
  • 网络vaccination;immunization;vaccine injection
  1. 方法编写《狂犬病疫苗注射须知》健康教育处方,对特殊人群强化口头指导。

    Methods To edit education prescription of " instructions for rabies vaccination " and intensify oral health instruction to special population group .

  2. 目的:了解四川省狂犬病暴露者狂犬疫苗注射后血清抗体水平。

    Objective : To study the levels of sero antibody by indirect immunofluorescence antibody technique ( IFA ) in rabies exposers after rabies vaccination in Sichuan .

  3. 小剂量HB疫苗注射次数对产生HBsAb的研究

    A Study on the Injection Numbers of HB Vaccine with Small Dose Inducing Organism to Produce HBsAb

  4. 所有患者在切除原发病灶后,接受每周一次的皮内DC疫苗注射治疗,至少8次治疗;CIK细胞过继细胞免疫治疗,每2周一次,至少接受4次治疗。

    After nephrectomy , the patients received intradermal DC vaccination weekly for at least 8 times , and CIKs administration biweekly for at least 4 times .

  5. 在纽约州,牙医,药剂师,急诊医生和其他医护工作人员将可以接受H1N1疫苗注射。

    Dentists , pharmacists , EMTs and other health care workers will be able to give H1N1 vaccine shots in New York State .

  6. ELISA检测结果显示Hp疫苗注射免疫蒙古沙鼠于第2次免疫后产生高水平IgG,第4次免疫后第7天IgG水平达到高峰,随后几周仍然保持高水平。

    The ELISA result showed that the high IgG level was induced after Mongolian gerbil was immunized with Hp vaccine and the IgG level reached its peak 7 at days after four immunizations .

  7. 剂量越高,效果越好。疫苗注射后腹股沟淋巴结的CD4+细胞免疫荧光强度高于对照组(P<0.05),而B细胞荧光强度降低(P<0.05);

    The flow cytometer results showed that the CD ~ ( 4 + ) cells from the groin lymph node have higher level of fluorescence luminosity in the vaccine group but lower level of B cell fluorescence luminosity than that of the control group ;

  8. IL一2基因佐剂与DNA疫苗注射于相同部位能使抗0、A型FMDV抗体增加约4倍:提高T细胞增殖应答约2倍。

    When the IL-2 genetic adjuvant together with the DNA vaccine injected at the same place caused fourfold increase both O and A FMDV antibody , and twofold increase T cell proliferation .

  9. 方法:将构建的乙肝病毒基因疫苗注射于C57BL/6小鼠胫骨前肌内,运用ELISA检测不同时间小鼠血清中抗HBs抗体。

    Methods : The HBV gene vaccine was injected into tibialis anterior muscles of C57BL / 6 mice . ELISA was used to detected the anti-HBs antibody in mice sera at various time points after gene transfer .

  10. 结果共检测出单项HBsAb(+)190例,HBV-DNA阳性率为8.4%,46例既往有乙型肝炎疫苗注射史,HBV-DNA阳性率为0%;

    RESULTS The positive rate of HBV-DNA was 8.4 % in the patients with only HBsAb positive and that was 11.11 % in the patients who had not been injected with vaccine ;

  11. 美国疾病控制和预防中心表示,在处于工作年龄的成年人当中,每三个人中就有两人拒绝接受每年的流感疫苗注射,同样比例的父母拒绝让年龄还小的青少年注射人类乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)疫苗。

    Two in three working age adults refuse to get the annual flu vaccine and the same proportion of parents decline the human papillomavirus ( HPV ) vaccine for young adolescents , according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

  12. 疾病控制中心(CDC)在二月曾表示,18到65岁的成年人当中,有2/3的人没有接受季节性疫苗注射,这个年龄群体的住院人数在去年增加了一倍,流感并发症引发的死亡人数也远高于平常。

    The CDC said in February that two-thirds of adults aged 18 to 65 had not had their seasonal shot , and that hospitalizations in this age group had doubled over last year . Deaths from flu complications were also far higher than usual .

  13. 今年早些时候,墨西哥爆发流感,人们排队集体疫苗注射,在发现的600个病例中,其中有90%的有发展为H1N1流感的趋势,而在印度北部,已经发现大量的H1N1流感病例。

    Earlier this year , an outbreak of influenza in Mexico prompted people to line up en masse to get vaccinated . 90 % of the reported 600 cases of flu were found H1N1 " s trend which has also been on the upsurge in northwest India .

  14. 卫生官员希望高位人群尽快接受疫苗注射。

    Officials want high risk groups to start lining up soon .

  15. 这次的新报告则注重更加实际的方面,比如疫苗注射和考试成绩等。

    The new study stresses meatier things like vaccination and test scores .

  16. 问题:你有否接受过流感疫苗注射呢?

    Questions : have you ever had influenza vaccine injection ?

  17. 你也要检查我的疫苗注射证明书吗?

    Do you check my vaccination certificate , too ?

  18. 一条德国物质牧羊犬布鲁诺来做每年一次的狂犬疫苗注射。

    Bruno , a German shepherd , arrived for his annual rabies shot ,

  19. 单用组366例,为单用标准乙肝疫苗注射。

    The366 cases in the second group received standard hepatitis B vaccine injection alone .

  20. 马铃薯外敷治疗百白破疫苗注射后硬结

    Effect of External Application of Potato Slices on Callosity due to DTP Vaccine Injection

  21. 他说,这样我们接受的疫苗注射就会更安全有效。

    " This will give us safer and more effective vaccine delivery ," he says .

  22. 请带备疫苗注射咭前来注射。

    Please bring along your vaccination card .

  23. 其它50个州对于学龄前儿童的疫苗注射方面有着管理条例。

    All 50 states have some kinds of regulations for vaccinations among kids pre-school age .

  24. 只有在这些人群接种后,老年人才被允许接受疫苗注射。

    Only after those peculations have been inoculated would the elderly be permitted to receive vaccination .

  25. 该法律允许儿童因医学或宗教原因而回避疫苗注射。

    That law allows children to skip vaccines if they have a medical or religious exemption .

  26. 在婴儿和幼儿中,大腿是接受疫苗注射的最好位置。

    In infants and younger children the thigh is the preferred site for the vaccine shot .

  27. 兽医及野生动物保护员等高危人士则应于接触动物前接受疫苗注射。

    High risk individuals such as veterinarian and wildlife conservation personnel are advised to receive pre-exposure vaccination .

  28. 你刚才看到的视频是,孩子们正在接受鼻喷雾疫苗注射。

    What you are seeing in the video right now , children getting the nasal spray version .

  29. 而在2012-2013年间的流感高发季节,因感染流感而住院的病例在接受过流感疫苗注射的孩子们中下降至12%。

    And in the 2012-2013 flu season , flu-related hospitalizations among that group dropped by 12 percent .

  30. 生产商已经让500个孩子接受了疫苗注射检测。而成年人只需注射一剂。

    The manufacturer tested the vaccine on almost 500 kids , says adults only need one shot .