
  • 网络tripura;NLFT;Tripu-ra
  1. 印度东北特里普拉邦首府阿加尔塔拉,孩子们参加纪念建摩斯达密节的庆祝活动。

    Children take part in celebrations to mark Janmashtami in Agartala , capital of India 's northeastern state of Tripura .

  2. 自1977年以来,以印共(马)为首的左翼阵线在西孟加拉邦连续执政达26年之久,印共(马)还在喀拉拉邦和特里普拉邦等邦连续或多次执政。

    The CPI ( M ) has rich experience in states ruling and has been in office in West Bengal for 26 years since 1977 . Moreover , the CPI ( M ) led the state governments in Kerala and Tripura for many times .