
  • 网络blancmange;milk pudding;ice milk
  1. 在emporioarmani时装秀上,展示了果汁牛奶冻色彩的礼服和小泡泡迷你裙,有些饰以装饰性蝴蝶结,有些带着很炫的珠边。

    At Emporio Armani , out came a parade of sherbert-tinted party dresses and little bubble miniskirts , some adorned by decorative bows , some sporting Beaded fringes .

  2. 能水解淀粉,硝酸盐还原实验阳性,产生硫化氢,能使牛奶冻化;

    Starch hydrolysis , nitrate reduction , milk peptonization and H2S production were positive .

  3. 梅格要我送上她做的牛奶冻,她做得好极了。贝思认为她的小猫咪可以安慰你。

    Meg wanted me to bring some of her blanc mange , she makes it very nicely , and Beth thought her cats would be comforting .

  4. 用脱脂牛奶低温冻存法保藏的菌种在2年后存活率仍达97.9%,且菌种的形态、生理特征基本未变。冷冻干燥保存2年后存活率100%。

    97.9 % of the strains frozen in degreased milk were alive after 2 years and lyophilized strains were 100 % .