  • bake;roast;toast
  • scorching
  • 把东西放在火的周围使干或使熟:~炙。~面包。~肉。烘~。

  • 挨近火取暖:~火。~一~手。


(用火烘熟或烘干) bake; roast; toast:

  • 把衣服烤干

    dry wet clothes by a fire;

  • 烤甘薯

    baked sweet potatoes;

  • 烤面包

    toast bread;

  • 烤羊肉串

    roast mutton cubes on a skewer;

  • 饼烤得太久了。

    The cake baked too long.

  • 肉在烤炉里烤着。

    The meat is roasting in the oven.


(太热) scorching:

  • 这炉子真烤人。

    This stove is really scorching.

  1. 把油酥糕点烤至金黄酥脆。

    Bake until the pastry is golden and crisp .

  2. 把糕饼烤至外皮呈金黄色。

    Bake until the crust is golden .

  3. 把这些坚果放在高温烤架下面烤熟。

    Place under a hot grill until the nuts have toasted .

  4. 吃点正常的食物,别净吃烤面包加果酱!

    Eat some proper food , not just toast and jam !

  5. 所有的主菜都配有炸土豆条或烤土豆。

    All main courses are served with chips or baked potato .

  6. 恐怕这个蛋糕烤得太干。

    I 'm afraid this cake has turned out very dry .

  7. 在蛋糕烤模上盖一个盘子,然后将其翻倒过来。

    Place a plate over the cake tin and invert it .

  8. 我在给亚历克斯烤生日蛋糕。

    I 'm baking a birthday cake for Alex .

  9. 他被一块烤面包噎得透不过气来。

    He was choking on a piece of toast .

  10. 在烤模的四周刷上黄油。

    Brush the sides of the tin with butter .

  11. 他坐在椅子上,嚼着烤面包片。

    He sat in a chair munching his toast .

  12. 该死!我把面包烤煳了。

    Bugger it ! I 've burnt the toast .

  13. 谁还要烤面包片?

    Who 's for another round of toast ?

  14. 把面团放在烤板上。

    Place the dough on a baking sheet .

  15. 曲奇烤时会略微变平。

    The cookies will flatten slightly while cooking .

  16. 把香肠烤十分钟。

    Grill the sausages for ten minutes .

  17. 我在给亚历克斯烤蛋糕。

    I 'm baking Alex a cake .

  18. 火辣辣的太阳烤得我们虚软无力。

    The hot sun sapped our energy .

  19. 抱歉——我把面包烤煳了。

    Sorry ─ I burnt the toast .

  20. 球员可以给烤菜豆做广告,但不能代言橄榄球靴。

    The players can advertise baked beans , but not rugby boots

  21. 你得把番茄烤到皮变黑为止。

    You need to grill the tomatoes until the skins blacken .

  22. 将甜椒剖成两半,在滚热的烤架上烤至外壳微焦。

    Halve the peppers and char the skins under a hot grill .

  23. 将几个大红甜椒烤一烤,再把它们掏空。

    Bake some big red peppers and hollow them out .

  24. 我已经把几片芝麻脆饼放进烤箱里烤了。

    I 've put some sesame crackers in the oven to bake .

  25. 她啃着干巴巴的烤面包的一角。

    She nibbled at the corner of a piece of dry toast .

  26. 烤点心时加一整块奶酪似乎太奢侈了。

    Baking a whole cheese in pastry may seem extravagant .

  27. 在两块结实的烤板上抹些油,把烤炉加热到400度。

    Grease two sturdy baking sheets and heat the oven to 400 degrees

  28. 我的小温室在太阳照耀下会被烤得炙热。

    My small greenhouse gets very hot when the sun is shining .

  29. 要确保这些烤土豆不夹生。

    Make sure the roast potatoes aren 't raw in the middle .

  30. 星期天午餐总是吃烤羔羊肉和豌豆罐头。

    It was always roast lamb and canned peas for Sunday lunch .