
  • 网络oracle;Oracle Corporation;Oracle Corp;ORCL
  1. 拉里-埃里森是甲骨文公司的现任CEO。

    Larry Ellison is the present CEO of Oracle .

  2. “私有云(privatecloud)”是甲骨文公司四处宣扬的一个术语,为的是让其客户相信,他们正在构建属于他们自己的云。

    The " private cloud " was a term Oracle bandied about to let its customers believe they were building their own clouds .

  3. 最初,甲骨文公司(Oracle)对云视而不见。

    First , Oracle ignored the cloud .

  4. 数据库供应商中的头牌就是甲骨文公司(Oracle),而它是绝不会轻易认输的。

    Oracle ( orcl ) , of course , is the number one database provider .

  5. 随后,他在甲骨文公司(Oracle)工作了六年。

    He went to work for Oracle ORCL - 0.09 % for the next six years .

  6. 6月份,Salesforce就将与自己的劲敌甲骨文公司(Oracle)达成合作协议。

    In June , it cut a deal with arch-enemy Oracle .

  7. 加入凯鹏华盈之前,莱茵是甲骨文公司(Oracle)的总裁兼首席运营官。

    Prior to joining Kleiner Perkins , he was president and chief operating officer of Oracle ( orcl ) .

  8. 在甲骨文公司最近的股东大会上,一位个人投资者问埃里森,为什么IBM公司的股票表现优于甲骨文。

    At Oracle 's recent shareholder meeting , an individual investor asked Ellison why IBM 's ( IBM ) stock had outperformed Oracle 's.

  9. 甲骨文公司(OracleCorporation)董事长劳伦斯·J·艾利森(LawrenceJ.Ellison)在夏威夷拥有一座私人岛屿。

    Lawrence J. Ellison , chairman of the Oracle Corporation , has his own private Hawaiian island .

  10. 包括甲骨文公司(Oracle)和IBM在内的企业都在投资云计算,即使这样做可能意味着牺牲在传统程序上的投资。

    Companies like Oracle ( orcl ) and IBM are investing in cloud computing , even if it risks cannibalizing their older programs .

  11. 这等于心照不宣地承认,在云时代里,甲骨文公司需要效仿IBM,转型为一家服务公司。

    It was a tacit admission that Oracle needed to become , in the age of the cloud , a service company just like IBM .

  12. 而竞争对手如戴尔公司(Dell)和甲骨文公司(Oracle)的招聘人员可能已经在致电惠普员工询问跳槽意向了。

    Recruiters from competitors like Dell ( DELL ) and Oracle ( ORCL ) are already likely making calls .

  13. 上周四晚间,甲骨文公司(Oracle)突然宣布,创始人拉里•埃里森将卸任CEO。

    On Thursday evening , Oracle announced to much surprise that founder and CEO Larry Ellison will step down from his long-held post .

  14. 甲骨文公司(Oracle)未能达到预期收益,就如同马里亚诺•瑞维拉(美国职棒大联盟洋基队球星-译注)错失了1次救球机会,或鲍勃•迪伦推出了1张令人失望的专辑。

    Oracle missing its earnings guidance is like Mariano Rivera blowing a save opportunity , or Bob Dylan putting out a disappointing record .

  15. 该加拿大公司排名下滑11位,至第25名,落后于甲骨文公司(oracle)、sap和中国建设银行(chinaconstructionbank)等许多黑莓持有者肯定没听过的品牌。

    The Canadian maker of the BlackBerry slipped 11 notches to 25th place behind names such as Oracle , sap and China Construction Bank that are surely unknown to plenty of blackberry-toting types .

  16. 事实表明,谷歌目前高调招募的许多人才都来自同城竞争对手甲骨文公司(Oracle)。

    It turns out that a lot of the high profile people Google is recruiting are coming from cross-town rival Oracle ( orcl ) .

  17. 在此期间,微软的股价一直波澜不兴,而甲骨文公司(Oracle)和苹果公司(Apple)等竞争对手的股价却大幅攀升。

    During that time , the stock stayed flat as competitors such as Oracle ( orcl ) and apple ( AAPL ) saw huge gains in their share price .

  18. 该公司目前的做法,使得那些面向消费者的技术竞争对手纷纷凭借移动设备超越自己,同时在企业软件领域与从IBM到甲骨文公司(Oracle)的所有对手竞争。

    Its current approach has allowed consumer technology rivals to vault past in mobile devices while it simultaneously competes with everyone from IBM to Oracle in enterprise software .

