
hǎi àn xiàn
  • coastline;shoreline;sea line;beachline
海岸线 [hǎi àn xiàn]
  • (1) [coastline]

  • (2) 陆地和水域(尤指海或洋)之间形成的界限线

  • (3) 指从海岸交界线向陆地和海面延伸一定范围的水面和地面

海岸线[hǎi àn xiàn]
  1. 海岸线年复一年地被侵蚀着。

    The coastline is being eaten away year by year .

  2. 这条路沿着海岸线的自然轮廓延伸。

    The road follows the natural contours of the coastline .

  3. 公路沿海岸线逶迤而行几英里。

    The road follows the shoreline for a few miles .

  4. 走海岸线那条路——这样会好走一些。

    Take the coast road ─ it 'll be less of a haul .

  5. 飞机沿海岸线飞行。

    The plane flew parallel to the coast .

  6. 我们沿着岩石嶙嶙的海岸线散步。

    We walked along the rocky shoreline .

  7. 透过薄雾他认出了那是英格兰的海岸线。

    He recognized the coast of England through a veil of mist

  8. 由于存在着危险的下层逆流,在大部分海岸线附近游泳都不安全。

    Dangerous undertows make swimming unsafe along most of the coastline .

  9. 这里的海岸线属于世界上最无遮蔽的一段了。

    This is some of the most exposed coastline in the world

  10. 石油沿着海岸线扩散到了大约1,000英里范围的沿岸海域。

    The oil washed ashore on roughly 1,000 miles of coastline

  11. 美丽的海岸线一望无际,笼罩在迷雾之中。

    The beautiful sweeping coastline was cloaked in mist .

  12. 海岸线顺势陡直而下。

    The shoreline shelves away steeply .

  13. 它位于平原与大海之间,跟海岸线形成一个斜角。

    It lies between the plain and the sea at an oblique angle to the coastline .

  14. 虽然能够隐隐约约看到海岸线,但无法估计出大概有多远。

    Though the shoreline could be dimly seen , it was impossible to judge how far away it was

  15. 我们把他放在那里,让他随波漂流,并且告诉他要沿着海岸线走。

    We left him there to float off with the tide , and told him to follow the coast .

  16. 于是葡萄牙人加入其贸易,将这种果实和其他商品一起沿海岸线运出,但直到1620年英国探险家理查德·乔布森来到赞比亚时,可乐果在他看来依然十分稀奇。

    And while the Portuguese took part in the trade , ferrying nuts down the coast along with other goods , by 1620 , when English explorer Richard Jobson made his way up the Gambia , the nuts were still peculiar to his eyes .

  17. 海岸线在另外两个方面大大地影响季风

    The coastline significantly influences the monsoons in two other respects .

  18. 三亚有16个港口、10个海岛和180公里的海岸线

    Sanya has 16 seaports , 10 islands and 180km of coastline .

  19. 他的航行沿智利参差曲折的海岸线行进。

    His voyage was down Chile 's indented coastline .

  20. 海水侵蚀海岸线。

    The water gnaws at the shoreline .

  21. 由此可见塌向刚果海底峡谷的泥沙量之大,这条蜿蜒的通道从非洲西部海岸线切入海洋。

    This gives you a sense of the volume of sand and mud that collapsed3 down the Congo Canyon4 – a sinuous5 channel that leads away from the West African coastline .

  22. 基于3S技术的海岸线测量与管理应用研究

    Study on Application of 3S Techniques in Coastline Surveying and Managing

  23. 较大的岛在西南部,Åland岛的一部分,沿着芬兰海湾南部的海岸线。

    The greater part of the islands is found in southwest , part of the archipelago of the Å land Islands , and along the southern coast in the Gulf of Finland .

  24. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像海岸线检测,在自动导航、地图绘制等海洋应用方面具有重要意义。

    Coastline detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) images plays a significant role in marine applications , such as autonomous navigation , geographic mapping , etc.

  25. 在SAR图像分析中,如何利用计算机自动提取道路、桥梁、河流、海岸线等线性地物信息,具有重要的军用及民用意义。

    It has huge signification to auto extract information of linear terrestrial object such as road , bridge , river and coastline from SAR image using computer in SAR image analysis .

  26. 中石油周二与壳牌(shell)签署了一项初步协议,从其高更(gorgon)项目购买天然气,该项目也位于西澳洲海岸线以外。

    On Tuesday PetroChina signed a preliminary agreement with shell to buy gas from its Gorgon development , also off the Western Australian coast .

  27. 消防队正在奋力扑灭井架大火油井位于路易斯安那海岸线41英里远的地方,为Transocean公司所有和运营,正受托于石油巨头英国石油公司(BPPLC,下称英国石油)进行钻探作业。

    The rig , about 41 miles off the Louisiana coast , is owned and operated by Transocean Ltd. and contracted to British oil major BP PLC .

  28. 利用海岸线的海洋遥感图像控制点(GCP)自动匹配法

    Automatic location of GCPs at sea

  29. 这是大约离海岸线一公里处CNN人员的庇护所,海潮齐腰深而且非常强势。

    It 's where the CNN crew was sheltering , about a kilometer from the shoreline , the surge was waist deep and powerful .

  30. 为美国洲际交易所(icefutures)编制的一份报告称,沿着太平洋海岸线往南,加州已超越新奥尔良,成为美国最大棉花出口港。

    Down the coast , California has surpassed New Orleans as the top point of departure for us cotton shipments , " given the Asian orientation of exports " , according to a report prepared for the ice futures exchange .