对此有更明确的认识。

    This paper briefly discusses his chaotic life and poem writing in Chongqing in order to let people have a clearer understanding of this .

  6. 渝州夔门路一千老病残舟诗五百&杜甫在重庆的流寓生活和诗歌创作

    Five hundred poems written on old and invalidity boats on the way to Chongqing and Kuimen & On Du Fu 's life and poem writing in Chongqing

  7. 不论是本土作家、还是流寓他乡的作家都创作了很多杂剧作品,题材丰富,具有较高的艺术价值。

    No matter native writers or writers residing in other places have created a lot of works of drama which are various in subjects and of great artistic value .

  8. 汉末军阀割据,中原士人纷纷流寓各地,致使中原文化向荆州、冀州、辽东等较为边远的地区传播。

    At the end of the Chinese warlord regimes , China scholars have floating around , resulting in the culture of the Central Plains to Jingzhou , Jizhou , Liaodong and other relatively remote areas spread .

  9. 本章首先对唐代流寓齐鲁诗人的类型和数量进行了统计概括,并选择王维和李白作为个案进行研究。

    In this chapter , the types and numbers of the poets coming to Qi-Lu region in Tang Dynasty are counted and summarized firstly , and Wang Wei and Li Bai are chosen to be studied as individual cases .

  10. 本章重点考察汉末文化中心的东迁对魏晋文化格局及文学创作产生的影响,同时对汝颍地区文化与文学的兴起及其传播、荆州流寓士人文化及文风加以论述。

    This chapter focuses on the end of Han Cultural Center East on the pattern of culture and literary creation effects , while the Ru Ying regional culture and literature and its transmission , Jingzhou scholar culture and style of living .