
  • 网络Modernity;modern;modernism;modemity
  1. 同样,现代性并不排斥中国特色。

    Similarly , the modernity does not repel the Chinese characteristic .

  2. 现代性的自我确证与批判理论的规范基础

    Self-Verification of Modernity and the Basis of Criteria in Critical Theories

  3. 从发展的角度看,一个社会越是具有现代性,它的公民的权利和义务就越是平衡。

    In time to come , as a society modernizes , people 's rights and responsibilities should be balanced .

  4. 现代性话语体系下的风险与风险控制

    The Rish and Risk Controlling in the System of Modern Words

  5. (后)现代性与移动性:生态环境所面临的挤压&兼论旅游人类学视野中的旅游文化

    Post - modernization and mobility : the pressure which environment faced

  6. 技术理性、人文精神与文学现代性。

    Second , technological rationality , humanism and modernization of literature .

  7. 连云港城市发展中人文精神的现代性转换

    Change of Humanitarian Spirit in the Development of a Bridgehead City

  8. 现代性视阈中的二十世纪初浪漫主义思潮

    Early 20th Century Romantic Trend in the Visual Threshold of Modernity

  9. 而现代性进程中的陷阱和新全球化的历史定位,让我们呼唤中国新的现代性。

    We are expecting a new development of modernity in china .

  10. 杜威职业教育思想的现代性分析

    The Analysis on the Modernity of Dewey 's Vocational Education Thoughts

  11. 使人类的行动合乎理性,这是现代性的逻辑。

    The essence of modernity is to rationalize human behaviors .

  12. 现代性所开启的生存论境遇,在存在论哲学意义上是指:返回或恢复希腊的生存论传统。

    It means going back or resuming Greek tradition of the existentialism .

  13. 现代性状况和对历史唯物主义的近代解读的终结

    Modernity and the End of " Modern Interpretation " of Historical Materialism

  14. 这即是现代性在存在论意义上所开启的生存论境遇。

    This is the existential circumstance opened by the modernity .

  15. 现代性自诞生伊始就充满了矛盾和张力。

    At its birth , modernity was filled with paradoxes and strains .

  16. 现代性语境中的乡村政治文化言说

    Culture - Speaking of the Country Politics in the Context of Modernity

  17. 现代性建构:被忽视的途径&重识文学研究会与鸳鸯蝴蝶派的论争

    The Controversy between Literature Research Society and Mandarin Duck & Butterfly School

  18. 家庭背景因素对高中生现代性水平的影响

    Effect of Family Background on the Modernity of Senior Middle School Students

  19. 现代性是社会学研究的核心问题。

    Modernity is the core issue of the sociology study .

  20. 现代性视域下的艺术自律

    On the Autonomy of Art in the Background of Modernity

  21. 五四文学:对立的现代性

    The " May 4 " Literature : Modernity of Opposites

  22. 论马克思现代性批判的人文向度

    On the Humanistic Dimension of Marx 's Criticism of Modernity

  23. 第四章将清真餐饮业现代性转型理论运用到实际中,在微观层面上通过创新企业文化实现企业文化资本的增值;

    Chapter four concentrates on the practice of the modernity transformation theory .

  24. 因此,一种强烈的反现代性的情绪在乡土世界弥漫。

    Therefore , a strong anti-modern sentiment in the local world diffuse .

  25. 成为你自己&鲁迅、鲁迅现象和现代性问题

    " Become Yourself " & Lu Hsun , Lu Hsun Phenomenon and Modernity

  26. 城市现代性:本质、问题与超越

    City 's Modernity : Nature , Problems and Transcension

  27. 中国城市:现代性、文化风险与未来选择

    Chinesecity : modernity , culture risk and future choice

  28. 现代性的不断增长是医院基本现代化的根本特征。

    The increasing modernity is the fundamental characteristics of initial modernization of hospital .

  29. 文化研究与文论的现代性笔谈

    Forum : Cultural Study and Modernity of Literary Theories

  30. 现代性的当代考察与第三世界发展

    The contemporary inspection of modernity and the development of the Third - world