
  • 网络Logistics strategic planning
  1. 第四部分是西南化工销售分公司物流战略规划,是本文的重点。

    The fourth part is the Southwest Chemical sales company logistics strategic planning , is the focus of this paper .

  2. 其次,提出了基于一体化供应链物流管理的物流战略规划和供应物流管理、生产物流管理、销售物流管理以及信息管理的解决策略。

    Secondly , he gave the logistics strategic planning based on the integrated supply chain logistics management , also demonstrated the solution strategy about supply logistics management , production logistics management , sale logistics management and information management .

  3. 基于QFD的物流战略规划

    Strategic Logistics Planning Based on QFD

  4. 城市物流战略规划环境分析方法及其应用

    Environmental Analysis Method for Strategic Planning of City Logistics and Its Application

  5. 北京城市物流战略规划研究

    Studying of Beijing Urban Logistics Strategy Planning

  6. 然后详细阐述了铁路工程物资企业物流战略规划的三个重要方面:确定客户水平、战略选址和合作伙伴的选择。

    Then sets forth three import ways about logistics strategic programming : customer service level making , strategic place and copartners choice .

  7. 本文介绍了物流战略信息规划的基本方法以及中远、白沙物流、IBM信息规划的案例。

    This article describes the logistics strategic information planning , as well as the basic method of COSCO , Baisha Logistics and IBM Information Planning case .

  8. 物流系统战略规划设计理论与方法研究

    Research on the Theory and Technique of System Strategic Layout of the Logistical Network

  9. 这些都需要制定物流营销战略规划、营销组合策略并全力实施才能实现。济南银座数码广场营销组合和策略探析

    These all need logistics marketing strategic planning and policy . Marketing Analyzing of Jinan Silver Plaza Digital Square

  10. 对物流战略的规划与设计框架进行研究,并提出了企业物流战略设计框架。

    And studied the Strategic planning and design of logistics framework and to make enterprise logistics strategy design framework .

  11. H市综合物流园区发展战略规划研究

    Research on the Development Strategic Planning of the Integrated Logistic Park of H City

  12. 时年30岁的李正打算辞去他在沃尔玛公司(Wal-Mart)担任的物流、战略和规划事务高级经理一职,去攻读一个MBA学位。

    Lee , then 30 , was about to leave Wal-Mart ( WMT ) , where he was a senior manager of logistics , strategy , and planning , to get his MBA degree .

  13. 大连机场发展现代物流业的战略规划研究

    Studying on Developing Strategic Plan of Dalian Airport Modern Logistics

  14. 最后,从实现途径上,提出并重点研究了以成都为中心构建四川区域物流体系的战略规划。

    Finally , with regard to way of realization , it proposes and focuses on the strategic programme of a Chengdu-centered local logistics system in Sichuan .

  15. 企业物流管理中的战略规划

    Strategic Planning in Logistics Management for Enterprises

  16. 然而现代物流发展需要制定物流战略规划、设施布局规划、运输网络规划等等,其中必需有准确的物流需求分析,而物流链选择是物流需求预测的一部分。

    However , it is necessary for modern logistics development to establish logistics stratagem planning , facility arrangement planning , transport network planning and so on . Logistics chain selecting is a part of logistics demand forecast , which is important for modern logistics development .

  17. 物流管理理念先进性,物流战略规划的合理性,以及与经济适用的先进物流技术手段结合性,都将直接影响企业运作的经济成果及社会效益。

    Advanced Logistics conception , effective strategic Logistic planning and the combination with economical and practical techniques will greatly contribute to the operation effect , and help enterprises to achieve optimized social and economical benefit .

  18. 为了适应企业外部环境的变化,企业必须确立基于未来发展的物流战略研究,制定企业的物流战略规划,确定科学合理的战略目标。

    In order to suit the outer environment , enterprises should establish clearly the logistics industry research based on future development , set up the logistics industry strategy programming , confirm technical reasonable strategy goal .

  19. 全文在论述物流三大模块规划的过程中,以汕头市物流发展战略规划为实践基础,从而给出了论文规划理论的实际应用。

    The full paper regards a logistics development strategy programming of Shantou as to practice foundation during discuss logistics ' three main modules ' process of programming , and gives actual application of thesis programming theory .

  20. 本文论述了物流战略的重要作用,探讨了制订物流战略的方法,构造了物流战略规划框架以及实施物流战略的行动纲领和路线,阐述了物流战略转移所带来的影响。

    This paper relates the impotent roles of logistics strategy , goes farther into a conceptual approach to formulating logistics strategy , structures the system for logistics strategy planning and implements strategic action itineraries in logistics , cites the possible influences of a strategic move .