
  1. 他为《纽约人》杂志画漫画和设计封面。

    He did cartoons and covers for the new Yorker magazine .

  2. 后来我离开了NASA开始全职画漫画,但我对科学和数学的热爱却并未因此而消减。

    I eventually left NASA to draw comics full-time , but my interest in science and math didn 't fade .

  3. 不过我并不是画漫画起家的,我的专业是物理,在毕业后去了美国航空航天局(NASA)做机器人方面的工作。

    I didn 't start out making comics . I went to school for physics , and after graduating , I worked on robotics at NASA .

  4. 以上便是今天帕特-奥列芬特所画漫画的背景。

    This is the background to pat oliphant 's cartoon .

  5. 画漫画就象写日记。

    Drawing cartoons is similar to writing diaries .

  6. 那个淘气的男孩在一张纸上给老师画漫画。

    That naughty boy drew a cartoon of his teacher on a sheet of paper .

  7. 做一些或与工作无关的事情,看电影,画漫画,任何你喜欢做的事情。

    Related to work or to do some things , watching movies , cartoons , whatever you like to do .

  8. 我坚信如果没有杰克再次的来信我会放弃画漫画。

    I feel certain that I wouldn 't have tried cartooning again if Jack hadn 't sent the second letter .

  9. 现在,对我来说,画漫画仍然是一个富有创造性的过程。

    " Comics were my first love , and are still a very creative process for me ," says the artist .

  10. 现在他以画漫画为生,并且他的漫画在世界各地被印刷了成千上万份。

    Now he makes a living drawing a single comic and having it published in thousands of newspapers all over the world .

  11. 他转而报名参加红十字会,并被派送前往法国,在那里,他在自己所驾驶的救护车两侧画漫画。

    Instead , he signed up to the Red Cross and was sent to France , where he drew cartoons on the sides of the ambulances he drove .

  12. 我是孩子时经常画漫画书等等,拍电影就是把说故事和影像结合的方法。

    And I was , as a kid , constantly drawing comic books , and so on . So , film making was the way to put pictures and stories together .

  13. 大二生活还有着种种新的尝试,到山地去野营,把信手涂鸦的诗投到报社,还在课堂上给老师画漫画。

    My sophomore year involved experimenting with new things , such as camping in mountains , attempting to present some lousy poems to newspapers and drawing cartoons of my teachers in class .

  14. 活动期间,其他班女生也是花招百出,“千纸鹤”送祝福、绅士结领带比赛、送爱心早餐、为男生画漫画等。

    During the " Boy 's Day ", girls used all tricks to show their love to boys by giving gifts , folding " good wish " birds , bring them breakfast and drawing comic for boys .

  15. 您除了画政治漫画之外,还画其他主题的漫画吗?为什么选择政治漫画?

    Do you do other cartoons or only political cartoons ? Why Political cartoons ?

  16. 在洛杉矶下雨和我画的漫画。

    Rain in LA and Drawings I drew .

  17. 今天这幅由美国漫画家戴维-霍尔西所画的漫画,讽刺了消费主义与环保主义。

    Today 's cartoon , by American David Horsey , has fun at the ex-pense of both .

  18. 国画、油画、水粉画、漫画、蜡笔画均可。

    Chinese watercolor paintings , oil paintings , acrylics , cartoons , and crayon drawings are all acceptable .

  19. 其他特征,然后再加手画的漫画,终于创造了惊人的天然颜色看生活面貌。

    Other features are added and then finally hand painted in the caricatures natural colors creating an amazing live looking appearance .

  20. 今天我们来看吉姆·加纳(他为保守的《华盛顿时报》画时政漫画)是如何构思爱德华兹的。

    Today we see how Jim Garner , who draws editorial cartoons for the conservative Washington Times , envisions John Edwards .

  21. 他们三个一直想把这个场面画成漫画,而克里斯朵夫还想把它谱成音乐。

    was his catchphrase , and the three of them worked out a comic sketch around the things , which Christopher was thinking of setting to music .

  22. 您目前还看其他漫画家画的漫画么?画家并不透过画布来画出截量。

    ST : Do you follow any titles right now and if so , which ones ? The painter does not look through his canvas to determine the section .

  23. 我们将观察这些对象和广告、讽刺画、漫画、涂鸦、电视、时尚、民俗文化以及所谓的“原始”艺术之间的互动。

    These objects will be viewed in their interaction with advertising , caricature , comics , graffiti , television , fashion , folk art , and so-called " primitive " art .

  24. 作为一种新兴的公共艺术形式,涂鸦艺术具有传统和现代绘画、壁画、宣传画、漫画、卡通艺术、书法、舞台美术等多种艺术成分和功能。

    As a new public art form , graffiti art has a traditional and modern paintings , murals , posters , comics , cartoon art , writing , stage art and other artistic components and functions .

  25. 男孩子们以画老师的漫画取乐。

    The boys amuse themselves by drawing caricatures of their teacher .

  26. 更通俗的新闻报刊喜欢使用卡通画和幽默漫画。

    The more popular newspapers like to use cartoons and humorous drawings .

  27. 回去画你的漫画吧。

    Go back and draw your comics .

  28. 你给我画了本漫画书?

    You made me a comic book ?

  29. 如果你要给中国的读者画一幅漫画,你会对怎样的话题感兴趣?

    If you were to draw a cartoon for Chinese readers , who / what topic would you be interested in ?

  30. 记者招待会以后,与文化部长一同参观了美国空军博物馆,然后让本地艺术家查尔斯博格画了幅漫画

    After a press conference , a tour of the Air Force Museum with the minister of culture , then a caricature on Charles Bridge