
  • 网络Real market;actual market
  1. 理想市场经济与现实市场经济

    Ideal Market Economy and Actual Market Economy

  2. 由于现实市场经济中存在“帕累托最优”的不可能性,必然存在经济风险。

    It is impossible for " Pareto Optimality " in the actual market economy , so economic risk must exist .

  3. B-S定价模型的前提条件相当严格,在现实市场中很难得到满足。

    B-S pricing model precondition very strict , in reality , the market is difficult to be met .

  4. 在第三章中,首先可以明确,SEC模式的产生是基于现实市场中盈余管理之风的盛行与扩张,投资者的利益需要得到切实的保护。

    In charter there , firstly , we are convinced that the generation of SEC model is based on the tide of earnings management and claming for the protection of investors ' following views .

  5. 首先分析了外汇市场的EMH,指出了其线性范式与现实市场状况并不相符;

    First , we analyse the efficiency of the foreign exchange market , pointing out that the linear paradigm of EMH is not an appropriate description of the true market .

  6. 但是,在不确定性与竞争性并存的现实市场中,传统NPV法无法有效分析各种不确定的因素,因而往往会低估项目的真实价值。

    However , in the real market where exist uncertainty and competition , the traditional NPV method can not effectively analyze various uncertain factors , and thus tend to underestimate the true value of the project .

  7. 过度竞争的原因是:煤炭产业现实市场结构、企业组织结构不合理。

    Un-reasonable market structure and industrial structure are reasons of over-competition .

  8. 现实市场经济体制下,企业作为一个重要的经济实体一直都是研究的重点。

    In real market economical institution , enterprises are the focused research object .

  9. 三是科学整合一般性道德和现实市场经济道德

    Finally , to cohere scientifically the general morality and the real market economy morality

  10. 由于信息不完全,现实市场中价格总是离散的。

    Due to incomplete information , price dispersion is a common phenomenon in the market .

  11. 建立药品创新与现实市场间的联接&动态模拟在新药产品战略中的应用

    Build Link between Pharmaceutical Innovation and Realistic Market : Application of Dynamic Modelling in Pharmaceutical Product Strategy

  12. 我国非寿险潜在市场与现实市场的差异成因及转化探析

    A Study on the Causes of Different Between China Potential and Actual Non-Life Insurance Market and Its Transformation

  13. 由于卖空约束在现实市场中普遍存在,因此建立这种结构化模型是具有实际意义的。

    As the short-selling constraint obviously exists in reality , it is meaningful to build such a structure model .

  14. 二是全面合理把握现实市场经济所拥有的道德内容;

    Secondly , to fully and reasonably understand the moral content that real market economy morality has in it ;

  15. 让潜在市场变为现实市场&扩大宁夏农村消费的建议

    Make the potential market to be the real market & The suggestion of expanding Ningxia rural area consumer demand

  16. 非现实市场中企业经营者的目标,是非常有用的假设。

    It is a useful assumption to describe the goals of entrepreneurs in the artificial world of pure competition .

  17. 然而现实市场是很不完美的,因此,企业的套期保值就不是无关紧要的。

    However , the markets in real life are not perfect ones which makes hedging very important for different firms .

  18. 网络输电能力对于现实市场公平竞争和电力系统稳定运行起到了至关重要的作用。

    Transmission capacity plays a significant role in fair competition and operation stability in power system and electricity power market .

  19. 在现实市场中,投资者并非是完全理性的,他们受到各种行为因素所影响。

    In the real market , the investors are not all rational , they may be affected by heterogeneous behavioral factors .

  20. 市场经济的契约性决定了市场主体之间的信赖关系在现实市场经济中主要是以合同的形式表现出来。

    Due to the charter nature of market economy , the trust between market subjects is usually reflected in the form of contracts .

  21. 西部地区农民低收入的问题影响到农村潜在市场向现实市场的转化;

    The problem about lower income of peasant in the western region affects the transform from latent market into real market in countryside .

  22. 行为金融学以其接近现实市场行为的分析方法展示出广阔的发展前景。

    However , the behavioral finance by means of theoretic analysis of being close to the real market behavior has exhibited expansive development ability .

  23. 因此,如何更好地开拓潜在市场,并把大量的潜在市场转化为现实市场是寻求高技术产品营销对策的关键所在。

    Of which the crucial factors are to tap better the potential market and to transform lots of the potential markets into actual ones .

  24. 但是,由于现实市场因素的限制,新的准则还是存在一些不足,需要进一步改进和完善。

    However , because the restrictions , real market factors new guidelines still existed some shortage , is a need to further improve and perfect .

  25. 但是为了分析的简便和分析的可操作性,可以将静态市场作为分析的一个假设。这种分析的结果必然会在现实市场中有所差异。

    We analyze the static market as an assumption in order to make possible analysis and there must be differences in the results of the analysis .

  26. 本文的不足之处在于:本文的研究需要严格的假设条件作支撑,而现实市场不尽满足这样苛刻的条件。

    In this paper the research needs of the strict assumptions do support , but not the reality of the market to meet such harsh conditions .

  27. 这成为我们做论文设计的一个客观前提,因此,这篇策划书和一般的策划报告相比多了一些实际的市场研究与运用,是一次理论和现实市场相结合的尝试。

    Upon which I would like to focus more on practical marketing research & operation , which makes my thesis is an integration of theory and real marketing practice .

  28. 并指出现实市场是一个信息不完美的市场,由于信息收集要付出成本,估价师获得完美信息要付出很大代价。

    The paper point out the fact that the real market is one with imperfect information , since col-lection of information will take energy , time , and money .

  29. 本文首先分析了股票市场与商品市场的理论联动机理,说明在有效市场条件下两类市场存在确定性的信息传递机制,而现实市场的不完善导致市场联动的不确定性与时变特征。

    In the condition of EMH , information transmission mechanism between the two markets is determined . But real markets are imperfect , which cause the linkage mechanism uncertainty and dynamic .

  30. 第六章主要从旅游准市场向现实市场的转化条件和有效转化途径对旅游准市场进行了深化研究。

    The main content of chapter VI is the profound study of tourism quasi-market , including the conditions and the effective transformation way of the real market turn into the quasi-market .