
dào qiè zuì
  • larceny;crime of theft;banditry
  1. 她因盗窃罪正在服两年徒刑。

    She is serving two years for theft .

  2. 她因被控犯有六项盗窃罪而出庭受审。

    She appeared on six charges of theft .

  3. 那位年轻人被控犯有三次盗窃罪。

    The youth was charged with three counts of burglary .

  4. 那对夫妇被指控犯有重大/轻微盗窃罪。

    The couple were charged with grand / petty larceny .

  5. 哈格曼被控重大盗窃罪,面临2至20年的刑期。

    Haggerman now faces two to 20 years in prison on grand larceny charges .

  6. 一个11岁的小男孩犯了入室盗窃罪。

    An 11-year-old boy committed a burglary

  7. 他因盗窃罪受到审判。

    He was on trial for theft .

  8. QQ号码具有客观上的可管理可支配性,具有经济价值,属刑法意义上的“财物”,可以成为盗窃罪的犯罪对象。

    The QQ numbers are objectively manageable and governable with economic values , which means they belongs to the " property " in Criminal Law and might become the object in the crime of stealing .

  9. 增设单位盗窃罪的立法思考

    Legislation Thought of Increasing to Establish Act of Larceny in Unit

  10. 他被指控犯盗窃罪,但他逃脱了刑事责任。

    He was accused of theft but he beat the rap .

  11. 他因上次的盗窃罪被判刑六个月。

    He got six months for that last job he did .

  12. 论盗窃罪既遂的标准过失共同犯罪初论

    On the Criterion for Accomplished Larceny On Negligent Crime Committed Jointly

  13. 盗窃罪,古之即有。

    The theft , as one of the classical property crime .

  14. 他因盗窃罪(在监狱)服刑六个月。

    He did six months ( in prison ) for burglary .

  15. 侵占罪的认定及其与盗窃罪之辨析

    The Difference Between Maintaining Crime of Occupation and Crime of Theft

  16. 它是构成普通法中的盗窃罪的必要条件。

    It was an essential of the common law crime of larceny .

  17. 论盗窃罪的想像竞合犯

    The Imaginative Jointer of Offence of the Crime of Theft

  18. 盗窃罪与侵占罪界限的立法与司法考察

    On the Dividing Line of Crime of Misappropriation and Offense of Theft

  19. 盗窃罪与职务侵占罪在司法实务中都是比较常见的罪名。

    Theft and duties of embezzlement in judicial practice is common offence .

  20. 盗窃罪是一种典型的财产性犯罪。

    The larceny is one kind of typical property crime .

  21. 侵占罪与盗窃罪区分之相关问题

    The Difference Between Crime of Occupation and Crime of Theft

  22. 盗窃罪累犯加重处罚的司法解释不合法。

    Stealing a recidivist severe penalty judicial interpretation not legal .

  23. 盗窃罪法益新探&从物权角度考察

    New Opinion on Legal Interest of Larceny : Review from Real Right

  24. 盗窃罪在我国属于常见多发的财产型犯罪。

    Theft is a common type of crime of property .

  25. 我按企图盗窃罪逮捕你。

    I am placing you under arrest for attempted burglary .

  26. 犯罪既遂、未遂与我国刑法分则之规定&以盗窃罪为视角

    Completed & Uncompleted Crime With Specific Provisions of Criminal Law

  27. 他们到处散布谣言说汤姆犯有盗窃罪。

    They spread the lie everywhere that Tom was guilty of theft .

  28. 盗窃罪是一种常见的侵犯财产权利的犯罪。

    Theft is a common criminal violation of property rights .

  29. 盗窃罪意识到-只有防盗解决方案,提供真正隐形!

    Theft Aware-ONLY anti theft solution that provides REAL INVISIBILITY !

  30. 论盗窃罪的犯罪对象和犯罪主体

    Discussion of the Crime Target of the Larceny and Main Body of Crime