
  1. 片头曲和片尾曲将由著名音乐家、曾为许多好莱坞影片配乐的本杰明·沃菲斯齐(BenjaminWallfisch)制作。

    Both the opening song and the ending song were created and edited by Benjamin Wallfisch , famous musician who has produced music for many Hollywood films .

  2. 大西洋唱片(AtlanticRecords)在四周前发行的电影原声带,本周升至排行榜第一位,这在一定程度上是因为致敬电影主演保罗·沃克(PaulWalker)的片尾曲《SeeYouAgain》广受欢迎,沃克2013年底因车祸去世。

    The soundtrack , released four weeks ago by Atlantic Records , rises to No. 1 this week , helped by a huge push of popularity for the song " See You Again , " a tribute to Paul Walker , the actor in the film who died in a car crash in late 2013 .

  3. 而片尾曲则随后公布。

    the ending song will be released a little later .

  4. 这部电影的片尾曲《你在终点等我》由天后王菲演唱。

    Waiting for Me , the movie 's ending song , was sung by Chinese Queen of Pop Faye Wong .

  5. 《新的一天》的音乐录影带已在电视节公布。而片尾曲则随后公布。

    The music video of A New Day was released in Mipcom ; the ending song will be released a little later .