
  1. 未建立的清洁和消毒程序的有效性。

    Failure to establish the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection procedures .

  2. 所有我所知道消毒程序。

    For all I know , sterilized .

  3. 清洗消毒机程序式控制系统的设计

    Design of programmed control system of washing disinfector

  4. 结论在符合空气细菌标准条件下进行输液加药操作,聚丙烯塑料输液瓶可取消加药前后进行瓶塞消毒的程序。

    Conclusion The procedure of disinfection before and after opening polypropylene plastic infusion bottle closure cover under the standard environment could be canceled .

  5. 本文先介绍新规范中强调的消毒灭菌程序之前的清洗的重要性。新加坡在这个时候开始强调体育的重要性是最合时宜的。

    The presentation starts with a short overview of the coming disinfection norms which highlight the value of cleaning before disinfection and sterilizing procedures . It is timely to stress the importance of sports .

  6. 包材严格执行特定的消毒、杀菌程序;

    The package material carries out the particular sterilizing , sterilization procedure strictly ;

  7. 结论严格执行胃镜清洗消毒技术操作程序及防护措施,预防胃镜使用过程中的医院感染。

    CONCLUSIONS Be strict in sterilizing ( procedure ) s and protecting measures , and prevent the interactive infection in the hospital during gastroscopy .

  8. 循环管路,储罐和消毒或蒸汽灭菌程序期间中的温度,应有监控。

    Temperatures in loops and storage tanks , as well as during sanitization or steam sterilization procedures , should be monitored .

  9. 熟食制售过程微生物污染控制措施包括:从业人员食品安全知识宣教,加工工具、容器卫生清洗消毒等标准卫生程序的建立及实施,关键控制环节控制措施的制定和实施。

    The measures to control the microbe contamination we took were included the food safety propaganda to the employees , cleaning and disinfecting the implements and containers regularly , establishing and carrying out the HACCP .

  10. 方法从医务人员、诊疗环境设置、消毒设备、消毒方法和程序、卫生学监测等方面,制定相对应的管理制度。

    METHODS We made some responsive management systems related to medical staff , diagnosing and treating environment , sterilization instrument , sterile methods and procedure , hygienic monitoring , etc.

  11. 结果消毒柜满载条件下,只启动消毒程序,柜内中心点温度为28.1℃;

    Results Under condition of full load of the disinfector and only starting the disinfection program , the temperature at the central point of the disinfector was 28.1 ℃ .