
  • 网络the Visible Hand
  1. 因此管理人员可以用看得见的手代替了市场看不见的手。

    Therefore the visible hand of the manager had replaced the invisible hand of the market .

  2. 钱德勒的《看得见的手》从看不见的手到看得见的手的过程详细论述了美国现代工商企业的起源及其特点,从而揭示了美国现代企业制度的变迁过程。

    Chandler ′ s " the visible hand " was detailed to discuss origins and its characteristics of the American modern business enterprise from " the invisible hand " to " the visible hand ", thus announced to public the change process of the American modern business enterprise system .

  3. 9、我们深处着力,把改革开放作为发展的根本之策,放开市场这只“看不见的手”,用好政府这只“看得见的手”,促进经济稳定增长。

    we endeavored to resolve deep-seated problems and difficulties , took reform and opening up as the fundamental way to advance evelopment , and gave full rein to both the invisible hand of the market and the visible hand of the government to promote steady economic growth .

  4. 相比之下,几乎所有亚洲各国政府都认为,市场那只看不见的手所具备的力量,必须受到良好治理(GoodGovernance)这只看得见的手的制衡。

    By contrast , virtually all Asian governments believe that the virtues of the invisible hand in the market have to be balanced by the visible hand of good governance .

  5. 从某种意义上说,IPO定价是平衡一、二级市场利润的杠杆,作为一只看得见的手,调节着市场各参与主体间利益的分配。

    To some extent , IPO is the leverage , adjusting earnings in primary and secondary security market , and coordinates the vantage division among take-partner in market .

  6. 此时,非常需要看得见的手&政府力量的介入。

    Herein , government-the visible hand-is urgently needed to intervene .

  7. 看不见的手打败了多只看得见的手&对当前宏观调控及房地产调控的分析

    An Invisible Hand Defeats Visible Hands : Analysis of Current Macro Economic Readjustment and on Property Market

  8. 看不见的手市场与看得见的手管理是制造业国企走出困境的出路

    Market ( invisible hand ) and Management ( visible hand ) are the Way Out of Stateowned Manufacturing Enterprise

  9. 最终得出结论:只有房地产市场的激励竞争才能解决房价持续上涨的根本问题,所以在强化政府这只看得见的手的作用的同时,不要抑制了市场这只看不见的手的作用。

    So only the invisible hand of the market can solve the question of the real estate prices increasing continuously .

  10. 在大量的公用事业中,人们试图用政府这只看得见的手,来校正自然垄断和信息不对称所造成的巾场缺陷。

    People try to adjust the market limitation caused by natural monopoly and information asymmetry by the visible hand - government .

  11. 到了自由资本主义时期,正如亚当·斯密所讲,国家只是充当了一个守夜人的作用,经济的发展依赖市场机制这只看不见的手来调节,而财政这只看得见的手未受到重视。

    During the period of free capitalism , just as what Adam Smith said , government acted as a night watchman .

  12. 现在大多数举措都着手于加强政府这只看得见的手的作用,但也许并不见效。

    While most of the movement is towards strengthening the visible hand of government , it may not all go that way .

  13. 既要发挥市场这只看不见的手的作用,又要发挥政府和社会监管这只看得见的手的作用。

    The invisible hand of the market and the visible hand of government and social supervision should both act , and act vigorously .

  14. 此外,有关市场能够自我调节、无需公共政策这只“看得见的手”的观点已彻底无人相信。

    Moreover , the idea that markets can regulate themselves without the " visible " hand of public policy has been thoroughly discredited .

  15. 本文认为以市场这只看不见的手替代政府这只看得见的手为宗旨的制度创新是土地使用制度改革的必由之路。

    It is necessary for the industrial land reform to substitute the unseen hand of the market for the seen hand of the local government .

  16. 人口问题属于国家级问题,必须由国家出面,用看得见的手去解决。

    Population problems are those at the country level , hence must be dealt with by the country 's government with a " visible hand " .

