
  • 网络Roast lamb
  1. 主菜既有烤羊脊配炸西葫芦,也有覆满橄榄壳的炸鳕鱼条,口味道稍显不够浓郁,但胜在实在。

    Mains , from roast lamb saddle with fried zucchini to pollock fillet in an olive crust , are slightly less flavorful but solid .

  2. 美味的烤羊背成为食客们的首选,它很容易让人联想到远方草原上那种粗犷的生活方式。但是对于那些身处草原腹地的人们来说,这些奶食才更贴近他们原本的生活。

    The mouth-watering roast lamb back is the top choice for dinners here . It easily reminds us of the food lifestyle on the grassland , but to people living in the depth of the grassland , milk products are more close to their real life .

  3. 人们就在冰上举行盛会,还生起篝火烤羊吃。

    People had parties and cooked sheep over fires on the ice .

  4. 他们每个星期天的晚餐都吃烤羊。

    They have roast lamb for dinner every sunday .

  5. 我帮助妈妈干活。我们在一大堆火上烤羊,客人们和我们一起吃饭。

    I helped my mother . We cooked the sheep over a big fire , and our visitors ate with us .

  6. 大冬天,成都三环路以外,寒风中烤羊的记忆,如此生动。

    In winter outside the Third Ring Road of Chengdu , while the cold wind is blowing , the memory of the lamb is so vivid .

  7. 还有烤羊髀、炸半髀,以及以新疆乳酪和羊奶制成的布丁。

    Enjoy a set of in-season lamb dishes including dumpling , roasted leg of lamb , deep fried leg of lamb and desserts made with lamb 's milk .

  8. 康复菜肴指用于重病之后帮助康复的药膳。玫瑰烤羊心或当归炖羊肉则有助于恢复健康的体质。

    Healing dishes are the medicinal food for rehabilitation after severe illness . " Broiled sheep 's heart with rose " or " braised mutton with angelica " will help to rebuild a healthy constitution .

  9. 他尤其爱吃在烤架上烤的羊腰子。那淡淡的骚味微妙地刺激着他的味觉。

    Most of all he liked grilled mutton kidneys which gave to his palate a fine tang of faintly scented urine .

  10. 两个健康又有卖相的选择是:烤西红柿配羊奶酪玉米粥,烤南瓜、甘蓝、蔓越莓配粗麦粉。

    Roasted Tomatoes with Goat Cheese Polenta and Roasted Butternut Squash , Kale , and Cranberry Couscous are two healthy and beautiful options . 6 .