
  • 网络life history study;Life History Research
  1. 生活史研究为进化生态学研究的核心内容之一。

    Life history research lies at the heart of evolutionary ecology .

  2. 唯物史观与社会生活史研究的理论基石

    Theoretical Cornerstone of Materialist Conception of History and Social History Research

  3. 中国水牛梭形肉孢子虫的生活史研究

    Experimental study on the life cycle of Sarcocystis fusiformis in Chinese Buffalos

  4. 核桃潜叶蛾的生活史研究

    Study of Walnut Leafminers ' living history and the prevention and control

  5. 紫菜的生殖与生活史研究进展

    Reproduction and life history of Porphyra & A review

  6. 柱状田头菇的栽培生理及生活史研究概述

    A Review of Research on the Cultivation Physiology and Life Cycle of Agrocybe aegerita

  7. 原生质体技术在茯苓菌种复壮、育种和生活史研究中的应用

    Application of Protoplast Technique in the Rejuvenation 、 Breeding and Life Cycle of Poria Cocos

  8. 三种异形科吸虫和东方次睾吸虫的生活史研究

    Studies on the life histories of three species of heterophyid trematodes and Metorchis orientalis tanabe , 1921

  9. 贵州省食肉动物的钩口线虫类和锡兰钩虫的生活史研究

    The ancylostomas of Carnivora in Guizhou Province and studies on the life history of Ancylostoma ceylanicum looss 1911

  10. 但由于马克思历史研究中研究的起点和叙述的起点不同,人们普遍关注的是唯物史观的宏观维度,相对忽视了市民社会史、日常生活史研究这一微观维度。

    The macro dimension of historical materialism has been widely focused , and the history of civil society and everyday life is still neglected .

  11. 繁殖对策尤其资源分配问题是植物生活史研究的核心,人们对植物资源分配的研究主要集中在(有性)繁殖分配和性分配。

    Reproductive strategies , especially resource allocation are central of study of plant life history . Studies on resource allocation were focused on reproduction allocation and sex allocation .

  12. 中华血簇虫的生活史研究(复顶门:孢子纲)Ⅱ.中华血簇虫在中华鳖中的发育

    Studies on the life cycle of haemogregarina sinensis Chai et Chen ( apicomplexa : sporozoasida ) ii . observations on development of haemogregarina sinensis in a Chinese turtle , Trionyx sinensis

  13. 椭圆食粉螨(AleuroglyphusovatusTroupeau,1878)生活史的研究(蜱螨目,粉螨科)

    Studies on the life-history of aleuroglyphus ovatus troupeau ( acarina , acaridae )

  14. 中国淡水鱼寄生甲壳动物鲺属(Argulus)的生态与生活史的研究

    Notes on the , ecology and life history of argulus ( parasitic copepoda ) from the freshwater fishes of China

  15. 荒漠植物生活史对策研究进展与展望

    Advances and Prospect of Researches on Desert Plant Life History Strategies

  16. 三种恙虫生活史的研究

    On the life histories of 3 species of scrub mites

  17. 植物表型可塑性及生活史对策研究

    The Study of Plant Phenotypic Plasticity and Life-history Strategies

  18. 范式转换与道德生活史的研究

    The Transformation of Paradigm and the Study of the History of Moral Life

  19. 台湾次睾吸虫生活史的研究

    Studies on the Life Cycle of Metorchis taiwanensis

  20. 第一章,介绍了国内外对近代英国民众休闲生活史的研究状况。

    The first chapter introduce the study condition of both Chinese and overseas scholars .

  21. 19种淡水鱼类的生活史类型研究

    Study on Life-history Pattern of Nineteen Freshwater Fishes

  22. 东北退化草原狼毒种群生活史对策研究

    Studies on the Life-History Strategies of Stellera Chamaejasme Population in the Degraded Steppe of Northeast China

  23. 居住生活文化史研究方法初探&基于日本相关论文的解析

    The First Quest for the Research Methodology of Inhabitable Life Culture : Base on the Analysis of Japanese Relative Treatises

  24. 福建邵武两栖动物的调查及其习性生活史的研究

    A survey of the amphibian fauna of shaowu , fukien , and a study of their breeding habits and life histories

  25. 本论文是以教师生活史的研究方法来研究教师关怀问题的一次尝试。

    This thesis is based on teachers ' life history research methods to study teachers care an attempt of the problem .

  26. 近代英国民众休闲生活史的研究开始于20世纪50年代,初期的研究者及研究成果都非常有限;

    The research of modern English people 's leisure history began in 1950s , researchers and achievements were all scarce during this period .

  27. 本文的研究方法为城市社会生活史的研究方法,通过对具有城市生活经历的未成年人在城市的生活史的过程分析来得出研究结论。

    The research method named " the Urban Social Life Histories " , which made the conclusion of the study through the experience of city life with minors .

  28. 前者是植物生活史进化研究的核心,后者研究繁殖资源在雌雄两性功能间的最优分配问题,主要解释植物繁育系统的多样性。

    The former is core of life history evolution ; the latter is about optimal allocation of reproductive resources between sexes , attempted to interpret the diversity of plant breeding systems .

  29. 在对工具理性、技术理性占主导地位的当代教育科学研究反思中,根据教师关怀这一问题的基本伦理特质,选用教师生活史的研究方法开展研究。

    On instrumental rationality and technology rationality dominant reflection on contemporary education scientific research , according to the question of " teachers " basic ethical qualities , choose " life of teachers " research method to carry out the research .

  30. 白杨天社蛾MelalophaanachoretaFabricius的生活史和防治研究简报

    A preliminary study on the life history of melalopha anachoreta Fabricius and its control