
  • 网络potential suppliers
  1. 此外,Parchment能够比其他大多数潜在供应商提供软件的速度更快。

    In addition , Parchment was able to provide the software much sooner than most of the other potential suppliers .

  2. 这190家企业可能成为西方公司潜在供应商的核心团队,tcs相信,随着服务的扩展,团队中的企业数量以后还可能增加。

    These 190 businesses could become a core group of potential suppliers for Western companies , and which could be added to later as the service expands , so TCS believes .

  3. 内华达州WesternLithium公司一度被视为特斯拉可能选择的一个潜在供应商,可惜股东最终也是空欢喜一场,该公司目前也处于停产中。

    Nevada-based Western Lithium , which has been repeatedly floated as a potentially convenient supplier for Tesla , has taken shareholders on a very bumpy ride , and is not yet online .

  4. 之后,以国内潜在供应商的选择评价和B公司的季度考核为例,介绍优化措施的运作过程和取得的实际效果。

    Implementation after period of time , to potential domestic supplier selection evaluation and assessment of the company A quarter as the example , this paper introduces the operation process and the effectiveness of the optimization results .

  5. 潜在供应商的调查和评估;

    Research and evaluate potential suppliers .

  6. 进行整体采购成本分析,领导与潜在供应商进行的商务谈判。

    Conducts TAC ( Total Acquisition Cost ) analysis and leads the commercial negotiation with potential suppliers .

  7. 诺基亚在决定采用某种特定技术前,一般会与若干潜在供应商进行数年的联合研究。

    Nokia typically works with potential suppliers on joint research for several years before deciding to adopt a particular technology .

  8. 这是极为重要的联系,通过电话或亲自潜在供应商建立一种与他们的关系。

    It is extremely important to contact potential providers by phone or in person to establish a relationship with them .

  9. 使用互联网或其他渠道采购和谈判,拜访现在以及潜在供应商,以审查质量管理体系或促进战略合作关系;

    Use internet or some other channels for sourcing and negotiations , visit current & potential suppliers to audit the quality system or facilitate strategic relationships ;

  10. 计划在今年年内确定一批主要潜在供应商,并于2011年初发布项目征询书。

    ACAE plans to gather information on major potential suppliers in2010 and will send out the request for proposals ( RFP ) at the beginning of2011 .

  11. 如今寻求全球性外包的企业已经有了越来越多的潜在供应商可供其挑选,但受到资源及环境等因素的影响,供应商的能力各不相同。

    Now an increasing number of potential suppliers could be selected by these companies , but by resources and environment factors , the capacity of suppliers varies .

  12. 但由于在禁止赌博的中国进行这种游戏的敏感性,该公司的投资者和潜在供应商之间,对于如何能够以赢奖希望来提高玩家的兴趣,其观点相差很大。

    But in an illustration of the sensitivities of such games in a country where gambling is banned , the venture 's investors and would-be suppliers differ widely on how it will be able to sharpen players ' interest with the prospect of winnings .

  13. AGCO希望在意识上赞同我们的立场的现有的和潜在的供应商应消除我们及供应商的业务对环境所造成的影响。

    AGCO expects existing and potential suppliers to support our position in terms of consciousness versus environmental effects due to our and supplier 's business .

  14. Websynergi被邀请投标,IPTU)品牌过程中(还有一些其他潜在的供应商。

    Websynergi were invited to tender for the branding process of ( IPTU ) along with a number of other potential suppliers .

  15. 如何识别潜在的供应商?

    How to identify the potential suppliers ?

  16. 例如,这种机制可访问UDDI,获取潜在的服务供应商的所有详细信息,然后根据这些信息选择最合适的服务供应商。

    This mechanism could , for example , go to UDDI , get all the detail information about potential service providers , and then based on that information select the most appropriate service provider .

  17. 该公司正在和几家潜在的电池供应商进行谈判。

    The company is talking to several possible suppliers of batteries .

  18. 我筛选后列出了四个潜在的替代供应商,并一一拜访了他们。

    I shortlisted four potential replacement suppliers , and have visited them all .

  19. 我们面对着很多不同的,潜在的远程供应商,每个供应商都提供不同的计划。

    We face many different possible long-distance providers , each offering many different possible plans .

  20. 记住这一点,然后询问潜在的云供应商,了解有多少管理工作需要完成或它的服务有多全面。

    With this in mind , ask the prospective cloud vendor how much administrative work needs to be done or how close to turnkey its service is .

  21. 鉴别并优先考虑项目针对和影响的目标受众,包括员工、目前和潜在客户、供应商、引荐来源、媒体等等。

    Identification and prioritization of the target audiences the program will reach and influence , including employees , current and prospective clients , suppliers , referral sources , the media , etc. ;

  22. 第二部分对JX企业外部环境进行了分析,在这部分主要以波特五种竞争力模型为基础,分析了潜在进入者、供应商、替代品、客户的情况,并分析了竞争对手的情况。

    The main contests of the second section is to analyze the environment outside of JX Coal Company on the basis of Potter five & power competition map .

  23. 加油站工程潜在总承包商及供应商的预评估;

    Pre-evaluation for potential general contractors and suppliers ;

  24. 当然,一张联系网还可能帮助你发现潜在投资商、供应商以及有才华的员工。

    Of course a network of contacts can also help you identify potential investors , suppliers , and talented employees .

  25. 本文的研究结果,可为经理人员,系统用户或者潜在用户,系统供应商们提供一些有用的信息,亦可作为将来研究的基础。

    The results of this study can provide useful information for managers , system users and potential users ; it can be also used as a basis for future research .

  26. 医疗产业内主要竞争力量来自产业内医院之间的竞争,其次是患者对价格的关注给医院带来的压力,潜在进入者、供应商、医疗服务替代者对医院的影响相对较弱。

    In medical industry main competition strength from the competition between hospital , next is the pressure of the patient attention to the price which brings to the hospital , the influence of the potential entrant , the supplier , the medical service replacer are relatively weak to the hospital .