
  • 网络Ecological effect;Ecological efficiency
  1. 海水双壳贝类的N、P排泄及其生态效应

    Nitrogen and phosphorus excretions by marine bivalves and the ecological effects

  2. 着重讨论土壤添加Ge对土壤微生物的生态效应及土壤Ge污染临界含量。

    Ecological effects of germanium addition to soil on microorganisms and their critical value were emphatically discussed in this paper .

  3. GIS支持下的水文生态效应评价混合型专家系统设计初探

    Thoughts on a preliminary design to the mixed expert systems for estimation of ecological effect of hydrology based on GIS

  4. 以4种不同基质组合配比,进行营养液和有机生态型无土栽培试验,以土壤栽培为对照(CK),重点研究不同基质栽培对大棚甜椒生长发育、光合生理及生态效应、产量的影响。

    Compared with soil culture , the different substrate treatments were applied for solution and ecological sound organic substrate culture .

  5. 基于PSR模型的水电工程生态效应评价指标体系构想

    PSR Model-based Conception of Ecological Effect Assessment Indication System for Constructing of a Hydropower Project

  6. 进一步研究发现,Cd异常的生态效应还具有区域分异特征,并因土地耕作方式不同而异,这一发现为农作物合理布局提供了依据。

    Further study shows that the ecological effect of Cd anomalies differs from area to area and changes with the cultivation manner . This provides a basis for the rational layout of crop growth .

  7. No.0柴油水溶组分海洋浮游植物生态效应研究

    Ecological Effect of No.0 Diesel Water Accommodated Fraction on Marine Algae

  8. 通过野外调查、营养液培养和土壤培养试验,进行了Cu、Pb及其交互作用对鱼腥草生理生态效应的研究。

    Based on field survey , soil and nutrient incubation methods , the effect of Cu , Pb and their interactions on the physiological and ecological characteristics of the Houttuynia cordata Thunb was carried .

  9. 利用SDC的扩展形式可以在整个河道内预测由于河流调节所产生的各种不连续生态效应。

    With its extending form the discontinuity in whole river corridor caused by river regulation can be predicted .

  10. 上海城市边缘区样带LUCC的生态效应分析

    Analysis on the Ecological Effect of Land Use and Land Cover Change ( LUCC ) of the Urban Fringe Sample Zone in Shanghai

  11. 系统地综述了NOx在光化学烟雾、酸雨、臭氧层消失和温室效应几个极为重大的环境问题中所起的作用,并对由此产生的生态效应进行了论述

    It was summarized that the acts of NOx on light chemistry smog , acid rain and ozone layer depletion as well as greenhouse effect The ecological effects from those were discussed

  12. 将这两菌株与一株毒死蜱降解菌DSP3(Alcaligenesfaecali)按照不同组合处理黄瓜种子,以研究多功能菌群在环境中发挥生态效应的可行性。

    Cucumerinum and with promotion effect on plant growth were screened from cucumber rhizosphere , and the feasibility of exerting the ecological effects of multifunctional micro-flora agent was studied by treating cucumber seeds with the two strains singly or mixed with chlorpyrifos-degrading strain DSP3 ( Alcaligenes faecali ) .

  13. 岗平地黑土草田轮作的生态效应

    The Ecological Effect of Grass and Crop Rotation on Ridge Chernozem

  14. 果园生草栽培生理、生态效应研究进展

    Research Advances on the Physiological and Ecological Effects of Fruits Pasture-planting

  15. 人工毛竹林土壤的水文生态效应

    Hydrological and ecological effects of the soil in Phyllostachys pubescens plantation

  16. 丛枝菌根和根瘤菌双接种对矿区土地复垦的生态效应

    Ecological effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal and rhizobium on mining land reclamation

  17. 微孔膜覆盖穴播小麦生态效应研究

    A Study on Ecological Effect of Dibbling Wheat in Microporous Film

  18. 不同密度及施肥条件下水平沟耕作的生态效应

    Ecological benefit of level furrow planting in different fertilization and density

  19. 污染物在根-土界面的化学行为与生态效应

    Chemical behavior and ecological effects of pollutants acting on root-soil interface

  20. 海湾资源开发的累积生态效应研究

    Cumulative Ecological Effects Assessment on Resource Exploitation and Utilization in Bay

  21. 试析劳动湖水系的地理生态效应

    A simple analysis to the zoological effects of the Labour Lake

  22. 断根对紫花苜蓿生理生态效应的影响研究

    Study on the Eco-Physiological Effect of the Root Pruning on Alfalfa

  23. 康保县景观格局变化及其生态效应分析

    Study on the Landscape Change and Its Ecological Effects in Kangbao

  24. 黔中喀斯特地区的景观变化及其生态效应

    Landscape pattern variation and its ecological effects of karst area

  25. 抗虫杂交棉纤维品质生态效应及聚类分析

    Cluster Analysis for Fiber Quality Characteristics of Bollworm - resistance Hybrid Cotton

  26. 阿特拉津在不同肥力土壤中的生态效应

    The Ecological Effects of Atrazine on the Different Fertility Soils

  27. 皮革废水污染的土壤原生动物生态效应

    Ecological Effects of Soil Pollution by Leather Waste Water on Soil Protozoa

  28. 水体重金属污染的生态效应及生物监测

    Heavy Metal Pollution in Water Body : Ecological Effects and Biological Monitoring

  29. 菠萝-甘蔗轮作的土壤生态效应

    Effects of the crop rotation of pineapples-sugarcane on soil ecology

  30. 哈尔滨市典型街道景观与生态效应调查分析

    The analysis of street sight and ecology effect of Harbin