
  • 网络Supervision object;surveillanced object
  1. 民事抗诉制度的合理性及其监督对象

    The Rationality of Civil Protest System and Supervisory Objects

  2. 二是监督对象错位;

    Second , the supervisory system is not coordinated ;

  3. 监督对象还应该包括作为交易员的雇员。

    This should apply to employees at the individual trader level , too .

  4. 审计委员会的主要监督对象是管理层。

    The audit committee mainly supervises management .

  5. 但是,在任何地方,董事、审计员和风险管理者都可能会屈服于群体思维,或者被监督对象所俘虏。

    But directors , auditors and risk managers can succumb to capture or groupthink anywhere .

  6. 健全完善会计法规体系,明确会计责任主体财政监督对象;

    The sound and perfect accounting statue system , the explicit accountability principal finance supervision object ;

  7. 在不同的控制权状态下,监督者、被监督对象以及监督成本也会发生相应的变化。

    Under different control power , supervisor , the supervised and supervision cost will change accordingly .

  8. 同时在其监督对象、涉及时间、内容方面又体现出监督的广泛性。

    At the same time because of its objects , time , content reflecting the universality of supervision .

  9. 本文是对民事抗诉制度的合理性及其监督对象的研究。

    This paper focuses on the studies on the rationality and the supervisory objects of civil protest system .

  10. 它具有检察权的法定性、监督对象的全面性、监督的主动性以及监督的双重目的性等特点。

    Its features include the legal prosecution , comprehensive supervision objects , active supervision and supervision of dual purpose and so on .

  11. 审计委员会作为董事会的下设委员会,也是监事会的监督对象。

    As one of the committee of the Board , the audit committee is also be over sighted by the board of supervisors .

  12. 证券发行市场是证券市场的重要组成部分,也是一国证券监管部门重要的监督对象。

    The issue system constitute one of the most important part of security market , which is also under strict supervision by the government sectors concerned .

  13. 有主体就要有相应的监督对象,在我国地方立法各具特色,因此立法监督的对象也是种类繁多、形式各异。

    The main necessary to have the supervision of an object , in our local legislation distinctive is the object of legislative oversight is a wide variety of different forms .

  14. 媒介也会加强自律,在运作中能灵活掌握批评时机,准确拿捏批评分寸,尊重监督对象的人格和尊严;

    The media will also improve the self discipline , grasp flexibly the chance and weigh exactly the proper limits for criticism , so the personality and dignity of the supervised is respected ;

  15. 第三节则在前文分析的基础上,从监督对象、监督方式、监督范围、监督权限、监督程序等方面提出完善民事检察监督制度的设想。

    Part three puts forward , on the study of part two , an idea about improving Chinese civil supervision system in supervision objectives , method , range , limits of authority and procedure .

  16. 在管理体制上,应明确立法机关、行政机关、司法机关之间的职责,对环保工作实行垂直管理,建立综合的决策机制,并将环保行政主管部门作为重要的监督对象。

    Management system : we should clear the legislature , executive , judiciary and the role of a vertical management of environmental protection , the establishment of a comprehensive decision-making mechanisms , and administrative departments in charge of environmental protection as an important monitoring targets .

  17. 最后,论文以对安全行为的分析为基础,从运行机理、监督对象分析、参建主体安全行为框架及保障机制等几个方面探索了行为监督模式在建筑安全监管中的应用。

    Finally , the application possibility of behavior supervision model on government supervision are explored from running principle , supervision object analysis , safety behavior frame of main construction market participants , main safeguard mechanism and so on several aspects , basing on the analysis of safety behavior above .

  18. 全面把握监督重点对象、重点领域、重点时间段。

    Fully grasp the focus of supervision , the key areas and time periods .

  19. 而要实现从现实到理想的跨越,则需要批判者自身成为被监督的对象,监督者自身成为被批判的对象。

    And from the reality to the ideal , the criticize should be supervised and the supervise be criticized .

  20. 既然监督的对象是政府权力,那么就必须拥有能够控制政府权力的力量。

    Since the object of supervision is state power ( strictly speaking , is the executive and judicial powers ), then the NPC must have the power to control the government .

  21. 监督的对象是由其直接管理的国家出资企业和由其授权依法经营国有资产的国有资产经营公司及其管理层。

    Its supervisory objects are state-owned investment enterprises under its direct management and the state-owned assets management companies that legally managing the state-owned assets by its authorization and also their management layers .

  22. 监督的对象是由其投资、控股的国家出资企业,即国有资产经营公司的子企业,包括国有独资公司、国有独资企业、国有资本控股公司、国有资本参股公司。

    The supervisory objects are the state-owned investment enterprises that invested and held by it , i.e , the subsidiary enterprises of the state-owned assets management company , including wholly state-owned companies , wholly state-owned enterprises , state-owned capital holding companies and state-owned capital share companies .

  23. 阐述了民事抗诉制度监督的具体对象。民事抗诉监督的对象是法院的民事诉讼程序,而程序包括有形的审理过程和无形的论证过程。

    Thus , the objects of civil protest system supervision should be juridiction procedure .

  24. 在线控制过程中,监督函数监督被控对象的状态,并在其评价指标超标时对PID控制器的参数进行及时调整。

    In the process of on-line controlling , the polynomial function is supervising the states of plant and adjusting three parameters of PID controller when the evaluation factor is beyond the evaluation mark .

  25. 人大监督的主体与对象;

    Supervision ; ( 3 ) The corpus and object of the P. C.

  26. 前台所做的各种业务就是农信事后监督核算和监督对象。

    From a variety of business is done by the Rural Credit Cooperatives after oversee the accounting and oversight of the object .

  27. 本文以财政监督体系为研究对象,尝试对如何设计一个符合社会主义市场经济体制和公共财政框架要求的财政监督体系做一研究。

    This article takes the financial supervision system as the research object , and attempts to make a research of designing the financial supervision system comfort to the socialist market economy system and the public financial frame request .

  28. 该文以财政监督体系为研究对象,以我国市场经体制改革和政府职能转变为背景,尝试对如何构建我国公共财政框架下服务型财政监督体系进行研究。

    This paper takes the financial supervision system as research object and takes the reformation of market economy system and transform of function of our government as background to carry on the study which tries to construct service-financial supervision system under the frame of public finance .

  29. 行政法制监督和行政救济制度的加强,监督对象和行政诉讼受案范围的扩大是新公共行政的必然要求。

    It is the necessary requirement of new public administration when administrative law supervision and administrative relief system are strengthened , and the object of supervision and the extent of administrative litigation are enlarged .

  30. 但是,我国目前关于刑事立案监督的立法尚不完善,主要存在监督对象单一、监督范围狭窄、监督手段乏力等缺陷。

    But , our country present about criminal case supervision legislation is not perfect , the main existing single supervision object , the narrow scope of supervision , supervision means fatigue defects .