
shēnɡ chǎn jià ɡé
  • Production price;price of production
  1. 价值转化为生产价格的理论前提

    On the Premises of Value Transforming to the Price of Production

  2. 价值转化为生产价格是马克思价值理论中的重要内容。

    Value transforming to the price of production is the important content of Marxian value theories .

  3. 6月的生产价格比5月下降了0.1%。

    In June , producer prices slipped 0.1 % from May

  4. 工业品生产价格指数(ppi)、工厂产出及零售额等方面的数据同样表现强劲。

    Data on producer prices , factory output and retail sales were also robust .

  5. 连续统消费者集合下一种Leontief经济的生产价格和一般均衡价格

    A Leontief economy prodution price and general equilibrium Pricer with a continum of consumers

  6. 总部位于考文垂的捷豹路虎隶属于印度的塔塔汽车(TataMotors)。该公司最初将与中国合作伙伴、国有的奇瑞汽车(CheryAutomobile)合作,生产价格稍低的SUV车型——揽胜极光(RangeRoverEvoque)。

    JLR , a unit of India 's Tata Motors , will initially produce Range Rover Evoques , one of its less expensive SUV models , with its Chinese partner , state-owned Chery Automobile .

  7. 去年12月,RIM对Playbook存货进行了高达5亿美元的账面减记,而本月早些时候,RIM又宣布不再生产价格最便宜的入门版Playbook。

    Rim took a nearly $ 500 million write down in December for unsold inventory and then , earlier this month , discontinued the cheapest version of the tablet .

  8. 该公司与法国制药公司赛诺菲-安万特(sanofi-aventis)合作,有望从明年开始批量生产价格可承受的青蒿素。

    Mass production of affordable artemisinin could start next year in collaboration with Sanofi-Aventis , the French drug company .

  9. 一般来讲,汇率变动先影响进出口商品价格,然后影响国内生产价格,最后才影响到国内消费价格(JonathanMcCarthy,2000)。

    Generally , the exchange rate changes influence the price of import and export goods firstly , then the price of domestic products , lastly the price of domestic consumer goods ( Jonathan McCarthy , 2000 ) .

  10. 农产品生产价格上涨14.1%。

    The producer prices for farm products were up by14.1 percent .

  11. 生产价格、市场秩序与社会主义市场经济体制的完善

    Production Price 、 Market Order and Perfection of Market Economy System

  12. 下游的生产价格也跟随这一上升趋势。

    Prices of downstream products were also following the upward trend .

  13. 中国不是唯一一个生产价格下降的国家。

    China is not the only country with falling producer prices .

  14. 生产价格理论的另类思考及李嘉图难题的另解

    From Ricardo Problems to Production Price Theory : Analysis on Methodological Error

  15. 我国第三产业生产价格指数计算方法探讨

    Research on calculating method of price index in service industry of China

  16. 对马克思生产价格理论的形成及有关问题的探讨

    A Study on the Formation of Marxist Price Theory and Its Related Problems

  17. 本月生产价格指数同比下降3.1%。

    The producer price index fell 3.1 percent year on year in the month .

  18. 米尔顿好时公司的业务重点是大量生产价格低廉的巧克力糖果。

    Milton Hershey 's business emphasis was to mass-produce chocolate candies at an affordable cost .

  19. 地租理论是马克思剩余价值分配理论的重要组成部分,它以科学的劳动价值理论与生产价格理论为基础。

    The Land theory is an important component of surplus value 's distribution of Marx .

  20. 农产品价格波动对经济增长影响研究中发现,农产品生产价格指数和国民生产总值指数存在较显著的长期均衡关系。

    There exists significant long-term equilibrium relation between agricultural products price index and GDP index .

  21. 于是,随着利润转化为平均利润,价值也同时转化为生产价格。

    Thus value is changed into production price when the profit is changed into average profit .

  22. 生产价格决定交换价值是商品交换中的普遍现象。

    It is a general phenomenon in the merchandise exchange that production cost decide the exchange price .

  23. 马克思的生产价格理论

    Marxist theory of production price

  24. 依据这一思路,生产价格应改为生产&流通价格或商品平均价格。

    Therefore , production price should be changed into " production-circulation price " or " average commodity price " .

  25. 消费物价指数,生产价格指数,成品(不包括食品),中间材料,原材料

    Consumer price index , Producer price index , Finished consumer goods excl. food , Intermediate materials , Crude materials

  26. 对农用地完整价值的价格评估就应当包括这三种价值货币化的经济生产价格、社会价格和生态环境价格的计算。

    The comprehensive agrarian land value evaluation should also include the price of economic value , social value and ecological value .

  27. 由于石油和其他大宗商品价格疲软,美国的生产价格也从一年前开始下降。

    They are also down in the United States from a year ago amid weak prices for oil and other commodities .

  28. 对武器装备科研生产价格实施有效控制是装备采购工作的一项长期任务。

    It is a long-range mission to implement effectively control to the cost of our equipment research and manufacture in equipment procurement .

  29. 马克思主义的价格理论体系包括三个层次,即价值、市场价格和生产价格。

    Marxist theory of the price system consists of three levels , namely , the value of market prices and production prices .

  30. 多数制造商是通过把成本基础多样化,或者是专门生产价格竞争不激烈的高价值产品而做到这一点的。

    Most have done so by diversifying their cost base or by specialising in high-value products that do not compete intensively on price .