
dú lì rén ɡé
  • independent personality
  1. 企业法人的独立人格和有限责任&对某银行与某香油公司、镇政府借款合同纠纷一案中企业改制问题的几点反思

    The Independent Personality and Limited Responsibility of Legal Person of Enterprise

  2. 试论独立人格及其在社会发展中的作用

    Analysis on Independent Personality and Its Role in Social Development

  3. 其实,她并不具备主体性与独立人格。

    In fact , she was dependent and absent of self-consciousness .

  4. 论丁玲笔下女性形象的独立人格

    The Independent Personality of Women in Ding Ling 's Novels

  5. 因此,教育中必须确立独立人格观。

    Therefore , independent personality viewpoint must be established in the education .

  6. 文艺理论家胡风、冯雪峰的独立人格

    Independence Personality of Hu Feng and Feng Xuefeng , Two Artistic Theoreticians

  7. 如何完善我国公司独立人格制度

    On How to Perfect the Company Independent Personality System in our Country

  8. 论法人的独立人格及判断标准

    The Independent Personality of the Legal Person and Its Terms

  9. 孟子认为,独立人格精神的形成在于修身。

    Mencius believes that the formation of an independent personality needs self-cultivation .

  10. 论祭奠权应作为自然人的一项独立人格权

    On the Right of Sacrificing as an Independent Personal Right

  11. 公司独立人格的价值思考

    Thinking about the Value of Corporation 's Independent Entity

  12. 试论课堂教学中学生独立人格的培养

    On Cultivating Students ' Independent Personality in Class Teaching

  13. 自主表达专业意见,拥有独立人格。

    Freely expressing professional opinions , independent in personality ;

  14. 现在来研究行政人员的独立人格,有着直接的实践价值。

    The study of this independent personality is of direct value for practice .

  15. 现代的大学教授应具备:独立人格与自由思想;

    Modern university professors should be : with independent personality and free thinking ;

  16. 同时还表明,人本身是人的根本,因为人具有人的价值、意义和尊严,因而人是自己独立人格的主体。

    For man , the root is man himself .

  17. 独立人格同样也是一个去道德化的中性词。

    Personality is also a neutral word of de-moralization .

  18. 独立人格:中国现代化的一个基本向度

    Independent Personality : An Aspect of Chinese Modernization

  19. 做学问要有独立人格,担当社会责任;

    Being independent and conscious of social responsibilities ;

  20. 公共利益的起源和独立人格

    The origins of public interests and independent personality

  21. 论学术期刊编辑的独立人格精神

    On independence spirit of editors of academic journals

  22. 要保障司法人员独立人格,不是一句空话,需要制度的保障。

    To protect the judiciary independent personality , not empty words , required system protection .

  23. 教师哲学智慧形成的艰难性在于教师独立人格丧失。

    The dilemma of teachers philosophical wisdom lies in teachers losing of their independent personality .

  24. 公司法人的独立人格和股东有限责任制度,促进了社会生产力的发展,推动了社会的文明与进步。

    Company 's limited liability system , has promoted the development of society 's productivity .

  25. 然而长期以来,中国传统文化历来以所谓缺少独立人格而备受指责。

    But Chinese traditional culture has always been criticized because of lacking of independent personality .

  26. 创新呼唤独立人格

    Independent personality & the foundation of creativity

  27. 误区与出路:学生独立人格培养论

    On Cultivation of Students ' Independent Personality

  28. 独立人格与现代人格塑造

    Independent Personality and Modern Personality Moulding

  29. 独立人格的未成年人拥有与家庭财产相区分的个人财产,而我国目前却没有体系化的未成年人财产制度。

    The minors with independent personality have their personal property differentiating from their families ' property .

  30. 独立人格是人格系统中一个重要的成分,是一种重要的人格特征。

    Independent personality as an important characteristic plays an important component in the whole personality system .