
bái yánɡ zuò
  • Aries
  1. 我们可以把AP看作是与白羊座,巨蟹座,天秤座,摩羯座,有重要关系的点。

    Think of the AP as a0 degree cardinal cross involving Aries , Cancer , Libra and Capricorn .

  2. 白羊座:头部、脑部、眼部、脸部骨骼

    Aries : head , brain , eyes , bones of face

  3. 白羊座:暗处的敌人将迫切地到处传播你的谣言。

    Secret enemies will be eager to spread rumors about you .

  4. 要知道,你手中的这个白羊座男生是非常有男子气概的!

    You 've got quite a macho man on your hands !

  5. 双鱼位于北方天空中白羊座和宝瓶座之间。

    Pisces lies between Aries and Aquarius in the northern skies .

  6. 白羊座会一口气吃光所有的巧克力。

    ARIES : Eats all of the chocolates in one sitting .

  7. 我们白羊座的人遇到这种事总是喜欢不顾一切。

    We Arians like to go head first into these things .

  8. 白羊座:本周吸引眼球不是难事。

    You will have no trouble attracting people this week .

  9. 逸白羊座女人把她的女儿了非常好的。

    Dat widder woman bring her daughters up very nice .

  10. 火相星座的特质使白羊座具有非常自信的自我力量。

    The fire element of Arise brings assertive " I " energy .

  11. 白羊座:说的越少神秘感越强,感觉也越好。

    The less said and the more mysterious you are the better .

  12. 一旦进入白羊座天王星移动,他可以有一些乐趣。

    Once Uranus moves into Aries , he can have some fun .

  13. 根据星座来看,她跟白羊座和处女座的人比较合得来。

    According to the zodiac she is compatible with Aries and Virgo .

  14. 白羊座,是你的生日。

    Go Aries its your birthday , Houston Astros Jerseys .

  15. 白羊座的人喜欢行动,他们可以成为很棒的军人。

    Arians love action , and they make good soldiers .

  16. 双子座和白羊座:这是你的最佳搭档之一。

    GEMINI & ARIES : This is one of your best matches .

  17. 相互循环以白羊座为始,以双鱼座为终。

    Aries starts the mathematical cycle whereas Pisces ends it .

  18. 白羊座总是购买一眼就看上的东西。

    Aries buys the first thing that catches their eye .

  19. 因为他是白羊座的嘛。

    That 's just because he 's an Aries .

  20. 我的星座是白羊座。

    Aries , the ram is my star sign .

  21. 天王星靠近白羊座的月角将会导致不安和古怪的行为。

    Uranus near the cusp of Aries will cause unrest and erratic behavior .

  22. 白羊座的人喜欢冒险,无所畏惧。

    Arians love adventure and almost have no fear .

  23. 你是否与白羊座的男生堕入爱河了?

    Are you in love with an Aries man ?

  24. 白羊座,巨蟹座,天秤座,摩羯座。

    Aries , Cancer , Libra and Capricorn .

  25. 白羊座的人喜欢有很多的疑难杂症。

    Aries people like having lots of problems .

  26. 白羊座要多喝水,并注意适当的放松。

    They should drink plenty of water , and get adequate rest and relaxation .

  27. 对于白羊座,刚巧“在你的”我的第1宫。

    For Aries , it happens in your first house of " me " .

  28. 白羊座每日运势--7.29

    Aries : Your daily horoscope - July 29

  29. 白羊座的你可能觉得观看极限运动比赛正和胃口。

    Aries may find that watching extreme sports competitions are right up your alley .

  30. 天生就想当英雄的白羊座人适合当兵、警察或营救人员的工作。

    Natural-born heroes , Ariens make great soldiers , police officers and rescue workers .