
  1. 真值表方法是命题逻辑的一种重要的方法。

    Using a truth table is one of the important ways for proposition logic .

  2. 真值表方法在形式逻辑中占有着重要地位,特别在复合命题中,具有判定作用。

    The method of the truth table plays an important role in formal logic subject , especially in the field of compound assigning a topic , which is of judging function .

  3. 关于判定命题推理有效性真值表化简方法的引申

    On Extended Ways of Simplified Truth Table to Judge the Validity of Determining Proposition Inference

  4. 掌握真值表化简方法对判定命题推理是否有效显得尤为重要。

    To learn using this way is specially important to judge the validity of determining proposition inference .