
  • 网络Ecological consumption;eco-consumption
  1. 在分析西部发展生态消费制约因素的基础上,提出了促进我国西部地区生态消费的相应措施。

    Then based on the analysis of influencing factors in the development of eco-consumption , it provides related ideas to establish eco-consumption mode in the west of China .

  2. 在西部地区发展生态消费,让市场引导生态产业发展,有利于解决西部生态保护和环境治理问题。

    The paper indicates that the development of eco-consumption by means of market in western ecological restoration can help solve its problems of ecological conservation and environmental management .

  3. 生态消费的价值合理性与人的全面发展

    Rationality of Ecological Consumption 's Value and Man 's Overall Development

  4. 生态消费的发展是推动生产可持续发展的基本力量,是可持续发展的重要组成部分和实现途径。

    The ecological consumption is the impetus of the sustainable development stratagem .

  5. 城市居民生态消费行为的影响因素分析

    Analysis on Factors Affecting Ecological Consumption Behavior of Urban Residents

  6. 东北地区生态消费水平的区域可持续性研究

    Study on Regional Sustainability of Ecological Consumption in Northeast China

  7. 超越消费主义:实现生态消费的必由之路

    Transcending Consumerism Principle : A necessary way to ecological consumption

  8. 科学发展观维度的农民生态消费模式建构

    Constructing Farmers ' Ecological Consuming Pattern in a Scientific Way

  9. 当务之急是提倡生态消费,缩小生态赤字。

    Advocating ecological consumption and reducing the ecological deficit are of paramount importance .

  10. 现代性消费伦理的演变与生态消费伦理的提出

    The Evolution of Modernity Consuming Ethics and the Advancement of Ecological Consuming Ethics

  11. 提倡绿色营销培植生态消费

    Promoting Green Business and Cultivating Ecological Consumerism

  12. 生态消费税收制度研究

    Research on the Ecotype Consumption Tax System

  13. 生态消费视野下的环境标志法律制度研究

    A Study on the Legal System of Environmental Labeling in the View of Ecological Consumption

  14. 本文正是基于对转变人类消费模式的极大关注而提出了运用法律进行生态消费保障的主张和思考。

    This article advise to make use of the law to guarantee ecotype consumption mode .

  15. 生态消费本质上是合理的适度消费、合宜的绿色消费和合道的文明消费。

    The essence attribute of ecological consumption is moderate consumption , green consumption and civilized consumption .

  16. 略论生态消费品价格

    The Price of Green Consumer Goods

  17. 生态消费法研究

    Study on Ecotype Consumption Law

  18. 生态消费不仅仅是一种消费理念,也是一种实实在在的消费过程,因此,生态消费的主体与客体是生态消费研究的重要理论命题之一。

    Ecological consumer goods are one of the important theoretical topics in the study of ecological consumption development .

  19. 因而,探索一种新的生态消费方式是摆在我们面前亟待解决的一项重要任务。

    Thus , to explore a new ecological consumption pattern is an important task for us to carry out .

  20. 环境伦理、经济伦理、消费伦理分别对生态消费提供了理论上的道德支持。

    Furthermore , for ecological consumption , environmental ethics , economic ethics and consumption ethics provide theoretical moral support .

  21. 本文共分三部分:第一章主要对生态消费内涵和本质进行了阐述。

    This paper is consists of three parts : The first chapter states the meaning and nature of ecological consumption .

  22. 构建生态消费经济观&兼评我国适度消费理论

    To Form an Economic Outlook of Ecological Consumption : Also Comment on Theory of Consumption in Reasonable Degree of Our Country

  23. 生态消费是可持续发展思想在消费领域的具体体现,是人类消费模式的根本变革。

    It 's a concrete reflection of sustainable development thought in consumption area and a fundamental change of man 's consumption mode .

  24. 超越现代性消费伦理,倡导生态消费伦理,是人全面、自由发展和人类走向生态文明的必由之路。

    The author believes that surmounting modernity consuming ethics and advocating ecological consuming ethics will meet all-round and free development of humankind .

  25. 生态消费不同于绿色消费和适度消费,它是可持续消费的重要内容。

    The ecological consumption is different with the green consumption and the moderate consumption it is one important part of the sustainable consumption .

  26. 公平性原则是指生态消费不仅要考虑到个人与社会、城市与乡村的公平,还要考虑到当代与后代之间的公平。

    Principle of fairness means ecological consumption should consider the fairness between individual and society , urban and rural areas , even contemporaries and successors .

  27. 因此,构建全方位的制度体系,是实现由传统消费模式向现代生态消费模式转变的根本保证。

    Therefore , building an all-round regulation system is the guarantee of a transform from the traditional consumption mode to the modern ecological consumption mode .

  28. 深入理解生态消费的内涵与界定,不断调整制度安排,有利于促进生态消费模式的构建。

    Deeply understanding the meaning and definition of ecological consumption and adjust its institutional arrangements continuously , we can promote construction of ecological consumption patterns .

  29. 其次,从当前我国所面临的现实情况出发,论证了生态消费方式取代传统消费方式的必要性和可能性。

    Secondly , from the reality faced by our country , it demonstrated the necessity and possibility for ecological consumption patterns to replace the traditional ones .

  30. 由于存在所谓理性“经济人”假设,经济主体主动选择生态消费的内动力不足。

    The economic subject does not have enough inner motives to choose ecological consumption actively due to the existence of the assumption of " economic being " .