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  • Pigtail;pig tail
  1. ESWL前置入双猪尾形导管治疗肾鹿角形结石体外震波碎石术的疗效研究

    Double-J catheter placement before ESWL for the management of patients with renal staghorn calculi Study on the Treatment with ESWL

  2. 所有入选者均经彩色多普勒超声测定颈总动脉内中膜厚度及斑块积分,并将猪尾导管置于升主动脉测定中心SBP、DBP、PP。

    The patients are all experienced the determination of carotid artery intima-media thickness and plaque score by the color Doppler ultrasound , then measured center SBP , DBP , PP by placed pigtail catheter in the ascending aorta .

  3. 120t转炉-热轧板材系统一体化日计划管理探讨合成氨装置制氢转化炉上猪尾管系技术改造

    Discussion on Daily Scheme Management for the 120t Converter-Hot Rolling Material System Technical Reformation for Upper Clip Shaped Pipe System for Hydrogen Making Reformer in Ammonia Synthesis Plant

  4. 当需要大量供应NF3时,如Y钢瓶或管道拖车,还应该对猪尾管到阀门接头通风。

    When using bulk supply of NF3 , such as a Y cylinder or a tube trailer , the pigtail-to-valve connection should also be ventilated .

  5. 采用2×2列联表的Fisher精确检验、Pearson相关系数和Spearman秩相关系数检验研究山西省历山自然保护区猪尾沟森林群落树种种间关系。

    The interspecific relationships of the main tree species in the forest communities were studied using Fisher 's exact test for a 2 × 2 contingency table , Pearson 's correlation coefficient , Spearman 's rank correlation coefficient .

  6. 2例患者术后5~6个月时因纤维肉芽组织增生而阻塞输尿管支架管腔,其中1例手术取出支架,另1例输尿管内留置双猪尾管(D-J管)引流。

    The ureteral stents were blocked and re-obstruction appeared in 2 cases within 5 ~ 6 months due to hyperplasia of fibrous tissue . One of the cases underwent removal of stent and the other case underwent insertion of double-J with improvement of renal function .

  7. 猪尾导管介入治疗局限性脓胸

    The Experience of intervenient treatment of empyema by using pig-tail catheter

  8. 猪尾猴疟原虫广西株红前期的研究浅析前理解

    The pre - erythrocytic stage of Plasmodium inui Guangxi strain in macaques

  9. 恒河猴感染猪尾猴疟原虫后危象期免疫学研究

    Studies on Immune Function in Crisis of the Rhesus Monkey with Plasmondium inui

  10. 猪尾猴疟原虫(P.inui)广西株配子体感染性变化规律的实验研究

    Experimental studies on the changes of infectivity of gametocytes of Plasmodium inui Guangxi strain

  11. 猪尾导管连接化疗药盒实现肝脏肿瘤多重化疗的可行性研究

    Multiple Chemotherapy of Hepatic Malignancy by Using Port-catheter System Connected with a Pigtail Catheter

  12. 他家正好养着两只猪尾猴,他把它们当孩子养呢。

    In fact , he has two pigtail macaques and he treats them like his children .

  13. 合成氨装置制氢转化炉上猪尾管系技术改造

    Technical Reformation for Upper Clip Shaped Pipe System for Hydrogen Making Reformer in Ammonia Synthesis Plant

  14. 制氢转化炉下猪尾管断裂失效分析及解决方案

    Split Expired Analysis and Solution to Fracture and Failure of the Down-tail Tube in the Hydrogen Manufacturing Converter

  15. 结论:利用猪尾导管治疗局限性脓胸是一种有效、安全的新方法。

    Conclusion : It is very effective and safe methods for treating the limited empyema by using pig-tail catheter .

  16. B超引导下多孔猪尾管置管引流的临床应用

    Clinical study of percutaneous transhepatic bile duct drainage with multiple opening pig - tail tube guided by B - mode ultrasound

  17. 制氢转化炉下猪尾管的设计与强度计算一段转化炉猪尾管开裂的原因分析及解决措施

    Design and strength calculation of lower pigtail for hydrogen manufacturing conversion furnace analysis of the reasons for breaking of primary reformer pigtail and the Countermeasures

  18. 主要讨论了软包装卤制猪尾的加工工艺及技术要点。

    Pig tail is a type of popularized food , the processing technology and key points of soft packaging pig tail are detailed in this article .

  19. 利用更换猪尾管局部管段并配合严格的焊接工艺,消除了猪尾管的开裂现象,且节约了大量资金。

    By replacing partially pigtail sections and carrying out strict welding procedure , cracking of the pigtails is eliminated , thus saving a lot of fund .

  20. 目的探讨使用猪尾造影导管与单一化疗药盒连接实现肝脏肿瘤多重化疗的可行性及初步疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of multiple chemotherapy in treating malignant liver neoplasm via port-catheter system ( PCS ) by using a pigtail catheter .

  21. 目的:阐明经剑突下穿刺猪尾导管心包引流并腔内化疗治疗恶性心包积液的有效性、安全性和实用性。

    Objective : To illustrate the treatment of malignant pericardial effusion by subxiphoid percutaneous pericardial pigtail catheter drainage and intrapericardial chemotherapy as a safe , effective and practical method .

  22. 作者观察了猪尾猴疟原虫广西株在熊猴和猕猴肝内第6、7、8天的红前期裂殖体。

    A description was made on the morphology and development of the pre-erythrocytic stage of Plasmodium inui Guangxi strain seen in liver biopsies and made on day 6 , 7 and 8 after inoculation of sporozoites of the parasite .

  23. 性能变化、原始焊接缺陷和吊架受力不均引起局部应力集中及长期失效的综合作用,会引发一段炉猪尾管的不可预见随机性开裂。

    Change in property , original welding flaws , and non-uniform distribution of force on the hangers result in local concentration of stress and , combined with long-term failure , will lead to unpredictable random cracking of the pigtails in the primary reformer .