
  • 网络Virus Invasion
  1. 干扰素(IFN)系统是脊椎动物抵抗病毒入侵的第一道防御系统。

    Interferon ( IFN ) system is the first line of defense against virus invasion in vertebrate .

  2. RNA干涉(RNAinterference,RNAi)是生物体内的一种通过双链RNA(dsRNA)来抵抗病毒入侵和抑制转座子活动的自然机制。

    RNA interference ( RNAi ) is a natural mechanism in organisms in resistance to virus invasion and inhibition of transposon mobility by double stranded RNA ( dsRNA ) .

  3. 即使是有强烈安全意识的计算机用户也时刻处于计算机病毒入侵的威胁下。

    Even the most security-conscious computer user is under constant threat from computer viruses .

  4. 1.respiratorya.呼吸的呼吸道是呼吸道病毒入侵的重要门户。

    The respiratory tract is an important portal of entry for respiratory viruses .

  5. 如聊天记录查看法,空间绕道进入法,木马病毒入侵法,综合IP追踪法等。

    Such as chat history view , spatial pass into law , Trojan viruses , synthetic IP tracking method .

  6. 在植物中,RNA沉默是一种抵抗外界植物病毒入侵的自然机制。

    In plants , RNA silencing exists as a natural defense mechanism against plant viruses .

  7. 本法可在选择性升高辅助性T细胞CD4的同时抑制细胞毒T细胞CD8,使二者比值升高,从而使病毒入侵后的机体保持良好的免疫状态。

    This method can raise the helper T cell , while decrease the cytotoxic T cell at the same time selectivity , making the ratio of the two goes up , thus make the organism of virus infection keep a good immunity condition .

  8. 转染重组质粒后C6/36细胞表现出对登革病毒入侵的抵抗性,从而复制出C6/36细胞对登革病毒的细胞内免疫现象。

    The C6 / 36 cells which were transfected by recombinant plasmid produced resistance to dengue virus invasion . The phenomena of intracellular immunization of C6 / 36 cell against dengue virus were replicated .

  9. HA以细胞表面的唾液酸残基(SA)为受体,是受体结合蛋白,并能激发宿主产生免疫反应,是研究禽流感病毒入侵宿主细胞的好模型。

    HA used cell surface sialic acid residues ( SA ) as the receptor is the receptor-binding protein , and can stimulate the host immune response , is a good model to study the avian flu virus from entering host cells .

  10. 例如Ddos、蠕虫病毒入侵等入侵手段都曾给我们的高校校园网络造成不同程度的破坏和打击。

    Especially in recent years , the frequent occurrence of the campus network security , such as worms , Ddos attacks and other attacks have to our campus network and the varying degrees of damage caused by blow .

  11. 目前,AIV致病机理研究深入,但仍存在一些机制未阐明,其中,血凝素蛋白(HA)是病毒入侵宿主的重要相关因子,并介导病毒吸附与胞膜融合。

    At present , AIV-depth study of pathogenesis , it is still not clear , there are some mechanisms , including protein hemagglutinin ( HA ) is a major virus invasion of host-related factors , and mediated virus attachment and membrane fusion .

  12. 一种能防止病毒入侵及传染的方法

    A Method of Preventing Computer Virus from Intruding and Infecting

  13. 轮状病毒入侵细胞机制的研究进展

    The Invasion Advances on Molecular Biology of Rotavirus Cell Entry

  14. 基因组是病毒入侵的敏感作用靶点。

    Genomes are targets sensitive to invasion by virus .

  15. 细胞受体是介导病毒入侵的决定因素。

    Cellular receptor is the crucial factor to mediate the entry of virus .

  16. 提出了一种基于免疫技术的计算机防病毒入侵系统。

    This paper presents a prevent virus intrusion system based on immunity technology .

  17. 呼吸道是呼吸道病毒入侵的重要门户。

    The respiratory tract is an important portal of entry for respiratory visuse s.

  18. 事实上,这正是病毒入侵人体时所发生的情况。

    In fact , it 's what happens whenever a virus attacks our bodies .

  19. 细胞抗病毒天然免疫是机体抵御病毒入侵的第一道防线,具有反应快速、普遍性、多样性等特点。

    Cellular antiviral innate immunity is the first line of host defense against invading viruses .

  20. 粘膜或者皮肤上的破裂处都可能成为病毒入侵的通道。

    Mucous membranes or breaks in the skin were likely alternative entryways into the body .

  21. 一旦感冒病毒入侵身体,即使非常健康的人也会很容易生病的。

    Een ery healthy people get sick easily once the cold irus gets into their body .

  22. 人体病毒入侵活的细胞后,就把它转变成制造病毒的工厂。

    Human viruses invade a living cell and turn it into a factory for manufacturing viruses .

  23. 计算机病毒入侵检测技术探讨

    Computer Virus Intrusion Detection Technology

  24. 病毒入侵及控制免疫系统有三个特点。

    Three main virus features have interfered with control of infection by the immune system and vaccination .

  25. 转录后基因沉默现象是植物抵御病毒入侵、保持自身基因组完整性的一种防御机制。

    Posttranscriptional gene silencing ( PTGS ) is considered to be one of dominant mechanisms of RNA-mediated resistance .

  26. 如果有病毒入侵毁坏你的文件,你起码可以恢复文件内容。

    If a virus destroys your files , at least you can replace them with your backup copy .

  27. 勤洗手,不要给病毒入侵机会。

    Remember to also diligently wash your hands , and not give the virus the chance to enter your body .

  28. 针对数字化校园面临的病毒入侵、黑客攻击和垃圾邮件等一系列网络安全问题。

    Aimed at confronting the digital campus viruses , hacker attacks and spam , and a series of network security issues .

  29. 它能够为用户提供安全可靠的数据中心,使用户无需担心数据丢失、数据窃取、病毒入侵等问题。

    It provides reliable , safe datacenter for storage . Users no longer worry about data loss , viruses and other problems .

  30. 保证最重要的是要保证网络的接入安全,使其免受来自外部接入或内部的恶意攻击,病毒入侵。

    The most important thing is to ensure that network access security and protect them from external or internal malicious attacks , viruses .