
  • 网络form of life;life form;humanoid life forms
  1. 作家理查德戈登(richardgordon)曾经开玩笑地说,如果你用年轻一代对父母依赖时间的长短来衡量某个物种的成熟度,那医学院学生将是进化程度最高的生命形式。

    The author Richard Gordon once joked that if you measured the sophistication of a species by how long its young were dependent on their parents , medical students were the most highly evolved form of life .

  2. 某种生命形式似乎完全可能已在木星的大气层中进化了。

    It seems entirely possible that some form of life has evolved in Jupiter 's atmosphere .

  3. 第三-设计的照明能照亮黑夜,完全改变包括我们在内的许多生命形式所适应的光水平和光节奏。

    Ⅲ - designed lighting washes out the darkness of night and completely changes the light levels — and light rhythms — to which many forms of life , including , ourselves , have adapted .

  4. 首先,我们会在银河系中发现其他生命形式。

    First , we 'll find other life forms in our galaxy .

  5. 如果我们在其他行星上发现生命形式,它们会有智慧吗?我希望如此。

    If we find life forms on other planets , will they be intelligent ? I hope so .

  6. 但在下个世纪,我们将能从根本上改变我们的DNA,即在制造新的生命形式时对自己的理智和情感进行编码。

    But in the next century we 'll BE able to alter our DNA radically , encoding our visions and vanities while concocting new life-f0rms .

  7. 在所有已存在的生命形式中,细胞的蛋白质合成机制通过读取代表核苷酸的四个DNA化学“字母”来合成氨基酸链。

    In all existing life forms , the cell 's protein-making machinery reads the four chemical " letters " of DNA-called nucleotides-in triplets to make chains of amino acids .

  8. 这个含有人造DNA的细胞之后生长和分裂,形成了这种前所未见的生命形式,并被称为Synthia。

    The cell containing the man-made DNA then grew and divided , creating a hitherto unseen lifeform that was nicknamed'Synthia . '

  9. 亚里士多德(Aristotle)的“自然阶梯”(scalanaturae)理念将所有生命形式按从低到高的顺序进行排列,其中人类的排序最接近天神。

    Aristotle 's idea of the scala naturae , the ladder of nature , put all life-forms in rank order , from low to high , with humans closest to the angels .

  10. 有的科学家认为LHS1140b是最有可能找到其他生命形式的星球之一。

    LHS 1140b is considered by some scientists to be one of our best opportunities to find other life-forms .

  11. Wikispecies是一个有关生命形式的分类目录。

    Wikispecies is a taxonomic directory of life forms .

  12. 这就是诺贝尔经济学奖得主罗纳德科斯(RonaldCoase)的伟大发现,他用这一发现来解释为什么人类并非我们经济系统里唯一的智慧生命形式。

    This was the insight of the Nobel prizewinning economist Ronald Coase , and he used it to explain why humanity is not the only form of intelligent life in our economic universe .

  13. 从事生物科学的教育者还应关注Wikispecies,这是一个有关生命形式的分类字典,类似于一个有关生物学的、具有适当结构的Wikipedia。

    Educators in the biological sciences should also take note of Wikispecies , a taxonomic directory of life forms , like a modestly structured Wikipedia of organisms .

  14. 一家私营公司的科学家创造出了世界上首个合成的生命形式&一个叫做“辛西娅”(Synthia,意为“人造儿”)的单细胞有机体。

    Scientists working for a private corporation have created the world 's first synthetic life form-a single-celled organism named Synthia .

  15. 你永远看不到海洋里最丰富的生命形式——一个总称为SAR11的细菌科生物。

    The most abundant lifeform in the ocean is one you 'll never see - a family of bacteria collectively known as SAR11 .

  16. 这是一个特别伟大的发现,因为NASA竟然破天荒地没有承认外星人等另一种生命形式的可能性和UFO的存在,特别是此次这张照片还是NASA自己拍的。

    It is especially a great find because NASA has shown a history of not admitting to the possibility of otherworldly lifeforms like aliens or the existence of UFOs , but in this specific scenario , this photo has been taken by NASA themselves .

  17. 先进的生命形式或许在宇宙中是不规则的。

    Advanced forms of life may be anomalous in the universe .

  18. 有意味的生命形式&诗美创造谈

    The Meaningful Life Form & On the Creation of Poetic Beauty

  19. 珊瑚礁上可见的各种各样的生命形式

    The multifarious life-forms that can be found in a coral reef

  20. 爱、善、美统一的生命形式;

    The life pattern containing love , benevolence and beauty ;

  21. 许多生命形式要求其他生命也活着。

    Many life forms require other life forms to live .

  22. 生命形式的知识产权及国家政策

    Intellectual Property Right of Life Form and National Policies

  23. 具体表现为:1它把诗歌看作一种生命形式;

    This includes : 1.it describes poetry as a kind of life form ;

  24. 沈从文散文的生命形式

    The Life Form of Shen Cong-wen ' Prose

  25. 鸟的歌声和微风的交响乐欢迎它的每一个新的生命形式。

    The symphony of birdsong and breeze welcomes new life in its every form .

  26. 第三章生命形式:悲剧性的生存与抗争。

    The third chapter : the life pattern is the tragic existence and struggle .

  27. 生命形式与人类情感的统一&试论苏珊·朗格的艺术符号理论

    The Unity of Living Form and Human Emotion

  28. 对音乐教育生命形式的思考

    Some Thoughts Concerning Life Form of Music Education

  29. 任何生命形式将不复存在。

    No life form could have survived .

  30. 火山活动的水和热是生命形式所需的两个基本条件。

    Water and heat from volcanic activity are two basic conditionsneeded for life to form .