  19. 据甲骨文公司预估,2013年B2B电子商务市场交易额达到5590亿美元,远不及以前的预测。

    In 2013 , B2B ecommerce hit $ 559 billion , according to Oracle estimates , a far cry from the trillions once predicted .

  20. 甲骨文公司(Oracle)在2010年收购太阳微系统公司(SunMicrosystems)后承担了Java程序语言的责任,并于今年2月份发布了漏洞更新。

    Oracle ( orcl ) , which assumed responsibility for the Java programming language when it acquired Sun Microsystems in 2010 , released a fix for the vulnerability in February .

  21. 19位CEO甚至没有接受过大学教育,而且还有很多是中途退学然后变成了一个富有远见的科技领域领袖,比如甲骨文公司的CEO劳伦埃里森。

    Nineteen of the 500 CEOs attained no college degree , and many were college dropouts turned visionaries in the technology sector , like Oracle Corp. 's top executive and now billionaire Lawrence J. Ellison .

  22. 甲骨文公司(Oracle)、IBM公司和微软公司(Microsoft)无疑是业界翘楚,SAP公司和天睿公司(Teradata)也是强劲的竞争者。

    Oracle ( ORCL ) , IBM ( IBM ) , and Microsoft ( MSFT ) are among the companies leading the way ; SAP and Teradata ( TDC ) are also competitors .

  23. 《华尔街日报》同时指出,有报道称总部位于美国马萨诸塞州霍普金顿的EMC公司还与戴尔(Dell)进行了合并谈判。另外,思科系统公司和甲骨文公司也曾被指有意跟EMC联姻。

    EMC has also reportedly held deal talks with Dell , while Cisco Systems and Oracle Corporation have also been cited as potential suitors for the Hopkinton , Massachusetts-based company , WSJ says .

  24. 64岁的贝弗莉说,七十年代最后几年,杰米恩的病情开始恶化,从此之后,“我就管不住他了”。贝弗莉现在甲骨文公司(OracleCorp)设备管理部门工作。

    In the years since his condition began deteriorating in the late 1970s , ' he slipped through my fingers like sand , ' says Ms. Jermyn , 64 , who manages facilities for Oracle Corp.

  25. 在零售商中排名第八的沃尔玛公司的软件工程师以12万2110美元的平均基本工资——仅次于甲骨文公司的12万2905美元——高于来自Facebook,eBay,亚马逊和微软的工程师的平均工资。

    The retailer ranked eighth , with a reported average base salary of $ 122110 - just behind Oracle 's $ 122905 , but ahead of the average salaries reported by engineers from Facebook , eBay , Amazon or Microsoft .

  26. 我用了几乎整个夏天的时间来报道和撰写关于萨弗拉•卡兹(SafraCatz),这位谜一样的甲骨文公司(Oracle)联席总裁的文章。

    Silicon Valley 's most underrated CEO I spent most of the summer reporting and writing a feature story about Safra Catz , the enigmatic co-president of Oracle ( ORCL ) .

  27. 该公司与Salesforce、Marketo和甲骨文公司有密切合作关系。数码胸卡和“系带”,比如Nymi的心率监测设备,超过了眼镜,成为人们第二感兴趣的领域,尽管优势十分微弱。

    Digital badges and " lanyards " such as the Nymi heart-monitoring device beat out eyewear ( although only slightly ) as the second most active area of interest .

  28. 目前,我们与所有主要的独立软件厂商,诸如甲骨文公司、Informix公司、SAP公司及PeopleSoft公司等业界领先者合作并确保它们的产品在上市之时适用于新的基础结构。

    We are working closely with all the major independent software vendors - industry leaders such as Oracle and Informix , SAP and PeopleSoft - to make sure their products are optimized for the new architecture by the time it is launched .

  29. 据《纽约时报》报道称,竞争者有索尼、华纳兄弟、环球影视、20世纪福克斯;而令人惊讶的是,由甲骨文公司女继承人梅根·埃里森资助和领导的、年头相对较短的Annapurna影业也加入了该竞争。

    According to the New York Times , the contenders are Sony , Warner Bros , Universal Pictures , 20th Century Fox and , unexpectedly , the relatively new Annapurna , financed and led by Megan Ellison , the heiress of Oracle .

  30. 俄勒冈州州长约翰·凯兹哈柏要求反诉甲骨文公司。

    Governor John Kitzhaber is calling for a counter suit against Oracle .