
  • 网络National University of Ireland;GALWAY;University College Dublin
  1. 爱尔兰国立大学联盟

    National University of Ireland

  2. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,爱尔兰国立大学戈尔韦分校和哈佛医学院的研究人员共同发现,这种疼痛是由于脑部主要血管,即大脑前动脉中的血流量突然增加造成。

    Researchers at the National University of Ireland in Galway and Harvard Medical School have found that the pain was brought on by a rapid increase in blood flow through a major blood vessel in the brain , the anterior cerebral artery , the Daily Telegraph reported .

  3. 爱尔兰国立大学法学院包括犯罪学研究所,其对再犯罪者的研究最近得到了广泛的宣传。

    The UCD School of Law includes the Institute of Criminology , whose work on re-offenders was recently widely publicised .

  4. 爱尔兰国立大学说这次捐款将“为这个2千万的发展计划从政府和其他渠道筹措到更多的资金起着重要作用”。

    UCD says the donation will be " a significant factor in raising additional funds from Government and other sources for the ? 20 million development " .

  5. 爱尔兰国立高威大学(NationalUniversityofIreland,Galway)经济学教授约翰麦克黑尔(JohnMcHale)辩称,在自我存续的偿付危机中,倘若满足若干条件,官方政策能够恢复金融健康。

    John McHale , economics professor at the National University of Ireland , Galway , has argued that official policy can restore financial health in a self-perpetuating solvency crisis , provided a number of conditions are met .

  6. 爱尔兰国立高威大学技术转移办公室拥有一个高效率的团队,领导大学研究进入商业轨道,并管理大学商业创新中心。

    The Technology Transfer Office ( TTO ) is a high performance team that guides breakthrough NUI Galway research to business reality as well as manage the NUI Galway Business Innovation Center .