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  1. 这件灰色的喀什米尔毛衣应该可以和你才买的那件黑色皮裙搭配。

    This gray Cashmere sweater should match the black leather skirt you just bought .

  2. 本文主要论述皮裙造型设计及其结构设计要点,以及现代皮裙设计的风格特点。

    This paper mainly described the key points of pattern and structural design of leather skirt , and the style of modern design was also discussed .

  3. 在弗丽达·詹尼尼(FridaGiannini)为古驰(Gucci)设计的很多时装秀上都可以看到这种理念,包括2014年秋冬的台布渐变色和A字皮裙;

    It was visible , for example , on many of Frida Giannini 's Gucci runways , including the tablecloth shades and A-line shapes of leathers for autumn-winter 2014 ;

  4. 她没有请专门的设计师帮助她处理服装事务,哪怕是为她提供就职典礼服装,以及她离开华盛顿时所穿皮裙的埃尔维·皮埃尔(HervéPierre)。

    She didn 't ask one designer , like Herv é Pierre , who created her inauguration dress as well as the leather skirt she wore to depart Washington , to help her assemble her wardrobe .

  5. 淑女皮裙时间会克服你对皮革的恐惧。

    LADYLIKE LEATHER DRESS Time to get over your fear of leather .

  6. 皮裙款式设计风格与结构设计

    The Style and Structural Design of Skirt

  7. 皮裤和皮裙。

    Leather pants and leather skirt .

  8. 嘎嘎小姐当天晚上穿着一件超长的伊丽莎白风格式的红色皮裙,难道是为了表达对女王的敬意?

    Gaga arrived on stage to close the show wearing a red leather dress with a20ft long red train .

  9. 他骑一头绿水牛,戴有布满人头骨的头盔,穿老虎皮裙。

    He rides a green water-buffalo , wears a helmet studded with human skulls , and has a tiger 's skin for a kilt .

  10. 本文介绍了我国裙装的发展和皮装的设计特点,并着重介绍了日本原型法在皮裙设计中的应用。

    Abstract This paper described the development of skirt at home and the features of leather skirt design and the application of Japanese original-style design method for leather skirt design .

  11. 总有一天我会想穿皮的迷你裙。

    The one day I feel like wearing a leather miniskirt .