首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 他的笔锋,将山水诗境推向“情景相谐、理意俱融”的和谐境界。

    The relationship between feeling and landscape of his poems was harmonious .

  2. 传统美学五范畴的比较考察&情、欲、理、志、意简要清理

    Compare and inspect five category of traditional aesthetics & check up briefly emotion , desire , intellect , ideal , idea

  3. 基本原则为重兴趣、重积累、重感悟、重迁移、重习惯、重烛理、重炼意、重创新,体现相似诱导教学的实践原理。

    Its basic principle is to place emphasis on interest , accumulation , realization , habits , willpower and creativity , etc. to reveal the practical principle .

  4. 明清两代,随着重笔墨和主观精神的表现,理成为形与意的桥梁,为沟通中国画中的物我之意作出独特贡献。

    In the Ming and Qing dynasty , with the emphasis of form itself and expression of the law communicated subjective internal , law became the bridge between shape and inwardness , and made its unique contributions to the communication between an object and man in Chinese paintings .