
  • 网络salt desert;Dasht-i-Kavir
  1. 本文对生长在新疆盐漠环境中的三种植物种子的萌发生态学进行了研究。

    Using seeds collected in Xinjiang , we studied the seed germination ecology of the three species .

  2. 亚兹德:伊朗中部沙漠中的一个城市。亚兹德是全伊朗的正中心,却处在沙漠和盐漠里。

    Yazd : the old city located at the heart of Iran , surrounded by desert and Gobi .

  3. 也有些一年生植物在沙质土、盐渍土、草甸土等特异性生境中各自具有有效的生态适应机制,组成沙漠、盐漠、绿洲林地与草地的一年生植物层片。

    Some annual plants respectively have special efficient ecological adaptation mechanisms , can grow in the peculiar eco-environments of sandy soil , saline soil and meadow soil , and form annual plant synusiae in desert , saline desert , oasis forest and range land .