
  1. 辽源市中心医院火灾原因调查案例分析

    Investigation and analysis of Liaoyuan Central Hospital fire

  2. 疑难火灾原因调查的探讨

    The research on the complicated fire cause investigation

  3. 火灾原因调查方法及应用

    The Method and Investigation of Fire Causes

  4. 一起油罐爆炸火灾原因调查及分析

    The Investigation and Analyses on the Causes for One Explosion Fire of an Oil Tank

  5. 物证提取作为火灾原因调查和鉴定的前提,在火灾原因调查中起着极重要的作用。

    The collection of material evidence plays a very important role in the fire cause investigation because it is the prerequisite of the fire cause investigation and identification .

  6. 初步探讨了疑难火灾原因调查的方法,并指出了正确掌握和运用这些方法对于科学地开展火灾事故调查工作的重要意义。

    The method of the complicated fire cause investigation is studied , and the important meaning of understanding and mastering the method of the complicated fire cause investigation is indicated in this paper .

  7. 在我们多年的火灾原因调查及鉴定工作中发现,汽油是犯罪分子首选的放火用易燃液体,约占易燃液体放火火灾的90%以上。

    According to investigations of fire cause and identification for many years , we found that gasoline was used firstly as ignitable liquids by most criminals , and gasoline arson takes more than 90 % total arson cases .

  8. 家用电器火灾原因和调查方法的研究

    Study of Fire Cause and Investigation Method for Home Appliance

  9. 船舶火灾原因及其调查方法

    On the causes of fire accidents on ships and the methods to investigate them

  10. 这对于安全使用电暖器及其引起火灾原因的调查有着重要的意义。

    It is of important significance in guaranteeing the safety of electric radiators and the investigation of fire cause as well .

  11. 至少有三名消防队员在救火时受伤,火灾原因仍在调查中。

    At least three firefighters were injured in the blaze , the cause of which was under investigation .

  12. 韩国政府已经对火灾原因展开了独立调查。

    The South Korean government has launched its own investigation into the cause of the fires .

  13. 目前火灾已得到控制,火灾和爆炸原因正在调查中。

    The fire has since been contained , and an investigation into the cause of the fire and explosion is getting underway .

  14. 根据火灾调查的实践,从调查询问、现场勘查、技术鉴定及模拟实验等四个方面阐述了火灾原因调查方法在实际消防工作中的应用。

    This paper explains the fire causes investigation in terms of the practice of fire investigation , spot investigation , technological investigation and simulation investigation based on fire investigation practice .