
  • 网络Filament Current;heater current
  1. 文章讨论了在逸出电位测定过程中两种灯丝电流和加速电压的调节方法。

    This article discussed that the filament current and accelerate voltage adjust ways to determine electric potential .

  2. 在曝光信号发出之前,灯丝电流和X线管电压都要被检查核对。

    The filament current and x-ray power supply voltage are checked before the exposure signal can be transmitted .

  3. 智能化夫兰克-赫兹实验仪灯丝电流采集部分设计

    Design of the filament current sampling modules of intelligent Franck-Hertz instrument

  4. 磁控管灯丝电流的自动监测与控制

    Automatical Monitoring and Control of Filament Current of a Magnetron

  5. 由于质谱仪检测的是带电离子,本文设计的离子源灯丝电流源系统能够产生电子,用于对从月壤中挥发出来的气体进行轰击而使其电离带电。

    Because the detecting objects are charged ions . This paper designs the filament current source which is to produce electrons beam .

  6. 评价的结果表明:温度差为该种元器件最优影响因素,灯丝电流则为其储存试验中的敏感参数。

    It was proved that temperature difference was the greatest influencing factor and the filament current was the sensitive parameter in storage test .

  7. 根据电子管灯丝电流的要求,设计出了合理的高精度、高稳定性、大电流的灯丝变压器,为电子管灯丝提供稳定电流源。

    High - precision , high-stability and big-current filament transformer has been designed , it provides a stable current source for the tube filament .

  8. 随着霍尔离子源灯丝电流的升高,离子源放电电压下降,制备的类金刚石薄膜的硬度下降。

    As the filament current of the ion source rises , its discharge voltage drops and the hardness of the DLC coating also decreases .

  9. 保护措施完善,具有过过管输入电压、过管电流、过灯丝电流、过功率保护;能自我诊断系统各部分的连接状态,并显示状态。

    The protective measures are perfect , includes input voltage , tube current , filament current and overpower protection ; The diagnosis system can detect connection condition of the various parts , then display these status .

  10. 灯丝电流对正十六烷∑69/∑71比值的影响最大,且有规律可循:灯丝电流高时此比值也增大,并有一个合适范围使测定结果稳定。

    The effect of the trap current on the ∑ 69 / ∑ 71 ratio of normal hexadecane is the most important . The ratio will increase with the trap current and within a certain range which is suitable and stable .

  11. 根据灯丝电流稳定度和可调性的要求,开发了可以调节灯丝电流的稳流板。通过对灯丝变压器的初级端的电压控制达到控制灯丝变压器次级即灯丝电流的大小。

    According to the requirement for the stability and the adjustability of the filament current , the steady current plate that can control the measurement of the filament current has been designed by adjusting the voltage at the primary side of the filament transformer .

  12. 在1100K工作温度时,灯丝发射电流密度超过6A/cm2,四根这种灯丝可产生350A弧流(脉冲宽度30ms)。

    Its electron emission current density is over 6 A / cm2 at 1100 K of operation temperature , four filaments of this type can produce 350 A discharge current with pulse duration up to 30 ms.

  13. 研究了灯丝加热电流、弧压对弧流的影响和弧流与工作气体压力对离子束引出的影响规律。

    The dependence of the discharge arc current on the arc voltage and the filament heating current , and the dependence of the ion extracting efficiency on the arc current and the working gas pressure have been studied .

  14. 实验数据还表明,快速报警响应时间与气体分子浓度和真空计规管灯丝的发射电流密切相关。

    The results show that the alarm time depends strongly on both the gas concentration and the emission current of the ionization gauge .

  15. 当灯丝藉助于电流而加热时,就会发出亮光。

    The filament gives off light when heated by an electric current .

  16. 在谐振变换器分析的基础上,阐述了高压发生器灯丝电源通过脉宽调制PWM方式调节灯丝输出电流的原理与实现方法。

    Based on the resonant converter analysis , expounds the filament power supply theory and its realization method with PWM mode .