
  • 网络ecological condition;ecosystem
  1. 本试验观察了在杭州生态条件下土壤中不同NH4~&N水平对水稻根际固氮活性的影响。

    The influences of different NH_4 ~ + - N levels on the nitrogenase activity in rhizosphere of rice under the ecological condition of Hangzhou were observed .

  2. 因此,各栽培方式应根据生态条件采用适宜的氮肥调控措施,实现提高RUE,进而发掘产量潜力的目的。

    In order to reach high yield by improving RUE , each cultivation model should adopted respective suitable nitrogen regulation according to ecological condition .

  3. 生态条件对VA菌根真菌侵染烟草的影响

    Influence of Ecological Conditions to Infection of VAM Fungi on Tobacco Roots

  4. 对生长在同一生态条件下的中国沙棘、俄罗斯大果沙棘和蒙古大果沙棘品种雌雄株性别进行了RAPD鉴定。

    Three sea buckthorn from China , Russia and Mongolia and their female and male plant were distinguished by RAPD .

  5. 本研究利用BEM-Ⅰ系统自动测控塑料大棚内光照强度、温度和CO2浓度,以探求塑料大棚内栽培桧柏实生苗的最佳生态条件。

    This paper studied optimum ecological factors in culturing Sabina chinensis seedlings in plastic greenhouse by monitoring light intensity , temperature and CO2 concentration .

  6. 本文研究了主要生态条件对VA菌根真菌侵染烟草的影响。

    The influence of ecological conditions to the infection of VAM fungi on tobacco roots was studied .

  7. 不同生态条件下籼稻米饭质地和淀粉RVA谱的特性

    Cooked Rice Texture and Starch RVA Properties for Indica Rice under Different Ecological Conditions

  8. 对一类具双线性发生率H(I,S)=λIS的SIRS模型进行定性分析,在实际生态条件下证明了模型至多有一个极限环。

    In this paper , we study the epidemiological models with bilinear incidence rate , SIRS . It proves that the system SIRS has at most one limit cycle under ecological conditions .

  9. 在人工模拟逆境生态条件下,测定了李6个种17个品种(系)细胞质膜差别透性、POD同工酶活性及叶片中可溶性糖含量。

    The relative electric conductivity , soluble sugar content in leaf , and POD activity of 17 plum varieties , which belong to six species and one genera , were measured under artificial adverse environments .

  10. 采用X射线衍射分析技术和室内模拟法,研究了长期施钾对不同生态条件和不同轮作制度下黑土、塿土和灰漠土钾素固定的影响机理。

    By using X-ray diffraction and laboratory simulation , this paper studied the effects of long-term potassium ( K ) fertilization on K fixation in black soil , loess soil , and grey desert soil under different ecological conditions and cropping systems .

  11. 着重概述了光、温敏核不育水稻雄性育性转换的光温生态条件,育性转换过程中蛋白质、氨基酸、酶活性、ATP及内源植物激素持续变化。

    It focused on such aspects as the conditions of temperature and photoperiod , the changes of free amino acids , enzyme activity , ATP content , endogenous phytohormone and proteins in the process of fertility-alternation .

  12. 直立穗型水稻群体光照及温度、湿度、CO2浓度等生态条件较为优越,故生育后期叶面积指数(LAI)衰减较慢,群体光合速率(CAP)高值持续期长。

    The illumination , temperature , humidity and concentration of CO 2 in the erect panicle type population are superior to the curved one , and the LAI has relatively slower attenuation in the anaphase and has a longer high CAP period .

  13. 个体发育过程中生理和生态条件的变化,可引起耳石中Sr、Ca比率的改变,但栖息水域盐度的突然改变是导致Sr、Ca比率显著增高的主导因素。

    The changes of physiological and ecological condition during ontogenic development of the fish lead to the Sr / Ca ratio alteration in the otolith , but the drastic change of salinity in habitability water that was the dominant factor causing the Sr / Ca ratio significantly increase .

  14. 随着生态条件的变化,533S的部分花药可分化出1~2个花粉囊,产生少量可育花粉粒。

    533S ' anther could restore and produce 1-2 pollen sac when ecological factors are fit for development of anther .

  15. 不同生态条件下水稻三系不育系G98A的开花习性与异交结实的关系

    The Relationship between Flowering Habit and Outcrossing Seed Setting Rate of G98A ( a Rice CMS ) under Different Ecological Conditions

  16. 盾叶薯蓣皂甙元合成与积累的最适气候生态条件为:年降水量:800~900mm,以850mm最佳;

    The most suitable climatic range for the biosynthesis and accumulation of diosgenin is as follows : Annual precipitation : 800 ~ 900 mm , 850 mm the best .

  17. 在云南2种生态条件下,对基因枪法获得的转溶菌酶基因水稻高代品系D2-1-2和受体品种中花9号的农艺性状、稻米蛋白质含量、氨基酸含量和11种矿质元素进行了对照分析。

    With trans-lysozyme gene rice line D2-1-2 and its restorer Zhonghua No. 9 as test materials , this paper studied their agronomic characters and grain qualities under two ecological conditions of Yunnan .

  18. 为了探索光温敏核不育系139S应用基础,利用自然生态条件下3年分期播种试验和人工气候室(箱)、冷水池鉴定,对温敏核不育系139S的温敏特性进行了研究。

    Based on the three-year experiments of interval sowings under natural ecological conditions , in artificial chamber and in cold pool , a study was undertaken to test the performance of thermo-sensitive genic sterile rice line 139S .

  19. 生态条件对越橘果实品质及产量的影响

    Effect of Ecological Conditions on Fruit Quality and Yield of Blueberry

  20. 这些元素与其生态条件有关。

    These elements are connection with ecological condition of common toad .

  21. 陇南核桃丰产气候生态条件研究

    Studying on Climatic Ecological Conditions of Walnut Fertility over Southern Gansu

  22. 甘肃的自然生态条件与农业持续发展

    Natural ecological conditions and sustainable development of agriculture in Gansu Province

  23. 不同生态条件对大豆品种产量性状的影响

    Effect of different ecological condition on Varietal yield characters of soybeans

  24. 麻羊产区,在海拔升高、生态条件改变的情况下,麻羊的某些生态特征亦发生相应的变化。

    These characteristics vary with the altitude and ecological conditions .

  25. 环境生态条件对小麦品质的影响研究进展

    Effect Studies of Environment and Ecological Conditions on Wheat Quality

  26. 内蒙古沙地云杉生长与生态条件关系的研究

    Relationship between ecological conditions and spruce growth on sandy land

  27. 黑龙江省东部山地农业生态条件及其发展方向

    Agricultural ecological condition and development direction of hilly area of Heilongjiang Eastern

  28. 自然生态条件下鼠类数量与天敌数量的平衡关系

    Quantity Equilibrium Formula between Rodent & Predator in Natural Ecology

  29. 不同生态条件下大豆杂交后代选择效应的研究

    Effect of selection under different ecological conditions on Soybean Crosses

  30. 长江农业文化的自然生态条件

    The natural ecological condition for the agricultural culture of the Yangtze basin