  17. 是人类管理之手,正是这只看得见的手(或称摸得着的手)绣出了人类文明秀丽的华章。

    It is the hand of management of human . It is this visible hand ( or touchable hand ) embroidered the splendor of human civilization .

  18. 要实现这一目标,仅靠看得见的手和看不见的手是不够的,应采用参与定价的方式才能得以解决。

    To achieve this goal , only by " visible hand " and " invisible hand " is not enough , we should adopt the participating pricing .

  19. 由于市场失效和政府失灵的存在,看不见的手和看得见的手只有相互协调配合,才能达到效率最大化。

    Due to the market failure and government failure , the two hands , whether visible or invisible , must coordinate each other to reach the maximized efficiency .

  20. 产业集群的形成和发展不仅依赖于市场机制,而且也有赖于政府这只“看得见的手”的调节。

    Formation and development of industrial clusters rely on market mechanism as well as the regulation of the government , which is a so-called ' visible hand ' .

  21. 二是要正确认识和处理看不见的手与看得见的手的关系,实现两只手的有机结合与协调动作;

    The second is to understand and handle correctly the relation between " invisible hand " and " visible hand ", combining and coordinating organically the " two hands ";

  22. 但道德调节机制并不是独立发挥作用的,它是与市场机制这只“看不见的手”和行政的、法律的“看得见的手”一起共同发挥作用的。

    But morality , which doesn 't act alone , interacts in common with market system referred to invisible hand , administration and law which are referred to visible hand .

  23. 混合经济是社会主义在经济上的表现形式,它是看不见的手与看得见的手的有机结合,包含有市场经济一般特征和内容;

    Blended economy is the representative form of socialism in economy and is the organic combination of visible hand and invisible hand which include general features and substance of market economy .

  24. 体育宏观调控机制是体育市场经济活动中看得见的手与看不见的手相结合在体育市场经济活动中发挥作用。

    Macroeconomic regulating mechanism in physical culture plays its role in the activities of physical culture market economy , which is the combination of " visible hand " and " invisible hand " .

  25. 因而在其经济运行过程中,传统的自由市场经济机制从一开始就受到政府干预这只看得见的手的强劲操纵。

    Hence , in the course of its economic operations , the traditional mechanism of free market economy has been subjected to the vigorous manipulation by the " visible Hand " - government intervention .

  26. 为解决这一问题,上世纪70年代之前的西方学者主张政府对自然垄断产品进行价格管制,借看得见的手纠正垄断带来的福利损失。

    To solve this problem , many scholars before 1970s proposed that the government should regulate the price of Nmps , using the ' visible hand ' to correct the welfare losses due to monopoly .

  27. 政府运用看得见的手来治理失业问题,手段可以是多种多样的,包括行政手段、经济手段、法律手段等。

    The government may utilize " the hand which can see " to govern the unemployment question . The regulative method is many and varied , including political method , economic means , and legal means .

  28. 人类经济行为不仅受市场机制这只看不见的手和政府这只看得见的手支配着,而且还受到另一只看不见的手,即习俗的调节。

    Human economic behavior is controled not only by the invisible hand of market mechanism and the governmental allocation of this visible , but by the invisible hand of another , that is the custom adjustment .

  29. 政府与市场,看得见的手与看不见的手同时操纵看当今世界各国的经济,几乎所有的人都知道应该把这两只手放在同一方向盘上,让它们共同把持经济发展的方向。

    Domestic and foreign economy at present is manipulated by government and market as well as planning mechanism and market mechanism , which should be coordinate to control the direction of economic development as almost everyone knows .

  30. 另一方面,发挥好政府这只看得见的手的作用,加强政策引导,完善监管制度,为保险业发展提供更加完备的制度保障。

    On the other hand , good governments to play only the " visible hand " role in strengthening the policy guidance improve the regulatory regime for the insurance industry to provide a more comprehensive system for protection .