
  • 网络cross harbour tunnel;harbour tunnel;Cross-Harbour Tunnel;the Channel Tunnel
  1. 坐落于九龙红磡海底隧道入口旁的香港理工大学,大学内的建筑物,均用上暗红色作为外墙的颜色。

    Situated next to the entrance of the Cross Harbour Tunnel in Hung Hom , the campus of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University could be easily recognized by the red wall of those buildings .

  2. 这一幕称得上革命,因为采矿业迄今未能跟上大型工程项目如英法海底隧道(ChannelTunnel)所采用的先进技术。

    For an industry that has failed to keep up with technologies used in big engineering projects such as the Channel tunnel , this is revolutionary .

  3. 那座偏远小岛上的居民一直梦想着开凿海底隧道。

    The villagers on the remote island have been dreaming of tunnelling under the sea .

  4. 青岛海底隧道F3断裂分析评价

    Analysis and Evaluation on Fracture F3 in Qingdao Harbour Tunnel at Sea Bottom

  5. 地质雷达在胶州湾海底隧道F(4-5)含水断层超前预报中的应用

    Application of ground penetrating radar to the geological forecast for water-bearing faults in the Jiaozhou Bay subsea tunnel construction

  6. 伦敦与海底隧道的新连接意味着开往巴黎的三分之一的火车都将会在新建的斯特拉特福德国际火车站(stratfordinternationalrailstation)停靠。

    New links to the channel tunnel will mean that one in three paris-bound trains will stop at the new Stratford international rail station .

  7. 青岛胶州湾海底隧道F(4-4)含水断层注浆前后TSP探测分析

    Analysis on TSP prediction before and after grouting about water-burst fault F_ ( 4-4 ) of subsea tunnel in Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay

  8. 厦门海底隧道穿越F3风化深槽施工技术

    Construction Technique of Xiamen Undersea Tunnel across F3 Weathered Trench

  9. 来自低成本航空公司的竞争,以及英吉利海底隧道(channeltunnel)如果您是短距离来往英国和欧洲北部之间的话,这两个因素已促使轮船变得更机灵、更舒适。

    Competition from low cost airlines and , in the case of short crossings between the UK and Northern Europe , the channel tunnel , has ensured that ships have become smarter and more comfortable .

  10. 厦门翔安海底隧道右线A2标需要穿越F1风化槽段,制定切实可行的穿越F1风化槽段施工方案显得尤其关键。

    In Tender A2 of right line of Xiamen Xiang ′ an subsea tunnel , weathered slot F1 is needed to cross through .

  11. 最后本文通过伦敦地铁、北京地铁四号线及英法海底隧道三个案例进行了实例分析,总结出PPP模式在准经营性基础设施项目中的经验和教训。

    Finally through London Underground , Beijing Underground and European Tunnel analysis , it concludes PPP mode 's experiences and lessens in quasi-profit infrastructure .

  12. CRD法开挖对海底隧道结构内力及安全系数影响

    The influence of excavation by sections with CRD method on the structural internal force and safety factor in undersea tunnel construction

  13. 以厦门海底隧道F4全强风化囊为工程背景,对海底隧道渗流场进行了分析。

    Using the F4 entire strong weathering bursa of Xiamen subsea tunnel as engineering background , the seepage field of subsea tunnel is analyzed .

  14. 文章运用有限差分软件(FLAC3D)对厦门海底隧道F4风化深槽的涌水情况进行了流固耦合分析。

    The fluid-mechanical analysis on water inflow capacity in Xiamen subsea tunnel was carried out by the finite differences software FLAC ~ ( 3D ) .

  15. 以厦门海底隧道F3风化深槽为例,对超前地质预报系统的内容及工作步骤进行了应用。

    The geological prediction system is applied to an example of F3 weathered slots of Xiamen subsea tunnel . Finally , the development trend of geological prediction system is put forward .

  16. 英法海底隧道:我们担任了TML财团的咨询顾问,就广泛的建设问题提供咨询,为这个很可能是上个世纪欧洲规模最大的建设工程项目作出了贡献。

    Channel Tunnel . We acted as advisor to the TML consortium regarding a wide range of issues arising from the construction of what is probably the greatest European civil engineering project of the last century . Malaysia .

  17. 拟建厦门东通道海底隧道工程位于厦门岛东北端的湖里区五通村与对岸同安区西滨村之间,方向北东NE50°,隧道全长约5.9km,其中海域段长约4.2km。

    Quasi-constructed Xiamen East Passage Submarine Tunnel Construction , NE50 ° in direction and about 5.9 kilometers in the whole length with about 4.2 kilometers ' sea area include , locates between the Wutong Village in Huli Region of northeast end of Xiamen Island and Xibin Village in Tong'an Region .

  18. 海底隧道围岩抗力系数计算方法研究

    Researches on calculation methods of rock resistant coefficients of submarine tunnels

  19. 海底隧道最小岩石覆盖厚度的权函数法

    Weighted function method for minimum rock cover thickness of subsea tunnel

  20. 台湾海峡海底隧道建设构想的多目标规划

    A Mathematic Scheme for the Construction of Taiwan Strait Submarine Tunnel

  21. 胶州湾海底隧道地表沉降及开挖方法的研究

    The Surface Subsidence and Excavation Method of Jiaozhou Bay Subsea Tunnel

  22. 裂隙岩体海底隧道最小岩石覆盖厚度研究

    Study on Rock Cover of Subsea Tunnel in Jointed Rock Mass

  23. 胶州湾海底隧道衬砌混凝土服役寿命预测

    Service Life Prediction of Lining Concrete for Jiaozhou Bay Subsea Tunnel

  24. 厦门东通道海底隧道快速施工之浅见

    Comments on rapid construction of submarine tunnel for Xiamen East corridor

  25. 海底隧道衬砌结构选型及参数优化研究

    Lining structure type of subsea tunnel and its support parameters optimizing

  26. 厦门海底隧道健康监测与安全评估系统的研究

    Research of Health Monitoring and Assessment System of Xiamen Cross-Harbor Tunnel

  27. 数字化隧道工程及其在海底隧道工程中的应用

    The digitization for tunnel engineering and its application in subsea tunnel

  28. 琼州海峡兴建海底隧道可行性初探

    Preliminary investigation on Feasibility of Tunnel Construction in Qiongzhou Straits

  29. 厦门翔安海底隧道土建结构维修养护计算机管理系统

    The Computer Management System of Xia'Men Subsea Tunnel 's Maintainence

  30. 厦门翔安海底隧道中风化槽地段施工工法

    Construction Method of Weathered Trough Section in Xiang'an Undersea Tunnel of Xiamen