
  1. 在此基础上,提出了高中物理习题教学中渗透科学思维方法的基本策略。

    On this basis , I raise high school physics exercises in basic strategy of the scientific method of thinking .

  2. 在学科教学中注重对学生渗透科学思维方法的培养是有助于学生持续发展的重要方面,具有非常重要的意义。

    In teaching students to pay attention to the cultivation of scientific thinking infiltration is to help students ' important aspect of sustainable development .

  3. 近代以来,科学理性得到了极大的张扬,并渗透到科学思维、政治组织、社会生活等诸领域,以其独特的方式影响着人类的前途和命运。

    Since the modern times , scientific rationality has become widely known to public , which has permeated in many fields , such as scientific thinking , political organization and social life .

  4. 生态意识具有协调人的自然属性与社会属性的双重性,渗透人的思维方式与实践方式的双向性,辐射人的环境保护与发展能量的双效性等时代特征。

    Ecological consciousness has the dualism of coordinating human being 's natural quality and social quality , the bidirection of infiltrating the mode of thought and the mode of practice , and the double-effect of radiating about human being 's environmental protection and development energy .

  5. 数学学科的学习渗透着对学生思维能力的培养,为其它学科的学习提供思维方式和工具,学生数学能力的好坏影响着相关学科(如物理、化学、地理)的学习。

    Mathematics learning permeates thinking ability of students , and provided the ways of thinking and learning tools for other disciplines . The quality of students in math-ability affecting the learning of some related subjects ( Such as physics , chemistry and geography ) .