首页 / 词典 / good


táo qì
  • naughty;mischievous;be bullied;be difficult and sulky
淘气 [táo qì]
  • (1) [naughty;mischievous]∶顽皮,不听话

  • (2) [be difficult and sulky;be bullied] 〈方〉∶怄气;受气

淘气[táo qì]
  1. 我甚至见过她在扎拉淘气的时候使劲摇晃她。

    I 've even seen her shake Zara when she 's been naughty .

  2. 姑娘们,你们真是淘气。

    Girls , you 're being very naughty

  3. 硬说一个小小的婴儿淘气是不公平的。

    It is unfair to label a small baby as naughty .

  4. 孩子们淘气时,我强捺住性子不发脾气。

    I struggle to keep my temper with the kids when they misbehave .

  5. 那些孩子总是淘气。

    Those children are always getting into mischief .

  6. 她是个淘气又执拗的孩子。

    She was a wicked and obstinate child .

  7. 我想开玩笑是他的主意,真是个淘气鬼。

    It 's his idea of a joke , I suppose , the scallywag .

  8. “我想他有点儿淘气,”康斯坦丝说道。

    ' I think he was a bit of a devil , ' Constance said .

  9. 他有一点淘气。

    He 's a little mischievous .

  10. 他们俩都看着他,带着一副好奇的、有点觉得好笑甚至是淘气的表情。

    Both of them looked at him with that curious , slightly amused and even arch expression .

  11. 每次让丹尼尔的妹妹做什么事,她总是要淘气地回嘴。

    Whenever Daniel 's little sister was asked to do something she always had a naughty reply .

  12. 有淘气的含义,可能不是一个特别恰当的词。

    ' Urchin ' , with its connotation of mischievousness , may not be a particularly apt word . urchin

  13. 他是个淘气鬼,从小就不老实。

    He was a terror . He had been a difficult child for as long as his parents could remember .

  14. 在她看来,那个淘气的小男孩是个让人受不了的学生。

    In her eyes , the naughty boy was an insufferable student .

  15. 他对待淘气的小孩儿没什么耐心。

    He has little patience with naughty kids .

  16. 在学校里,淘气的男生常欺负女生。

    Naughty boys often bully girls at school .

  17. 那名小男孩很淘气,他在沃尔玛超市里打开了两包曲奇饼干。

    The little boy was so naughty that he opened two packages of cookies at Walmart .

  18. 那淘气的男孩借口头疼,离开了教室。

    The naughty boy left the classroom on the plea of a headache .

  19. 你这个淘气鬼,别拉猫的尾巴了。

    You naughty boy , stop pulling the cat 's tail .

  20. 这孩子很淘气,喜欢恶作剧。

    The child is very naughty and likes to play practical jokes .

  21. 这孩子很聪明,可就是有些淘气。

    The child is very bright , but a bit too mischievous .

  22. 这孩子非常淘气,连他父亲都管不了他。

    The child is very naughty and even his father cannot manage him .

  23. 他们的儿子是个冒失的小淘气鬼!

    Their son is a cheeky little monkey !

  24. 她的举止有点淘气。

    She was rather arch in her behaviour .

  25. 别捉弄她了,你这个小淘气鬼!

    Stop teasing her , you little fiend !

  26. 别捣乱了,小淘气!

    Stop that , you little monkey !

  27. 淘气的孩子令人讨厌。

    Wicked children are quite annoying .

  28. 你这个小淘气鬼!

    You naughty little scallywag !

  29. 这里的小马之所以淘气,是因为海托是旅游重镇,游客们不断地给小马喂食,尽管有人叹着气要求他们不要。

    The reason why the ponies here are naughty is that Haytor is a tourist-heavy area and tourists are constantly feeding the ponies foods , despite sighs asking them not to .

  30. 他淘气地寻找机会让他的姐姐难堪

    He mischievously looked for a chance to embarrass his sister .