
rè làng
  • heat wave;hot wave;warm wave
热浪 [rè làng]
  • (1) [heat wave或hot wave]

  • (2) 强烈的热气

  • (3) 热辐射波

热浪[rè làng]
  1. 因此,如果今年夏天有热浪,我们也最好套上T恤,抹上防晒霜,并且扣上帽子。

    So if there is a heat wave this summer , it would be best for us , too , to slip on a shirt , slop on sunscreen and slap on a hat .

  2. 安娜•玛利亚•巴利奥尼,LaSelvotta葡萄园非同寻常的热浪使得今年的葡萄特别甜特别小,加之生长在富含矿物质和盐分的土地上,今年的葡萄酒将会非常特别。

    This heat wave has been an extraordinary one , the grape has grown into a very sweet one , a very small one , and in a land rich of minerals and salts , the harvest wine of this year will be a very special one .

  3. 我们下飞机时,一股热浪向我们袭来。

    A blast of hot air hit us as we stepped off the plane .

  4. 在正午时分的热浪之中,人们开始感到疲倦。

    People were beginning to tire in the midday heat .

  5. 午后的热浪中,树木闪着微光。

    The trees shimmered in the afternoon heat .

  6. 在早晨的热浪中她很快就蔫儿了。

    She soon wilted in the morning heat

  7. 地中海的热浪炙烤着英国。

    Britain bakes in a Mediterranean heatwave .

  8. 数据显示,在所有气候造成的风险中,热浪最为致命。

    Heatwaves kill more people than any other climate risk .

  9. 据科学家们的说法,在没有全球气候变暖的情况下,英国迎来像今夏这样的热浪的几率在任何一年里都不到0.5%。

    According to the scientists , in the absence of global warming , the odds3 of a UK heatwave like this summer 's were less than half a percent in any given year .

  10. 越野赛通常在任何天气状况下都会进行,这意味着参与者还不得不考虑可能影响比赛成绩的环境因素:风雨、冰雪、冰雹和热浪。

    Typically , cross country races take place in all weather conditions , which means you also have to worry about environmental conditions that can affect your race performance : rain and wind , snow and ice , hail and heat waves .

  11. 在一波科技热浪的推动下,按照曾经由哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)主宰的指标来衡量,斯坦福大学(Stanforduniversity)已经成为美国高等院校的老大。

    Riding a wave of interest in technology , Stanford University has become America 's it school , by measures that Harvard once dominated .

  12. 她推开他的手,把煮水的锅撞歪了,热浪翻到了John裸露的手腕上。

    She pushed his hand out of the way , causing the pot to lurch and send one boiling wave cresting onto John 's exposed wrist .

  13. 在一波科技热浪的推动下,按照曾经由哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)主宰的指标来衡量,斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)已经成为美国高等院校的“老大”。

    Riding a wave of interest in technology , Stanford University has become America 's " it " school , by measures that Harvard once dominated .

  14. 投资热浪和新财富将硅谷的房价推高到了惊人的水平:最近,有一栋房子被以1亿美元的价格销售给了一位投资Facebook赚到大钱的俄罗斯风险投资家。

    The sizzle and new wealth has pushed Valley real estate to startling heights ; one home recently sold for $ 100m to a Russian venture capitalist who had amassed a Facebook fortune .

  15. 气候现实已经让公众体会切肤之痛——桑迪飓风(SuperstormSandy)、加州一次次创纪录的大旱、一次次前所未有的热浪、以及东海岸地区反复发生的洪灾。

    The public has tasted reality with Superstorm Sandy , with California 's record-breaking droughts , unprecedented heat waves , and repeated flooding of the eastern seaboard .

  16. 还是那次旅行,我不得不劝阻教父不要去佛罗伦萨,阿尔诺河流域(arnovalley)当时遭到了热浪的袭击,许多当地人因此倒下。

    On that same trip I had to dissuade my godfather from going to Florence , the Arno Valley then being in the grip of a heatwave that was laying locals low .

  17. DozensdieinBalkanheatwave巴尔干热浪使数十人死亡腐烂的垃圾可能会与暴热一起席卷雅典似乎要将巴尔干地区烤焦了的热浪本周已使数十人丧生,本地区应急部门都进入紧急状态。

    Athens may be hit with rotting rubbish as well as heat A heatwave scorching the Balkan region this week has killed dozens of people and put the region 's emergency services on full alert .

  18. 数月前,科学家们开始预计,全球气温记录会被刷新,部分原因是出现了百年一遇的强烈厄尔尼诺现象(El),将太平洋的热浪送进大气。

    Scientists started predicting a global temperature record months ago , in part because an El weather pattern , one of the largest in a century , is dumping an immense amount of heat from the Pacific Ocean into the atmosphere .

  19. WMO秘书长MichelJarraud表示,世界许多地方都经历了洪涝,严重且持续的干旱,暴风雪,热浪和寒流等极端天气。

    WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud said climate extremes , including devastating floods , severe and persistent droughts , snowstorms , heat waves and cold waves , were recorded in many parts of the world .

  20. WMO发布的初步数据显示,从澳大利亚到阿根廷,很多国家在过去一年遭受了热浪袭击,如果气温在今年剩余时间继续保持高位,2014年将很可能成为有记录以来最热的一年。

    After a year of heatwaves from Australia to Argentina , provisional data from the UN 's World Meteorological Organisation show that if temperatures stay high for the rest of the year , 2014 will probably be the warmest year on record .

  21. 数以百计的小股热浪不断地在我身下涌过来。

    Hundreds of little warm waves came washing in under me .

  22. 热浪席卷大西洋中部和东北地区。

    Heat wave has enveloped much of the mid-Atlantic and northeast .

  23. 我会想念凤凰城的,我会想念那里的热浪。

    I would miss Phoenix . I 'd miss the heat .

  24. 吵杂声和热浪使得我头昏脑胀。

    The noise and the heat gave me a headache .

  25. 热浪对人体健康的影响及其研究方法

    The Impacts of Heat Waves on Human Health and Its Research Methods

  26. 恐怕我们会受到热浪的袭击。

    We 'll have a heat wave , I feel .

  27. 不消除散热器盖时,发动机是热浪袭人。

    Do not remove the radiator cap when the engine is hot .

  28. 直升机机组在距离炼狱更高的上空仍感觉到了热浪。

    Helicopter crews far above the inferno felt the heat .

  29. 这股美食犯罪小说的热浪让我陷入了思考。

    And this wave of crime mixed with cooking got me thinking .

  30. 整个二楼已是一片火海,热浪袭人。

    The whole first floor was ablaze . The heat was terrific .