
yòng hù
  • user;subscriber;end-user;consumer;party
用户 [yòng hù]
  • [user;consumer;end-user] 使用人;消费者

用户[yòng hù]
  1. “用户费”不过是政治家对“税款”的委婉说法。

    ‘ User fees ’ is just a politician 's euphemism for taxes .

  2. 即使是有强烈安全意识的计算机用户也时刻处于计算机病毒入侵的威胁下。

    Even the most security-conscious computer user is under constant threat from computer viruses .

  3. 进入系统请键入用户名称和密码。

    Enter a username and password to get into the system .

  4. 这种新软件将会对互联网用户大有益处。

    The new software will prove a boon to Internet users .

  5. 用户通过回答一系列问题,逐步完成整个程序。

    Users advance through the program by answering a series of questions .

  6. 这台计算机编程时已设计在信息删除前提醒用户。

    The computer is programmed to warn users before information is deleted .

  7. 将投诉寄至用户服务部。

    Direct any complaints to the Customer Services department .

  8. 这个特色是为帮助没有经验的用户而设计的。

    This feature is designed to aid inexperienced users .

  9. 他成了一个网上新闻组的用户。

    He subscribed to a newsgroup .

  10. 办公室网络让用户共享文件和软件,并使用中央打印机。

    The office network allows users to share files and software , and to use a central printer .

  11. PLATFORM公司是80多个铁路用户组的联盟。

    PLATFORM is an alliance of more than 80 rail-user groups .

  12. 用户可以下载MP3音乐文件,然后用个人电脑上的光盘刻录机直接刻写在CD音乐光盘上。

    Users can download MP3 music files and record them directly onto a CD audio disc using a PC CD writer .

  13. 那些文件柜都被之前的用户搬了个精光。

    The filing cabinets had all gone with the previous occupants .

  14. 全球通手机用户持续增长。

    There has been consistent growth in GSM mobile subscribers .

  15. 顾客付费后登录系统和其他用户聊天。

    Customers pay to log on and gossip with other users

  16. 中国有将近1,500万卫星电视和有线电视用户。

    China has almost 15 million subscribers to satellite and cable television .

  17. 他们向申请重新接通服务的用户收取66.10英镑的费用。

    They charge a £ 66.10 fee for reconnecting cut-off customers

  18. 大约6万用户拥有特殊的适配器来接收和转换信号。

    About 60,000 subscribers have special adapters to receive and decode the signals .

  19. 默认选项通常是大多数用户都会选择的设置。

    The default is usually the setting that most users would probably choose .

  20. 用户可以把资料下载到台式机上。

    Users can download their material to a desktop PC.

  21. 网络多人游戏是宽带用户增多的一个主要原因。

    Internet multiplayer games are responsible for much of the increase in broadband use .

  22. 一份征询意见书已贴在了因特网上,欢迎网络用户发表意见。

    A consultation paper has been posted on the Internet inviting input from Net users .

  23. 如果计算机用户没有成功退出,那么谁都可以进入该系统。

    If a computer user fails to log off , the system is accessible to all .

  24. 用户可在由局域网或因特网连接的个人计算机之间很容易地传递文件。

    Users can easily move files between PCs connected by local area networks or the internet .

  25. 你必须以终端用户可以理解的方式描述产品。

    You have to be able to describe things in a form that the end user can understand .

  26. 这些新用户对我们的产品很满意。

    The new users are satisfied with our products .

  27. 关于您最近的咨询,我随信附上一份我们的用户指南。

    Regarding your recent enquiry , I have enclosed a copy of our user guide .

  28. 增加了生产设备以后,我们做广告争取更多的用户。

    Having increased our manufacturing facilities , we are advertising to obtain more users .

  29. 软件支持中文用户介面吗?

    Does the PC Defense software support Chinese user interface ?

  30. 该公司是最大的石油用户。

    The company is the biggest user of oil .