
shēnɡ huó bì xū pǐn
  • necessaries;daily necessities;necessaries of life;keep
  1. 他有足够的钱购买生活必需品。

    He has enough money to obtain the necessaries of life .

  2. 他们缺少生活必需品。

    They were destitute of necessaries of life .

  3. 对她来说,书就像面包一样,是生活必需品。

    For her , books were as necessary to life as bread

  4. 靠着一种生活必需品赚这么多钱,这在道德上说得过去吗?

    Can it be moral to make so much money out of a commodity which is essential to life ?

  5. 房间里陈设了最简单的生活必需品:一张床,一把椅子和一张桌子。

    The room was furnished with the simplest essentials .

  6. 我的那些朋友很热爱大自然,他们记得要带上所有生活必需品。

    My nature-loving friends had remembered to bring all the necessities of life .

  7. 现在,肥皂已成为我们的生活必需品。

    Now . Soap is something we wouldn 't want to live without .

  8. 但它现在是生活必需品。肥皂无处不在。

    But it is something that it would be difficult to live without today.Soap is everywhere .

  9. 要共同维护全球产业链供应链稳定,中国将加大力度向国际市场供应原料药、生活必需品、防疫物资等产品。

    We need to jointly2 keep the global industrial and supply chains stable . What China will do in this regard is to increase its supply of active pharmaceutical3 ingredients , daily necessities , and anti-epidemic and other supplies to the international market .

  10. 约翰内斯的窘境是一个隐藏摄像机实验,由挪威慈善团体SOS儿童村发起,这是该组织冬日行动的一部分,这个活动是为了筹集更多捐赠为叙利亚儿童送冬日的生活必需品外套和毛毯。

    Johanne 's predicament was a hidden camera experiment by Norwegian charity SOS Children 's Village as part of their winter campaign to gather donations to send much-needed coats and blankets to help Syrian children get through the winter .

  11. 她有足够的钱购买生活必需品。

    She has enough money to obtain the necessaries of life .

  12. 她拿了一些生活必需品就直奔机场。

    She packed a few essentials and headed for the airport .

  13. 许多人认为电视是一件生活必需品。

    Television is considered a necessity by a lot of people .

  14. 百姓间的物物交换多为生活必需品。

    Among the common people barter mostly involved daily necessities .

  15. 做买卖;出售一些生活必需品。

    Do business ; offer for sale as for one 's livelihood .

  16. 所有的生活必需品都有供应。

    It was supplied with all the necessities of life .

  17. 他们所有的仅仅是生活必需品而已。

    All they had were the bare necessities of life .

  18. 他应该向他们提供食物和其他生活必需品。

    Food , clothes and house are necessities of life .

  19. 在运送生活必需品方面,我们将会得到帮助。

    We will be helped to send the living necessities .

  20. 很晚才回到家,拎着一堆食物等生活必需品。

    And returning home late under her load of provisions .

  21. 食物和衣服是最低限度的生活必需品。

    Food and clothing are the bare necessities of life .

  22. 我指的最起码的生活必需品自然的力量

    I mean the bare necessities are Mother Nature 's recipes

  23. 她连生活必需品都不能买,更不用说奢侈品。

    She cannot buy daily necessities , much less luxuries .

  24. 家庭需要金钱来购买生活必需品。

    Families need it to buy things they must have .

  25. (二)对食品等基本生活必需品和药品统一发放和分配;

    Centralized provision and distribution of basic daily necessities such as foods ;

  26. 失业使人连基本生活必需品都买不起了。

    Being unemployed makes it difficult to afford even the basic necessity .

  27. 她贫困,缺少生活必需品。

    She is poor and in want of basic things .

  28. 我们的托儿所为幼小的孩子提供一切生活必需品。

    Our nursery provides for all the needs of very young children .

  29. 有多少创新,才能实现在基本的生活必需品?

    How much innovation can be achieved in basic necessities of life ?

  30. 她不得不对每笔开销精打细算,甚至包括小件的生活必需品。

    She 's forced to calculate every expenditure , including small