
  1. 特勤局帮助维护总统和国家安全。

    The secret service helps keep the president and the country safe .

  2. 美国特勤局成立于1865年。

    The American secret service began in 1865 .

  3. 特勤局最早的工作是阻止人们制造假币。

    The secret service 's earliest job was to stop people from making fake money .

  4. 特勤局特工们还得这么做,因为罪犯们现在更聪明了。

    The secret service agents still have to do that because the criminals are smarter now .

  5. 特勤组探员试图找到他们,阻止他们做坏事。

    The secret service agents try to find them and stop them when they want to do something bad .

  6. 这场行动主要是由特勤局(SecretService)和国土安全部(DepartmentofHomelandSecurity)的特工推动的。

    The crackdown was driven largely by agents with the Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security ,

  7. 在听到李•哈维•奥斯瓦尔德(LeeHarveyOswald)的枪声后在惊恐之下意外扣动扳机的一名特勤局(SecretService)特工,很可能射出了打死约翰•肯尼迪(JohnFKennedy)的那发子弹。

    a secret-service agent startled by Lee Harvey Oswald 's shots probably accidentally fired the bullet that killed John F Kennedy .

  8. 比如在2009年5月,美国特勤局(SecretService)的特工在莫斯科与俄罗斯联邦安全局(RussianFederalSecurityService,简称FSB)的特工会面。

    In May 2009 , for instance , Secret Service agents met in Moscow with their counterparts in the Russian Federal Security Service , known as the F.S.B.

  9. 特勤局发言人布赖恩·利里(BrianLeary)拒绝发表评论,并表示应询问司法部。

    Brian Leary , a Secret Service spokesman , declined to comment and referred inquiries to the Justice Department .

  10. 特勤局是在2013年10月首次发现Backoff这个恶意软件的(其名称来自软件编码中的一个词)。

    The Secret Service first discovered the Backoff malware ( named for a word in its code ) in October 2013 .

  11. 自2013年以来,在特勤局开展的突击搜查中,已有数百辆梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes)、路虎(LandRover)、宝马(BMW)和保时捷被没收,其中许多车辆是在等待装运到货船上时被没收的。

    Since 2013 , raids by the Secret Service have resulted in hundreds of Mercedes , Land Rovers , BMWs and Porsches being seized , many of them just as they were waiting to be loaded onto cargo ships .

  12. 图尔卡耶夫的公司购买的那辆保时捷,是特勤局在南卡罗来纳州和新泽西州卡尼(Kearny)没收的14辆豪车中的一辆。联邦政府还冻结了数百万美元的资金,这些钱都是向海外买家销售车辆时取得的。

    The Porsche bought by Mr. Turkayev 's company was among 14 luxury cars seized by the Secret Service in South Carolina and in Kearny , N.J. Also frozen by the federal government were millions of dollars in proceeds from the sale of cars to overseas buyers .

  13. 我一辈子奉献给特勤组。

    I 've given my entire life to the secret service .

  14. 特勤人员正调查他是否有婚姻问题。

    Special agents are investigating whether he had any marital problems .

  15. 呼叫封锁线以外的所有特勤小组。

    Call all field teams outside the perimeter of the blast .

  16. 不过特勤局想让你在天黑之前离开。

    But the secret service wants you outta here by dark .

  17. 洛杉矶警方和特勤组封锁是事发现场。

    As the LAPD and secret service seal off the area .

  18. 美国特勤局本来是做什么的?

    What was the original mission of the U.S. Secret Service ?

  19. 你是说特勤处里有鼹鼠?

    You saying there 's a mole in the secret service ?

  20. 该死的,特勤组没有回应。

    Damn it ! Secret service isn 't responding to our alert .

  21. 杰克,特勤组改变了它们的部署。

    Jack , the secret service is changing its deployment .

  22. 我是巴里-艾伦,隶属联邦财政特勤处。

    My name 's allen , Barry Allen United States Secret service .

  23. 我很清楚特勤局并不会永远都成功。

    I know damn well the Secret Service doesn 't always succeed .

  24. 我在想你的特勤人员是否可以给我来一杯啤酒。

    I was kind ofthinking your secret service could get us beer .

  25. 比尔,我跟特勤组的主管通过话了。

    Bill , I just spoke to the director of secret service .

  26. 你爱特勤组胜过爱我。

    You love the unit more than you love me .

  27. 特勤人员口腔卫生行为情况调查与分析

    Questionnaire Survey and Analysis of the Special Workers ' Oral Health Behavior

  28. 我是特勤部的特工保尔·阿伦森

    I 'm agent Paul Aronson with the secret service .

  29. 是进攻组,防守组,特勤组,还是裁判呢?

    Is it the offense , defense , special teams or officials ?

  30. 首先让我们关注美国特勤局局长辞职一事。

    First up , the leader of the U.S.Secret Service has quit .