
mù biāo shì chǎnɡ
  • target market
  1. 我们认定有必要把目标市场从45岁以上人群调整为35–45岁之间的人群。

    We decided that we needed to change our target market from the over-45s to the 35-45s .

  2. 通过Internet确认目标市场的逆向信息分析方法及应用研究

    Reverse Information Analysing Method and Applying Research by Internet to Ascertain Target Market

  3. 这种新软件以银行为目标市场。

    The new software is being pitched at banks .

  4. FriendlyFish的目标市场是哪人?

    Who is the target market for Friendly Fish ?

  5. CT公司的营销策略突出客户化定制的品牌形象,以新兴的中小型商业银行和外资银行作为目标市场,进行整合营销传播。

    The target market of ATMs of CT Company is small medium commercial banks and foreign banks .

  6. 第三部分简单介绍了本文所借鉴的市场营销理论、企业战略理论、目标市场营销理论以及SWOT分析法等相关理论基础。

    Part three , introduces marketing theory business strategy theory and SWOT analysis .

  7. 研究了面向MC的目标市场的细分过程;

    Studying the subdivision of the market .

  8. 简要的阐述了GIS在目标市场选择、竞争形式分析、销售网络确定、销售渠道决策、产品供应调控等方面的应用方法和基本模式。

    It briefly describes the GIS application methods and basic modes in the aspect of objective market selection , sale network planning and so on .

  9. 为了能够扩大百特公司在安徽血透市场的份额,文章首先对安徽血透市场进行了细分,并根据SWOT分析法确定了百特公司在安徽的目标市场。

    At first , Baxter does market segment by the analysis of SWOT of Anhui province and find out suitable target market for the Baxter company .

  10. 在结合人人乐自身SWOT分析后,按STP的科学程序,进行准确的目标市场定位。

    Then it confined the situation of SWOT , according to the process of STP , makes an accurate target market positioning .

  11. 第三章对SC足球俱乐部由球迷和赞助商构成的消费者市场进行分析,指出俱乐部应锁定的目标市场。

    Chapter 3 studies on the consumers market consisted by the football fans and sponsors . It further decides the market that the club shall target .

  12. 运用STP方法为华汇公司选择细分市场,确立目标市场和竞争定位。

    Using STP method , detail markets are selected for Huahui ; target market and competition position is also identified .

  13. 该部分作者采用市场营销学的市场细分与目标市场选择理论以及采用SWOT分析法对现代商业银行市场营销战略理论进行阐述。

    In this part , temporary commercial banks ' theory on marketing strategy is explained by means of market subdivisions and target market options of the marketing , SWOT analysis method .

  14. 随后进行了市场细分,并确定了目标市场,提出了竞争策略,提出了S公司的4P组合策略以及CI策略、服务策略。

    Then the thesis puts forward competitive strategy focusing on target market and marketing combination strategy in4Ps of Company S as well as service strategy , CI strategy .

  15. 在此基础上,提出了ZE医院的目标市场战略,和以构建核心竞争力为主的市场竞争战略;

    Fourthly basing on the target market strategy and market competition strategy aiming to construct core competency of ZE Hospital is proposed .

  16. 市场分析部分则通过市场调查的方法对国内外市场进行分析,用波特教授的竞争战略理论和SWOT理论分析了行业竞争状况,最后又用市场预测的方法对目标市场进行分析与预测。

    Analyzes the competition status in the calling by Competitive Strategy Theory of Prof. Baud and SWOT Theory ; at last analyzes and forecasts the target market by using the method of the market forecast .

  17. 第三部分实务分析,主要围绕TF独立学院的背景与现状分析、环境分析、目标市场定位、内部营销策略、外部营销策略展开。

    The third part develops mainly on the basis of the analysis of background and the current situation , environmental analysis , target market positioning , internal marketing strategies and external marketing strategies .

  18. 在营销策略方面,利用STP分析来协助寻找目标市场和决定市场定位,同时亦对永亨卡中心进行4P分析。

    In marketing strategy , find out the market segment and position the market by STP analyzing . In addition , analyzing 4P of BWH credit card center .

