
  1. 需要物理封闭或障碍,产生超压。

    Physical confinement or obstacles required to produce overpressure .

  2. 纳米颗粒能改善封闭剂对基体的渗透性能,能充分渗透至电弧喷涂层孔隙内,涂层致密,与基体结合力提高,具有很好的物理隔离封闭作用。

    Nano-particles can improve the permeability of sealer by fully penetrating into the porous of arc sprayed coating . The sealing coating is dense , and coating adhesion with substrate is increased , with a good physical isolation sealing effect .

  3. 物理过程对半封闭海湾养殖容量影响的数值研究

    Numerical Study on the Influences of Physical Processes on the Aquaculture Carrying Capacity in a Semi-enclosed Bay

  4. 物理隔离的封闭性是为防止外来闯入和信息外泄,数据转发的开放性则是沟通与外界联系。

    Physical Isolation obturate is to prevent computers from being attacked from the outside and giving the information away .

  5. 副现象论的提出,通常既尊重了意识又尊重了科学:它同时容纳了关于意识的反唯物主义论证和物理的因果封闭性。

    Epiphenomenalism is usually put forward as respecting both consciousness and science : it simultaneously accommodates the anti-materialist arguments about consciousness and the causal closure of the physical .

  6. 长期以来,国内外学者尝试并开创了多种第三腰椎横突综合征的治疗,如物理疗法、封闭疗法、针灸疗法、手术疗法和药物疗法等。

    In long period , international and domestic scholars try to create many treatment method of third lumbar transverse process syndrome , as Physical therapy , Blocking thera , acupuncture therapy , operation , and Medication .

  7. 把所有这样的活动解释为物体本身的活动,这样做的重要理由是维护物理世界系统的封闭性。

    The important reason for construing all this activity as activity on the part of bodies is to preserve the closed character of the system of the physical world .

  8. 重点是这些意识研究方法的比较研究。第一人称方法倚重主观的意识经验本身,但是对意识问题缺乏具有可操作性的研究纲领,而且无法解释物理世界的因果封闭性原则。

    By comparison , it proves that the first-person method relies heavily on the conscious experience itself , but lacks a maneuverable study guideline for consciousness , and could not provide a reasonable interpretation to causal closure principle .