
  • 网络mars exploration;Exploration of Mars
  1. 火星探测用降落伞研制试验简介

    Resume of the Tests about Parachute Development for Mars Exploration Mission

  2. 火星探测是人类探索太空的重要组成部分。

    Mars exploration is an important part of human outer space activities .

  3. 中国媒体援引中国国家空间科学中心(NationalSpaceScienceCenter)的话称,至少在2016年之前,中国不会再有火星探测新动作。

    China 's National Space Science Center has been quoted in Chinese media as saying that it won 't attempt another voyage to Mars until at least 2016 .

  4. 在斯蒂夫尼奇开发的技术将应用于欧洲空间局(Europeanspaceagency)预定几年内发射的火星探测车上。

    Technology from Stevenage will be used on the Mars rover vehicle to be launched by the European Space Agency in a couple of years .

  5. NASA(美航空航天局)在推迟一项超出预算而且还将破耗更多钱的火星探测打算。

    NASA is delaying a mission to Mars that already had been over budget and will get even more costly .

  6. NASA科学家、火星探测的首席化学家山姆·库纳维斯就火星土壤这样说。火星土壤被认为具有支持生命的营养成分。

    NASA scientist Sam Kounaves , the Mars mission 's lead chemist , on the planet 's soil , which is now believed to contain the nutrients to support life .

  7. ESA科学主管戴维·索思伍德坚信,这项合作是一个巨大的转变,但必须用不同以往的方式来考虑火星探测。

    ESA science director David Southwood believe that this cooperation is a big change , but must be different from the past way of looking at Mars .

  8. 摇臂悬架结构简单,且在Sojourner和MER火星探测车中得到成功应用,因而一直是研究的重点。

    Rocker-bogie suspension becomes a research emphasis , because it has simple structure and is employed in Mars Rover Sojourner and MER successfully .

  9. 今天下午美国国家航空暨太空总署(NASA)拟送微型、约四磅(3.6斤)的无人直升机完成2020年的火星探测任务,如果你觉得听起来很酷,那就对了。

    NASA announced this afternoon that it plans to launch a tiny , four-pound , autonomous helicopter along with its 2020 rover mission . And if you think this sounds relatively cool , well : you 're right .

  10. 印度的火星探测项目在2012年获得政府批准,预算为7300万美元,比包括NASA6.71亿美元的Maven卫星在内的同类项目要低的多。NASA的Maven火星探测卫星预计将在11月晚些时候发射。

    India 's Mars mission , with a budget of $ 73 million , is far cheaper than comparable missions including NASA 's $ 671 million Maven satellite that is expected to set off for Mars later in November . The program was approved by the government in 2012 .

  11. 与此同时,它还是火星探测无人飞行器的重要研究方向之一。

    It is also an important research direction of Mars Unmanned Air Vehicles .

  12. 一个和原型同样大小的火星探测车漫游者号的复制品。

    A full-size replica of a Mars Exploration Rover .

  13. 这个结果对于火星探测任务和地球轨道转移有重大意义。

    This result has considerable importance for Mars explorations and Earth orbital transfer missions .

  14. 火星探测是人类宇宙探索活动的重要组成部分,具有重要的科学价值。

    Mars probing is an important part of human universe exploration , having important scientific value .

  15. 新一代火星探测者。

    The next generation Mars rov .

  16. 论航天火星探测

    On Mars Exploration by Space Probe

  17. 最新的发现以美国航空和宇宙航行局的火星探测卫星拍摄的卫星图像为基础。

    The latest findings were based on satellite images taken by Nasa 's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter .

  18. 自从1960年以来的30次火星探测任务中,只有不到1/3的探测器能顺利完成任务。

    Fewer than one-third of the 30 missions launched toward the planet since 1960 have succeeded .

  19. 随着空间技术的发展,火星探测成为深空探测领域的热点。

    With the development of space technologies , Mars explorations have become the focus of the deep space exploration .

  20. 科学家们希望这次探险获得的数据能为将来的火星探测铺平道路。

    Scientists hope that data from this expedition will pave the way for a more detailed exploration of Mars .

  21. 文章以火星探测任务为背景,介绍了两种用于实时地形安全性评估的基于多敏感器的地形信息融合分析技术。

    In the context of Mars exploration mission , this paper introduced two terrain information fusion analysis methodologies for real-time safety assessment .

  22. 照片是由四天的时间拍摄拼合起来的,照片中显示方形小颗粒在凤凰号火星探测船挖的浅沟中会消失。

    Photographs taken four days apart show dice-size particles of material disappear from a shallow trench dug by the Phoenix Mars Lander .

  23. 继月球、火星探测相继成功后,人类将探测领域扩大至小行星。

    Following the success of exploration programs of the moon and Mars , human have already carried out their asteroid exploration programs .

  24. 该望远镜将用于接收中国首次火星探测任务的数据,其天线走直径为70米。

    The telescope will be used to receive data from China 's first Mars exploration mission with an antenna 70 meters in diameter .

  25. 美国宇航局希望在月球表面建立永久性载人基地,作为随后进行的火星探测任务的前奏。

    NASA hopes to build a permanent manned base on the moon 's surface as a prelude to subsequent exploration missions to Mars .

  26. 随着火星探测活动收集到的数据越来越多,这些数据任何人都可以理解,探测火星已经变成全人类共同努力的任务。

    With so much data coming back from Mars missions that are accessible by all , exploring Mars has become a shared human endeavour .

  27. 中国将于周五“中国航天日”当天公布首次火星探测任务的名称及标志。

    China is to unveil the name and logo of its first Mars exploration mission on Friday that marks the Space Day of the country .

  28. 然后火星探测任务真的描绘了一幅只有灰色、黑和白色的照片,这表明火星只是不毛之地。

    And then the Mariner fly - by missions really painted a very grey , black and white , deal of Mars is being barren .

  29. 早在60年代,当“海盗”火星探测计划还处于筹划阶段时,就有科学家提出发现甲烷本身就是生命存在的有利证据。

    Back in the1960s , when viking 's experiments were being designed , some scientists suggested that finding methane would in itself be strong evidence of life .

  30. 中国和俄罗斯曾于2011年合作尝试发射萤火1号火星探测卫星,由于搭载该卫星的俄罗斯运载火箭未能飞离地球轨道,发射失败。

    China 's 2011 attempt with Russia to send the Yinghuo-1 satellite to Mars failed after the Russian rocket carrying it was unable to leave Earth orbit .