
  • 网络Temper
  1. 这一项包含负的Tds和,但是dT的部分等于零,因为温度为常数。

    SdT This has minus T dS minus S dT , but the dT part is zero because we 're at constant temperature .

  2. 在边界层顶部zi处,归一化的温度结构常数处于一定的变化范围,归一化温度结构常数处于0.08~0.3之间,这可能与夹卷层的大尺度结构有关。

    At the level z_i of the boundary top , the normalized temperature structure constant varies within a certain range of 0.08 ~ 0.3 , this could be contributed to the large-scale structure in entrainment zone .

  3. 文中采用一个边界层湍流模式估算海面上温度结构常数C2T,模式输入的参数是气温、海表面温度和风速。

    A model of atmospheric boundary layer was used to estimate CT over sea . The input parameters are air temperature , sea surface temperature and wind speed .

  4. 近海面气层温度结构常数的模式和测量

    Modelling and measurement of the structure function constant of temperature over sea

  5. 在建立模型时认为产气层厚度很小,与其它层相比厚度可以忽略,从而产气层内的温度为常数。

    The temperature of the gas producing layer is considered as constant because the thickness is too small compared with other layers .

  6. 推导出利用大气氧气微波辐射起伏统计特征,探测大气温度结构常数分布与风分布的遥感方程。

    The remote sensing equation for determining the profiles of the atmospheric temperature structure constant and wind have been derived by using the statistical characteristics of the fluctuated atmospheric microwave radiation .

  7. 本文提出了一种新的夹卷层温度结构常数相似律公式,得到了模拟和实测数据的支持;(3)在前述研究的基础上,进一步分析了夹卷层结构和大尺度结构的活动。

    Based on the results of simulation and filed measurement , a new dimensionless expression is introduced . ( 3 ) Based on the aforementioned studies , the entrainment layer structure of entrainment layer and the characteristics of large scale structure are discussed .

  8. 氢对Ti合金的Debye温度和晶格常数的影响

    Effect of hydrogen on Debye temperature and lattice parameter of titanium alloy

  9. 用PDF方法求解平均温度梯度为常数的均匀剪切湍流

    The calculation of homogeneous ' turbulent SHE-AR flow within uniform mean temperature gradient using PDF method

  10. 同时,这也是对Steinberg本构模型中的剪切模量温度系数为常数的一个证明。

    This also verifies the assumption in Steinberg constitutive model that G ′ T should be a constant .

  11. A-15型超导化合物转变温度与晶格常数关系的理论解释

    A theoretical explanation on the relation between lattice constant and transition temperature of A-15 superconducting compounds

  12. 反应温度对速率常数的影响用Arrhenius方程关联;氢分压和氢油比对速率常数的影响用幂函数的形式表示。

    In the model , the Arrhenius Equation is used to correlate the effect of temperature with the rate constant , and the effects of pressure and hydrogen / oil ratio on rate constant is expressed in terms of exponent power functions .

  13. 理论计算和实验证明,这种方法的热平衡误差为0.24℃,温度响应时间常数小于0.3s,明显优于其他方法。

    The results of calculation in theory and experiments show that this method has more advantages than classical ones because the maximum error of temperature is 0.24 , and the response time constant is less than 0.3 second .

  14. 提出了一种计算稳态蒸发下液滴表面温度和蒸发常数的方法,并用这种方法确定了美国JP-4、DF-2和中国RP-2等燃油的蒸发特性。

    A numerical procedure for calculating steady-state values of drop-surface , temperature and evaporation constant is described . The method is used to determine the droplet evaporation characteristics of American JP-4 , DF-2 and Chinese RP-2 in quiescent atmospheres .

  15. 地表温度对太阳常数变化响应的数值试验研究

    A Modeling Study on the Response of Surface Temperature to Changes in Solar Constant

  16. 然后对于考试中的大部分问题,这些量都是与温度无关的常数。

    For most problems on exams , those quantities are constant , independent of temperature .

  17. 温度,平衡常数和络合配体对地表水中铝形态分布影响的微机模拟

    Modelling the effects of temperature , equilibrium constants and complexing ligands on the aluminum speciation in surface waters

  18. 通过分析两个长度相同、宽度与厚度相同梁的瞬态冷却特性,获得其冷却时的温度衰减时间常数,便可以提取出表面加工多晶硅薄膜的热扩散系数。

    The thermal diffusivity can be extracted from the time dependence of the two thermal resistances cooling in free air .

  19. 不同温度下的猝灭常数说明小牛胸腺DNA对药物分子的荧光光谱存在静态猝灭;

    The quenching constants at different temperatures are well concluded that calf thymus DNA lead to the static and fluorescent quenching of pesticides ;

  20. 同时Ag的加入抑制了介电温度曲线介电常数的Curie峰。

    Moreover the Curie peak of dielectric constant is repressed .

  21. 研究了SSA与BSA的相互作用,证实了猝灭过程为单一的静态能量转移猝灭,求得了不同温度下的形成常数。

    The interaction between 5-sulfosalicylic acid ( SSA ) and bovine serum albumin ( BSA ) was studied by fluorescence spectrum . The results show the mechanism of quenching belongs to static energy transfer quenching and the association constants at different temperature between SSA and BSA were determined .

  22. 由于甲基丙烯酸为强缔合物质,因此,测定了甲基丙烯酸在50&125℃的P-V-T数据,采用二分子缔合模型估计出不同温度下的缔合常数。

    In view of the fact that MAA is a strongly associated substance , the p-V-T data at 50 & 120 ℃ was also measured . The association constants of MAA at various temperatures were estimated from these p-V-T data by adopting a dimerization model .

  23. 计算了不同温度下的猝灭常数和热力学参数。

    The quenching constants and thermodynamic parameters at different temperatures were calculated .

  24. 温度通过反应平衡常数影响耗氧比。

    And it is also affected by temperature through the reaction equilibrium constants .

  25. 计算了不同温度下的结合常数和结合位点数;

    The binding constants and the numbers of the binding sites at different temperatures were calculated .

  26. 温度对降解速率常数的影响符合Arhenius指数关系式;

    The effect of temperature on the rate constant of sludge degradation coincides with the Arrhenius exponential expression ;

  27. 在实际工作中,温度多假设为常数参与解释,降低了资料的利用率。

    In actual work , temperature often be supposed as constant to participate interpretation , utilization rate is reduced .

  28. 根据不同温度下的平衡常数计算了络合物的生成焓、生成自由焓和熵。

    The formation enthalpy , free enthalpy and entropy of the complex have been calculated by equilibrium constants at different temperatures .

  29. 配套测试装置的机械结构简单,不用加装光电开关,可以测试各种温度传感器的时间常数。

    The mechanical structure is a simple test , without the installation of photoelectric switches , you can test a variety of temperature sensor time constant .

  30. 计算了上述反应在各种纯溶剂和混合溶剂中,不同温度下的速率常数。结果与实验值能较好地符合。

    The calculated rate constants for the above reactions in various pure or mixed solvents and their temperature dependence were in good agreement with the experimental values .