  19. 第三部分,对祥和公司的建筑涂料市场作STP分析,包括市场细分,目标市场的选择和目标市场的定位。

    Part ⅲ: This part makes STP analysis partially for the building paint market of Xiang He Company , including the market segment , the choice and location of target market .

  20. 对3G用户的细分方法及3G目标市场的定位进行了初步的研究,提出了3G用户细分的体系框架和3G目标市场定位的考虑要素及初步的定位建议。

    The detailed classification method of 3G subscribers and the positioning of 3G goal market are studied initially . The architecture of 3G subscriber detailed classification , points for consideration on 3G goal market positioning and initial suggestion on positioning are proposed .

  21. 根据读者需求的差异性,运用STP营销策略进行市场细分,并选择某一最优化的细分市场作为新栏目的目标市场。

    The publisher adopts STP marketing strategy , and makes market segmenting according to the demanding difference of readers , then chooses the superior subdivided market as target market of the new column .

  22. Krugman市场潜能以上述因素为权重,将各目标市场消费规模进行加总,从而度量一地制造业产品的需求规模。

    Krugman market potential uses the above factors as the weight of the demand from all target markets , so as to measure the demand scale for the manufacturing products of the production place .

  23. Codify的目标市场是原型制作和展示工具,可以快速、简单(无需Objective-C的知识)的创建游戏和交互效果。

    Codify is marketed as a prototyping and demonstration application , which allows games and interactive effects to be built quickly and easily ( and without any knowledge of Objective-C ) .

  24. 本文研究的主要内容是北京移动3G业务目标市场的选择及营销组合制定,研究的目的是通过研究结果制定行之有效的3G业务营销策略,增强未来北京移动3G业务的竞争力,提高其经营ARPU值。

    The content of this article is the selection of objective market and marketing mix of BMCC 3G business . The objective of this article is that to enhance competitive of BMCC ~ 3 3G business and to increase ARPU in the future .

  25. 然后在对市场环境、竞争状况、目标市场细分以及产品分析的基础上,得出NCR公司现有主要产品的市场营销组合策略。

    And further , on the basis of market environment analysis , competitive state analysis , target market subdivision and product analysis , it explores and finds the marketing strategy on major NCR products .

  26. 理解定位的本质须从三方面入手:定位的理论渊源,定位与USP、品牌形象的关系.定位与目标市场、营销组合的关系。

    This paper shows that to understand positioning essence should proceed with three respects : original positioning theories , the relationship of positioning with USP and brand image , the relationship of positioning with target markets and marketing mix .

  27. Cusumano指出,随着时间的过去,大多产品公司当他们的产品在目标市场上占据主导地位时,便转向混合或服务公司,并且此时低价格的替代品也是可用的。

    Over time , Cusumano notes , most product companies evolve into hybrid or service companies as their products saturate target markets and lower-priced substitutes become available .

  28. 然后,根据以上分析结果进行语音产品市场STP分析,对语音产品市场进行细分,进行目标市场选择和市场定位,并得出广东网通语音产品的营销策略。

    To adapt to the changes of outside environment . Furthermore , the thesis scrutinizes the voice product market by STP analysis , chooses the target market , and finds the strategy that is the most suitable for the development of the GuangDong branch .

  29. 接下来,结合所学相关市场营销理论,如STP、4Ps等对SIM公司的目标市场营销策略、营销组合策略进行分析,最后为SIM公司今后的发展提出了相应的市场营销解决方案。

    Thirdly , the writer uses the marketing theories she learned , such as " STP " & " 4Ps " to study the target marketing strategy and marketing combination strategy of SIM . Finally , a marketing management solution for SIM is put forward .

  30. 通过进一步的对WX公司竞争战略的分析和对目标市场的明确选择,具体而详细地从产品营销策略、价格营销策略等四个方面阐述了WX公司伺服系统营销策略的制定。

    Through further analysis of the WX company competitive strategy and a clear choice of the target market , the specific detail from four aspects of product marketing strategy , price marketing strategies described the formulation of marketing strategy of the WX company servo system .